“Portrait” of the receiver of distance learning services in the context of implementation of non-formal education of children (original) (raw)



The article gives generalized methods for the interpretation of the concept „online course scenario”. Attention is emphasized on motivating factors that are closely allied with methods of actualization of the interest; problematic questions; technology and organization of collaboration; planning of educational process; methodology of evaluation of the activity’s results; system of encouragement, etc. As an example there were offered the scenario of author’s online course “Circuit design” for students of universities and institutions who study “Micro- and nanoelectronics”. The article considers the structure of chapters, foreword, instruction for the course, plan of suggested activity, aims of studies, organization of work in small groups, rating evaluation of the activity, and also features of conducting of theme forums and discussions and reflection. There was given the universal plan-scheme as for development of the online course scenario.

Distance LEARNING-2020 and the Problems of Cyber-Socialization of the Educational Process Participants

Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University (Pedagogics), 2020

Аннотация Цель. Рассмотрение и анализ результатов дистанционного обучения, проходящего во время пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-2019, в контексте киберсоциализации участников образовательного процесса. Процедура и методы. В процессе работы использовались следующие общенаучные методы исследования: наблюдение, анализ и синтез, классификация, интроспекция, понятийное моделирование, сопоставление и др. Результаты. Проведённый анализ позволил выделить ряд психолого-педагогических, регионально обусловленных, социально-бытовых факторов и проблем киберсоциализации в дистанционном обучении. Авторы статьи приходят к выводу, что в киберсоциализации нуждаются представители всех поколений-участников образовательного процесса, а не только дети и подростки. Теоретическая и/или практическая значимость. Полученные выводы вносят вклад в теорию развития дистанционного (цифрового) образования в России. Ключевые слова: дистанционное (электронное) обучение, киберсоциализация, смешанное обучение, транзитивное общество, информационно-коммуникационные технологии в образовании 1

Дистанционното Обучение Като Педагогически Факт: Същност, Структура, Функциониране Distance Education as Pedagogical Fact: Definition, Structure and Functioning

Резюме: Дистанционното обучение като педагогически феномен е с твърде широки граници, което е резултат от богатия набор на възможности за реализацията му и все по-усъвършенстващите се комуникационни технологии. Това създава затруднения при избора на аспекти за анализ. Основните въпроси, на които е подчинен предложения анализ са: Как се определя дистанционното обучение като педагогически факт? Кои са основните му структурни елементи? Как функционира в реалността като специфично проявление на процес на обучение и на педагогическа дейност? Ключови думи: дистанционно обучение, структура, процес, педагогическа дейност Abstract: Distance education as a pedagogical phenomenon has too large margins, result of options for realization and increasing of opportunities of communication technologies. This creates difficulties in selecting aspects for analysis. Suggested analysis is based on following questions: How distance education is defined? What are the main structural elements? How it works...

A digital footprint as a mechanism of individualizing a student’s educational trajectory (on the case of the "Digital technologies of self-education" course)

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2022

Introduction. Digital transformation of the education sector leads to accumulation of a significant amount of digital information about the educational process. Analysis of a student's digital footprint can become one of the means of individualizing his educational trajectory. To personalize the progress of mastering an educational program, it is optimal to use the resources available in the toolbox of the educational institution. The purpose of the paper is to describe a model of an electronic training course based on LMS Moodle, which allows you to build a trajectory for studying a subject based on a student's digital footprint, as well as to describe the results of this course testing. Materials and methods. Modeling of the e-course was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the basic principles of individualization of the educational trajectory, described in scientific and methodological works. Testing of the course "Digital Technologies of Self-Education" was carried out on the basis of the Samara State Transport University. Nonparametric methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the obtained results. To compare the control and experimental groups, the Mann-Whitney. Results. The study revealed efficiency of including the mechanisms of individualization of the educational trajectory into the educational process. 86% of students completed their studies on time with a positive result. The number of students who continued to complete the course assignments after receiving the minimum points was 27%. The research confirmed the quality of knowledge and skills obtained by students in the course of mastering an electronic training course with the support of an automated mechanism for forming and assessing students' competencies. The study proved the positive impact of the course "Digital Technologies of SelfEducation", developed on the basis of the algorithmization of the process of achieving the goal, on mastering related subjects (p < 0,01). Practical significance. The proposed model for developing a training course based on LMS Moodle using standard system tools is universal and allows you to individualize the trajectory of a student's mastering of an academic discipline by varying educational tasks depending on the level of individual skills. Conclusion. Algorithmization and automation of the process of collecting and processing educational results of students frees a teacher from routine tasks, solves the problem of strengthening thematic and interdisciplinary connections in the learning process, and also enables to make the learning process more flexible and personalized without losing the quality of competencies formation. Students' understanding of their educational route enhances their motivation for learning, allows them to realize their individual needs in developing professional skills.

