The Influence of Learning Motivation with Technology-Based Distance Learning System (original) (raw)

Investigation of the Academic Motivations of the Students Studying Through Distance Education System in Terms of Some Variables / a Case Study of Sakarya University

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management

Motivation is one of the important elements for the sustainability of a behaviour. One condition of learning is that it leaves a permanent mark. One of the main references that will ensure this permanence in distance education is the academic performance of individuals. In this research, the students' academic motivations regarding online courses (virtual classes), who study through distance education system in some departments of Sakarya University were examined according to some variables, and the reasons for the low attendance rates in online courses (virtual classes) were investigated. The universe of the research consisted of students who studied at Sakarya University through distance education system while the study sample consisted of 660 students selected by random sampling method. Questionnaires and scales were delivered to the sample group via email. In the research, the "Academic Motivation Scale", adapted to Turkey by Karagüven (2012) and the questionnaire...


Unpublished Undergraduate Research, Initao College, 2021

This research has determined the relationship between the learner’s level of motivation and access to learning materials during distance learning. This study have sought learner’s personal data, learning materials used during distance learning, their learning motivation and the relationship between access in learning materials and level of motivation during distance learning approach. Theory-based design as well as a descriptive research design were employed to describe and interpret the data being studied. Primary information were gathered through distributing survey questionnaires to selected respondents which was an adopted and modified instrument on learning motivation. Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlation statistics were used for analyzing the data collected. It was found out that modules were the most commonly used method of accessing learning materials. Results have also shown that learners' motivation to access learning materials does not negatively correlate; rather, were both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated during distance learning.


The correlation between distance education motivation levels of students and their online experiences and satisfaction is studied in this paper; and the reasons of their satisfaction and dissatisfaction according to their motivation levels are described. In this study, 183 students, who were taking English and Turkish courses at Ankara University between 2013-2014 academic year through distance education participated. The study which was designed in the form of sequential mixed method research design, " Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory " and " Online Student Satisfaction Scale " were utilized to collect data and structured interview forms that were developed by the researchers and they were also used to determine students' online learning experiences and their satisfaction levels about distance education. Three motivation levels as low-medium-level-high were identified by clustering analysis. Logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate motivation levels and satisfaction data and content analysis was applied to evaluate the reasons behind their satisfaction. A significant correlation was found between the students' motivation levels and their online learning experiences and satisfaction. When it comes to the reasons of their satisfaction and dissatisfaction, the students who have low and medium-level motivation levels said that their dissatisfaction was due to lack of interaction and negative perceptions and their dependence on conventional education. On the other hand, the students who have high motivation stated that their satisfaction was because it is free from time and space, suitable for reviews, provides effective learning and meets the requirements of this age. The students who were not satisfied in three different motivation levels mentioned the problems of internet access and lack of synchronization between the picture and the sound in the videos.

The Effect of Online Learning Towards Learning Motivation of University Students on Social Student Course

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

This study aims to determine the effect of online learning toward the learning motivation of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) students in social studies learning. The research approach used is quantitative research, ex post facto type. The research population was 316 students at Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) at Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta. The research sample was 118 students. Data obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. The results of the regression test with a simple linear test showed a sig value of 0.827, with the criteria Sigα (0.05) this means that there is no effect of variable X (online learning) on variable Y (learning motivation). Thus, this study concludes that there is no significant negative effect of online learning on students' learning motivation. Of the four indicators of learning motivation, namely a sense of resp...

The Effectiveness Online Learning toward Students’ Motivation at FKIP University of Riau

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

At this time the world is shocked by the outbreak of a disease caused by a virus called corona or better known as Covid-19 (Corona Virus diseases-19). This policy has a major impact on the wheels of human life, one of which has an impact in the field of higher education Especially in FKIP students of Riau University. This study aims to analyze the effect of the effectiveness of online learning as a result of covid-19 on student learning motivation in the FKIP environment of Riau University.This study was conducted to show the effect of the effectiveness of online learning on student motivation at FKIP Riau University. The Methodology in this study is a quantitative approach with multiple linear reggresions models. The sample is 615 student at FKIP Riau University. The research instrument was a closed questionnaire based on likert using google form. Hypothesis testing using t test dan f test. The results showed that learning effectiveness had a positive and significant effect of 75....

