On the hydrography of Puyuhuapi Channel, Chilean Patagonia (original) (raw)
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Oceanography of the Chilean Patagonia
Continental Shelf Research, 2011
Chilean Patagonia is one of the most extended fjord regions in the world that covers nearly 240,000 km2 with an extremely complex coastline and topography in one of the least densely populated areas of the country (1–8 inhabitants every 10 km2). In recent years, the area has been undergoing somewhat intense pressure since several commercial projects in hydroelectricity, tourism, and commercial salmon and mytilid cultures have been developed, or are in progress. Concomitantly, several large research programs have been devised to study the physical, chemical, and biological environment of Patagonia, such as the CIMAR FIORDO, and recently COPAS Sur-Austral based at Universidad de Concepcion, that attempts to close the bridge between oceanographic knowledge and its use by society.In this introductory article we summarize the collection of papers comprising this Special Issue of Continental Shelf Research. These papers deal with aspects of regional oceanography and geology, inorganic and organic geochemistry, ecology of pelagic and benthic organisms, and past changes in productivity.►Chilean Patagonia is an extended fjord region covering ca. 240,000 km2 with a low population density (1–8 inhabitants per 10 km2). ►The fjord area is under intense pressure for industrial development that will impact landscape and natural resources. ►We summarize the most recent collection of research papers on the Chilean Patagonia that deal with regional oceanography and geology, inorganic and organic geochemistry, ecology of pelagic and benthic organisms, and past changes in productivity.
Spatial structure of hydrography and flow in a Chilean fjord, Estuario Reloncaví
Estuaries and Coasts, 2007
Underway current velocity profiles were combined with temperature and salinity profiles at fixed stations to describe tidal and subtidal flow patterns in the middle of the northernmost Chilean fjord, Estuario Reloncaví. This is the first study involving current velocity measurements in this fjord. Reloncaví fjord is 55 km long, 2 km wide, and on average is 170 m deep. Measurements
Hypoxia in Chilean Patagonian Fjords
Progress in Oceanography, 2014
Chilean Patagonia is one of the largest estuarine systems in the world. It is characterized by a complex geography of approximately 3300 islands, a total surface area of 240,000 km 2 , and 84,000 km of coast line, including islands, peninsulas, channels, fjords, and sounds. The Chilean Patagonia Interior Sea is filled with a mixture of sea, estuarine, and fresh waters, and is characterized by a two layer vertical general circulation. Dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions in these fjords were analyzed based on historic salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrient data from 1200 oceanographic stations. Horizontal advection of adjacent well oxygenated Subantarctic Waters (5-6 mL L À1 ) was the mayor source of DO in the deep layers of the Interior Sea. Incoming DO was consumed by the respiration of autochthonous and allochthonous particulate organic matter, as ocean water flows towards the continental fjord heads, reaching near-hypoxic (2-3 mL L À1 ) or hypoxic levels (<2 mL L À1 ). As DO declined nutrient concentrations increased towards the fjord heads (from 1.6lMPO4Aˋ3and1.6 lM PO 4 À3 and 1.6lMPO4Aˋ3and16 lM NO 3 À to 2.4lMPO4Aˋ3and2.4 lM PO 4 À3 and 2.4lMPO4Aˋ3and24 lM NO 3 À ). Overall, DO conditions in the Interior Sea were mostly the result of a combination of physical and biogeochemical processes. In all eastern channels and fjords, a low DO zone developed near the fjord heads (<4 mL L À1 ) as a result of larger allochthonous particulate organic matter inputs transported by local rivers. This enhanced organic matter input to the deep layer increased DO consumption due to respiration and overwhelmed the oxygen supplied by horizontal advection. Out of the 90 Chilean Patagonian gulfs, channels and fjords analyzed, 86 systems were oxic (>2 mL L À1 ) and four hypoxic (<2 mL L À1 ), but only at their heads. None were found to be anoxic (0 mL L À1 ). We found these DO conditions to be permanent features of the Chilean Patagonia Interior Sea.
Freshwater structure and its seasonal variability off western Patagonia
Progress in Oceanography, 2018
Climatological hydrographic data for the southeastern Pacific from the World Ocean Atlas show an extended low-salinity region associated with high rainfall/river runoff along the Chilean Patagonia coast. However, the structure and variability of this extensive freshwater area is poorly understood due to the lack of periodic hydrographic observations. Here, we use 15 years of satellite observations in combination with hydrographic data from Argo profiling floats to increase our understanding of the freshwater structure and its seasonal variability off western Patagonia. Satellite-derived seasonal fields of surface salinity from Aquarius/SAC-D and SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) satellite missions reveal a prominent coastal band of low-salinity water year-round (fresher during spring and summer). Hydrographic profiles from Argo floats confirm this coastal freshening. The major content of freshwater is located off central Patagonia, where the low-salinity surface layer dominates the stratification of the upper ocean. In contrast, the freshwater content plays a minor role in setting up the stratification off northern and southern Patagonia. A warm surface layer greatly increases the stability of the upper 500 m in the northern sector (especially in summer and fall), whereas cold temperatures in the southern region tend to damp zonal density gradients and decrease the stratification. Future studies at interannual scales are suggested considering the melting of Patagonian icefields since the 1960s.