Means of Digital Technologies to Provide Continuous Non-Formal Education

Aktualʹnì pitannâ gumanìtarnih nauk, 2022

The authors define the essential characteristics of formal and non-formal education; identify their priorities and key differences that distinguish one type from another. It has been established that the difference lies in the fact that the non-formal education is an addition or alternative to formal education, in the official recognition or non-recognition by state or authorized non-state bodies of the qualification obtained on the basis of educational achievements. The article proposes an analysis of the components of non-formal education in the context of digitalization processes. It has been established that the spread of non-formal education in Ukraine is accelerating due to the introduction of open educational platforms and projects, and education is acquiring signs of digitalization. To implement the objectives of the study, theoretical methods were used, such as content analysis and generalization of scientific research in order to determine the main approaches to defining key concepts. The authors conducted research and analyzed digital platforms and resources for learning that are popular among Ukrainian users (applicants). In the course of the study, their capabilities, accessibility and effectiveness were evaluated. The experiment was conducted among students of the Kyiv Professional College of Communications (KFCO), Drohobych

The role and importance of teachers in the distance learning system

Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2021

Distance learning is a planned learning that does not require the physical presence of students and teachers in one place, which means that they are spatially distant from each other. In distance learning, which is organized for both students and adults, the teacher is an indispensable participant. Teachers are expected to follow the innovations and better themselves in accordance with current changes in order to educate students to live in the current moment. A teacher who teaches at a distance should not only have educational, communicative, digital, methodical, and organizational skills but also high digital competence. Teachers` digital competencies are necessary for using modern educational technologies and distance learning. The digital competence enables teachers to work with modern information and communication technologies in order to achieve their goals in the context of their work. It is of great importance that teachers have the ability to search for, gather, and critica...

Formation of Students’ Readiness to Work in the System of Distance Learning for Disabled Children

The Education and science journal, 2016

Аннотация. Цель статьи-выявление педагогических условий подготовки студентов к дистанционному обучению детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Методология и методики исследования. В работе использовались теоретические методы (анализ, синтез, конкретизация, обобщение, моделирование) и эмпирические методы (наблюдение за учебной деятельностью студентов, экспертная диагностика, изучение опыта работы). Результаты и научная новизна. Структурированы компоненты готовности будущих педагогов к работе в системе дистанционного обучения, составлены качественные характеристики каждого из этих компонентов. Выделены уровни указанной готовности и обозначены условия ее развития. Предложена модель формирования знаний, умений и навыков студентов в области дистанционного образования учащихся с особыми потребностями.

Educational work in institutions of higher education in the conditions of distance learning

New Collegium

The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the implementation of forms of educational work with students of higher education in the conditions of distance learning (from the experience of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University), based on the approach to education and upbringing as a single process, continuous at all stages of education. Traditional forms of educational work with students in a higher education institution (organizational, practical, verbal, active, face-to-face) were considered and it was proved that in the conditions of distance learning they acquire special features and even certain new opportunities due to the online format. Examples of such educational activities are given and the specifics of preparation and implementation of them are revealed at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics H.S. Skovoroda KhNPU. Meetings of the student team (in courses, in groups, meetings of student self-government bodies, etc.); festivals and comp...

Distance Education System of Elementary School Teachers: Theoretical Principles

Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Modern School, 2019

У статті аналізуються теоретичні засади системи дистанційного навчання вчителів початкової школи. Обґрунтовано закономірності та принципи функціонування системи. Розкрито змістовий аспект дистанційного навчання вчителів початкової школи, до складу якого входить: авторські курси, уміння використовувати сучасні інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, досвід емоційно-вольового ставлення до цінностей дистанційного навчання, досвід професійного становлення та саморозвитку особистості засобами дистанційного навчання, досвід гуманної комунікації з викладачем та з колегами в професійному середовищі. Ключові слова: система дистанційного навчання, дистанційне навчання, вчителі початкової школи, закономірності, принципи, зміст.


Sinteze, 2019

Корективни дефектолошки рад један је од значајних прступа у едукацији и рехабилитацији деце са сметњама и поремећајима у развоју, без обзира да ли се та деца васпитавају и образују у посебним или општим условима. Корективни рад, додатна подршка, обавезне ваннаставне индивидуалне активности или корективно стимулативне вежбе-индивидуалан су дефектолошки рад заснован на специфичним образовним потребама и способностима сваког појединог детета. Добици и користи од примене индивидуалног рада у специјалној едукацији и рехабилитацији су бројни; усмереност на једног ученика/корисника, каква је дата самом природом овог типа наставе или рада, није само проста просторна усмереност вишег степена већ је то и нова врста релације, комуникације и интеракције која ствара и нови квалитет и помак у развоју, откривању и доживљавању света око себе код ових ученика/корисника. Индивидуални рад, као приступ постоји у делу образовног система који је намењен образовању ученика са сметњама у развоју у издвојеним школама већ више од 15 година, а готово да је занемарена постојећа могућност његове примене у читавом образовном систему тј. у свим образовно-васпитним установама у којима има деце и ученика са сметњама и тешкоћама у развоју и учењу у инклузивном контексту. Инклузивно образовање у Србији, које се још суочава са бројним изазовима, треба да користи све расположиве ресурсе на адекватан начин. Корективни дефектолошки рад је недовољно искоришћен инклузивни ресурс у нашој средини и нашем образовном систему. Кључне речи: ученици са сметњама у развоју, додатна подршка, специјална едукација, корективни рад, инклузивни контекст.