Effectiveness of Whatsapp in Improving Student Learning Interests During The Covid-19 Pandemic (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Pendidikan Modern, 2022
The learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic must be carried out online. The use of media in learning becomes very important. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of using the WhatsApp application as a learning medium during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research subjects here are eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Bengkulu City. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out in the form of a questionnaire. The results obtained are that the use of WhatsApp as an online learning medium during the Covid-19 pandemic can be said to be quite effective with a score of 59.6% based on filling out a questionnaire by 15 class VIII students at SMP Negeri 8 Bengkulu City in achieving the goal. learning.
Premise: Journal of English Education
During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a very significant change in student teaching and learning methods.The government policy requires that almost all activities including learning activities at school be eliminated and replaced with online schools. One of the most used applications for learning in this pandemic era is WhatsApp. The general objective of this research is to conduct a comparative study on the use of the WhatsApp application as a learning application during the Covid-19 pandemic in elementary and junior high school students in English. While the specific purpose of this research is to find out the strengths and weaknesses as well as the constraints of using WhatsApp as a learning application. The research method used is through field observations using qualitative descriptive methods and also interview techniques to several elementary and junior high school students in the research environment. This is interesting to research further based on direct observations of ...
Students’ Views on the Use of WhatsApp during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study at IAIN Batusangkar
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), 2021
This study aims to describe students’ views on the use of WhatsApp in English Teaching Department classes during the covid-19 pandemic. The impact of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic is now beginning to spread to the world of education. This condition makes the students and the lecturers used online media or online learning much longer than expected. In the online learning process, WhatsApp is one of the most used applications. This study used qualitative research. The research population was all 270 students of the English Teaching Department of IAIN Batusangkar. The sample involved 168 students by using stratified random sampling technique. Slovin’s formula was used to measure the sample. The research instrument was questionnaires. It was designed in the type of closed-ended and open-ended forms. The questionnaire consisted of 21 statements. Then, to analyze the data from a closed-ended questionnaire, the researchers used Guttman Scale. Meanwhile, to analyze the op...
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During the pandemic Covid-19, among the many long-distance communication applications, the teachers at SMAN 5 Baubau choose Whatsapp Group as learning media which could be used on weak networks and also does not consume internet quota like the others. The objectives of this study was to find the using of this application as a learning media at SMAN 5 Baubau and the impact of this application on the distance learning process during the covid-19 pandemic. The present study used qualitative method. This research carried out in June - December 2020 at SMA Negeri 5 Baubau. The subjects in this study were 18 students at SMA Negeri 5 Baubau with details of Class X (6 people), Class XI (6 people) and Class XII (6 people). The instruments used in this research was interview. The findings showed that the majority of students did not have problems or obstacles in using this application. However, some students found it difficult in the learning process that depends on the chat in the group. Alt...
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2021
Covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact on learning practices in various countries. The Government of Indonesia conducts Covid-19 Mitigation in various sectors, including education. MOEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) issued regulations to organize knowledge using online learning at all levels of schools in all regions. Elementary schools in rural areas face obstacles in implementing online learning according to government regulations during the pandemic. Teachers use a variety of applications when carrying out online learning. Teachers use social media applications the most in education during this rapid change situation. One of the social media used during this mitigation is WhatsApp. This study aims to describe the response of learner's satisfaction in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, during online learning with this media. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using the COLLES questionnaire. This questionnaire was created using Google Form and distributed through WhatsApp Group to students. The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling of 123 students who joined online lectures using this media. The results of this study show that students are generally satisfied with online learning. Some aspects that need to be improved are at the level of appreciation, lecturer feedback during lectures. These results provide optimism for online learning as a new learning process in the modern era after Covid-19 mitigation ends.