Oceanographic observations in Chilean coastal waters between Valdivia and Concepción
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002
1] The physical oceanography of the biologically productive coastal waters of central Chile (36°to 40°S) is relatively unknown. In December 1998 we made a short exploratory cruise between Valdivia (40°S) and Concepción (37.8°S) taking temperature, salinity, oxygen, and current velocity profiles. Coincident sea surface temperature and color measurements were obtained by satellite. The results showed an area dominated by windinduced coastal upwelling, river runoff, intrusion of offshore eddies, mixing, and heating. Upwelling centers were found over the shelf at three locations: inshore of Mocha Island, off Valdivia, and off Lavapie Point. At these centers, equatorial subsurface water (ESSW) intrudes into the coastal waters, sometimes affecting the surface waters. Since ESSW has characteristically low-oxygen and high-salinity values, it is easily detected. Off Valdivia, runoff imparts stratification, while farther north, solar heating and reduced mixing may facilitate stratification. In some areas, even strong winds would not destroy the stratification imparted by the advection of buoyancy that occurs during the upwelling process. Strong equatorward currents (>1 m s À1 ) in the form of an upwelling jet were found off Lavapie Point. This is also the location of an intruding anticyclone. Elsewhere, currents were mainly northward but highly variable because of intrusions from offshore eddies. The sea surface temperature and ocean color images show a complex field of onshore and offshore intrusions combined with the effects of mixing on chlorophyll concentrations. The residence time of upwelled water on the shelf is estimated to be less than 1 week.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021
The Beagle Channel (BC) is a long and narrow interoceanic passage (~270 km long and 1–12 km wide) with west-east orientation and complex bathymetry connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans at latitude 55ºS. This study is the first integrated assessment of the main oceanographic features of the BC, using recent oceanographic observations from cruises, moored instruments and historical observations. The waters transported into the BC are supplied mainly by the Cape Horn Current, which carries Subantarctic Water (SAAW) at depth (100 m below surface) along the Pacific Patagonian continental shelf break. SAAW enters the continental shelf via a submarine canyon at the western entrance of the BC. The SAAW is diluted by fresh, nutrient depleted (nitrate, phosphate and silicic acid) Estuarine Water (EW) from Cordillera Darwin Ice Field (CDIF) forming modified SAAW (mSAAW). Freshwater inputs from the CDIF generate a two-layer system with a sharp pycnocline which delimits the vertical distribution of phytoplankton fluorescence (PF). Two shallow sills (<70 m) along the BC contribute to EW and mSAAW mixing and the homogenization of the entire water column east of the sills, coherent with Bernoulli aspiration. The central section of the BC, extending ~100 km toward the east, is filled by a salty (31–32) variety of EW. In winter, this central section is nearly vertically homogeneous with low nutrient concentrations (0.9–1.1 mM PO4 and 7.5–10 mM NO3) and PF. The temporal variability of seawater temperature from 50 to 195 m in the central section of the BC was found to be mostly dominated by the annual and semiannual cycles and influenced by tidal forcing. The middle section of the BC was less influenced by oceanic inputs and its basin-like structure most likely favors retention, which was observed from the weakly stratified water column at the mooring site. Toward the east, the central section bathymetry is disrupted at Mackinlay Strait where another shallow sill separates the middle channel from the shallow eastern entrance that connects to the Atlantic Ocean. In this section, a weakly stratified two-layer system is formed when the eastward surface outflow (salty-EW) flows over a deeper, denser tongue of oceanic mSAAW.
Seasonal hydrography and surface outflow in a fjord with a deep sill: the Reloncaví fjord, Chile
Seasonal data on temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and chlorophyll, combined with meteorological and river discharge time series, were used to describe the oceanographic conditions of the Reloncaví fjord (41 • 35 S, 72 • 20 W). The winds in the fjord valley mainly blow down-fjord during the winter, reinforcing the upper layer outflow, whereas the winds blow predominantly up-fjord during the spring and summer, contrary to the upper layer outflow. The fjord, with a deep sill at the mouth, was well stratified year-round and featured a thin surface layer of brackish water with mean salinities between 10.4 ± 1.4 (spring) and 13.2 ± 2.5 (autumn). The depth of the upper layer changed slightly among the different studied seasons but remained at 4.5 m near the mouth. This upper layer presented a mean outflow (Q 1) of 3185 ± 223 m 3 s −1 , which implies a flushing time of 3 days for this layer. The vertical salt flux was ∼ 37 tons of salt per second, similar to the horizontal salt flux observed in the upper layer. These estimates will contribute to better management of the aquaculture in this region.