Adult Colo-Colonic Intussusceptions with Lipoma as the Leading Point- a Case Report (original) (raw)
2013, Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences
Adult Colo-colonic intussusception is a rare presentation. Colo-colonic intussusceptions presenting as history of diarrhea and occasionally pain abdomen and undiagnosed for 2 months is unusual. We report a case of Colo-colonic intussusceptions diagnosed by USG abdomen and then colonoscopy and further confirmed by laparotomy the cause being a sub mucosal lipoma. DISCUSSION: Intussusception occurs when a segment of bowel (intussusceptum) telescopes into the segment adjacent to it (intussuscipiens). The condition occurs more frequently in children, where enlarged Payer's patches are the most common lead-point for the intussusception. Intussusception in adults is rare, accounting for 5% of all intussusceptions. The intussusception is associated with a pathological lead-point in 90% of cases. (3, 4) Review literature revels majority (58%) of intussusceptions in the large bowel had a malignant lead point (3,). Most often, this was adenocarcinoma, but, lymphoma and leiomyosarcoma were ...