WhatsApp as an ICT Tool in Higher Education- a Survey During COVID Pandemic in the State of Goa
The Coronavirus outbreak that began in December, 2019 became a worldwide pandemic by March, 2020. The education industry had to adapt to this new change in a speedy and most feasible way by shifting to virtual classes over the internet and other available resources. WhatsApp has turned out to be a boon in academics section where in all the teachers have their own subjectwise groups on the said application. This not only helps them to share the necessary information resources but also to have discussion regarding the subject matter. On the other side, this application allows easy access for the students to all the resources shared by the teacher, and they can share their assignments without much difficulty with their subject teachers. Therefore, it has become a primary tool for conducting teaching, learning and evaluation online. The researchers have tried to analyze impact of online classes and the efforts required by the students to learn online with the help of survey conducted with the sample size of 514. The survey questionnaire was grouped into 4 categories namely; Opinion on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) based Teaching, Changes in communication behavior due to ICT using WhatsApp, the main hindrance for integration of ICT (Information Communication Technology) in the teaching-learning process and disadvantages of using ICT for teaching and learning.
Use of WhatsApp Group as Learning Media in Higher Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Edunesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 2021
education in the current Covid-19 pandemic era must be shifted from face-to-face learning systems to distance learning. This online learning requires suitable and appropriate media without reducing the quality of learning. The purpose of this research is the use of WhatsApp Group as a learning medium in universities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is quantitative research methods. The instrument in this quantitative research is a research questionnaire. To find out the number of research results, it is known by knowing the percentage. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education, namely the existence of Covid-19, has changed the education system in Indonesia from various levels. Online learning was carried out after the ban on face-to-face learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Online learning is carried out by utilizing online media that is relevant to needs. WhatsApp Group as a learning media in Higher Education, which is an online media commonly used in...
WhatsApp use in Teaching and Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Period: Investigating the Initial Attitudes and Acceptance of Students, 2021
This study explores the acceptance and use of WhatsApp messenger for teaching and learning in senior high school during the COVID-19 pandemic period. This research adapted TAM as its theoretical model. The participants of the study were 62 history students from a senior high school in Ghana. The study also adopted a questionnaire as the research instrument. The data collected from the participants were then analysed using the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation analysis. The results from the study show that ease of use of WhatsApp Messenger, usefulness of WhatsApp Messenger, technological challenges, and student attitude towards WhatsApp Messenger use determines students’ actual WhatsApp Messenger use in teaching and learning. Additionally, the study found that student attitude performed a mediating role between ease of use, usefulness, and technological challenges on the one hand and student actual WhatsApp use on the other hand. It was suggested that future studies consider structural equation modeling using the same conceptual model adapted for this study. Also, high school authorities should consider equipping school libraries with m-learning technologies to facilitate teaching and learning.
Whatsapp as a Learning Tool During Covid -19 Pandemic: Advantages and Disadvantages
International Journal of Educational Best Practices
This present study explores the advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp (WA) as a learning tool during Covid-19 pandemic. WA is a messaging application that can be installed on smartphones and has many useful features. Researchers are interested in researching since many students and lecturers choose WA as an application for continuous learning while one knows that many applications are actually intended for learning. The design of this research was a mix method (quantitative and qualitative). This research involved 168 respondents as a sample. The instrument of this research was an open-ended questionnaire. To analyze the questionnaire, the researchers used the data analysis based on Miles, Huberman, & Saldana (2014). Three steps were applied: data condensation, data display, and drawing & verifying conclusion. The study concludes that most of the respondents believed that WA has more advantages than disadvantages. The advantages include it is effective and easy to use; the featur...
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal, 2020
Lately, pandemic covid-19 has changed the educational field including learning methods from conventional learning to distance learning. This shift needed more adaptation for all parts like stakeholders, teachers, and also students. Evidently, various efforts have been made by teachers in simplifying teaching and learning such as applying some digital technologies like WhatsApp App, an asynchronous communication to reach the students' presence with any spaces and time. This study aimed to describe and to evaluate the use of utilizing WhatsApp App in distance language learning for the English Education Department Students of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Yogyakarta. The research design of this study was a case study. Furthermore, this study gave the detailed information, description, and understanding deeply in relation to the use of WhatsApp App in remote teaching. Students' perception and the factors affecting the effectiveness were investigated through a questionnaire. The results showed that WhatsApp App can support and helped the language learning to be more effective and efficient for the reason that it was accessible and low technology for distance learning. The students were more responsive and enthusiastic in joining the class. Indeed, it has given more facilities and satisfaction in practice.