The Relationship Between Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Biology Subject Through Distance Learning

International Journal of STEM Education for Sustainability, 2022

This study aimed to determine the relationship between motivation and biology learning outcomes through distance learning in senior high school in Indonesia. The change in the face-to-face learning process to distance learning since the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on learning motivation that affects student learning outcomes. This type of research is descriptive with quantitative research methods. The research was conducted at one high school in Indonesia. The research subject consist of 80 students. The sampling technique was simple random sampling, which was done randomly, using an error rate of 5%. The data collection in this study used a questionnaire containing statements of students' learning motivation through distance learning using a Likert scale, and documents on students' biology learning outcomes in the odd midterm exams for the 2021/2022 academic year. The results of the Pearson product moment correlation test were obtained at 0.86 on intrinsic motivatio...

Online learning and students' mo A research study on the effect of online learning and students' motivation in IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 2020

An investigation was carried out to determine the strength of the relationship between online-learning and students’ motivation among the students who participated in this research. The objective of the research is to know whether online learning can increase the students’ motivation or not This research was conducted in State Institute for Islamic Studies Padangsidimpuan in which 100 students took part as the samples of the research. The samples of this research were the students in Intensive Language Program IAIN Padangsidimpuan. Questionnaire was applied to access the data from the students participating in this process. The data was stattistically computed by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The findings of this research proved that online-learning and students’ motivation have a weak correlation. Using Pearson Correlation Coefficient it was found that r=0.156 is lower than r table = 0.5. This internet-based learning poorly affected the students’ willingness to learn. ...

Motivation of Students in Participating in Online Learning in Social Science Subjects Class I Smpn 6 Palangka Raya

This study aims to describe how the motivation of students in participating in online learning in social studies subjects class IX SMPN 6 Palangka Raya This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used is data condensation, data presentation, as well as describing and verifying. The results of this study indicate that (1) In the implementation of online learning learning will take place effectively if students have motivation in learning and online learning is in line with innovative learning with learning characteristics that lead to an interactive, scientific, contextual, collaborative, and learner-centered learning process.. In addition to paying attention to the learning media prepared in the online learning process, there are many factors that need to be considered by educators in the offline and online learning process that lead to student learning outcomes. (2) In the online implementation, many students have low motivation to learn, for example, students ignore the explanation from the teacher when delivering material and there are also students who are lazy to take social studies lessons.

Factors Influencing Students' Motivation in Online Learning for Arabic Language Courses at UiTM Perlis Branch

e-Academia Journal, 2021

Online learning applications are an important medium in Arabic language education to replace face-to-face teaching and learning nowadays. Therefore, this study aims to identify the applications of students' interests in online learning and the factors that influence students' motivation in online learning for Arabic Language courses. This study used a quantitative study design using stratified random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire instrument and analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics software. This questionnaire used the Likert Scale 5 measurement of Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Not Sure, Agree and Strongly Agree to identify the applications that students are interested in online learning and the factors that influence their motivation in online learning for Arabic language courses. The sample involved in the study was a total of 216 students who took Arabic language courses at Universiti Teknologi Mara Perlis. This study suggested that lecturers should use ...

Impact of Online Learning Application and Lecturer Performance on Student Learning Motivation at Faculty of Economics and Business Warmadewa University

Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis JAGADITHA, 2021

Motivation in learning has a role to foster a sense of pleasure, passion, and enthusiasm for learning. The lack of learning motivation in distance learning is caused by the process of learning, where students can become less active in conveying their opinions and thoughts, causing a boring learning process. Student learning motivation is also influenced by lecturer performance. The purpose of this study was to examine student learning motivation in online learning at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University. Various methods are applied in distance learning activities, including the google meet application, zoom application, google classroom, youtube, television, and whatsapp social media. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires which were used as research instruments. Sampling was carried out using the saturated sample method or the census method, namely 48 students who took financial management courses as respondents. To test the research instrument, va...