Osmanli Devleti̇ Timar Si̇stemi̇nde İnti̇kâl Meselesi̇: Si̇vas Sancaği Örneği̇ (1573-1651) (original) (raw)

Osmanlı Devleti Tımar Sisteminde İntikâl Meselesi: Sivas Sancağı Örneği (1573-1651)

Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2022

Tımar sistemi, Osmanlı toprak rejiminin esasını teşkil etmekle birlikte devletin siyasî, askerî ekonomik ve içtimaî yapısı üzerinde oldukça önemli bir role sahip olmuştur. Bu sistemin en önemli hususlardan biri de şüphesiz tımar sisteminin bel kemiğini oluşturan tımar sahiplerinin tımarlarını mahlûl kılan sebepler ve tımar almaya layık olan yeni sipahilere boş olan tımarların intikali meselesidir. Fevt, feragat ve sefere gitmeme gibi nedenler bir tımarın intikaline sebep teşkil eden başlıca hususlardır. Osmanlı yönetimi sipahinin vefatı halinde tımarını oğullarına veya kardeşine ya da kan bağı olmayan başka bir sipahiye bazı şartlar dâhilinde tevcih etmektedir. Sipahinin tımarından feragat etmesi, hizmetini ihmal ederek sefere katılmaması ya da firar etmesi durumunda boşalan tımarlar çoğunlukla çeşitli seferlerde ve muharebelerde gösterdikleri hizmet ve yararlılıkları mukabelesinde yeni sipahilere intikal etmektedir. Osmanlı Devleti’nde tımar sisteminin işleyişini ve tarihsel gelişimini tahrir kayıtlarını içeren Mufassal ve İcmâl Defterleri ile tevcih tezkire kayıtlarının kronolojik olarak tutulduğu tımar Ruznamçe Defterleri sayesinde takip edebilmekteyiz. Bu makalede Sivas sancağında bir tımarın intikaline yol açan sebepler 36, 239, 392 ve 645 numaralı Tımar ve Zeamet Ruznamçe Defterleri ve 1066 numaralı Yoklama Defteri esas alınarak incelenmiş, defterlerin sağladığı verilere dayanarak bazı tespit ve değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur. Çalışmanın amacı Osmanlı tımar sistemi hakkında yapılan çalışmalara katkı sağlamaktır.

Budin Sancağında Tımar Rejimi: 1560-1561 Yılı Örneği

Öz: Bu çalışmada Osmanlı Devleti'nin Budin eyaletinin 329 Numaralı ve 1560-1561 tarihli tımar-icmal defterine göre gelirlerinin has, zeamet ve tımar şeklindeki dağılımı, sancak dâhilindeki tımar sahipleri ve görevleri incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak sancak gelirlerinin yaklaşık olarak üçte ikisinin has olarak ayrıldıktan sonra geri kalan kısmının zeamet ve tımar adı altında askeri görevlilere maaş olarak dağıtıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Abstract: Relying on the 329 numbered and 1560-61 dated Ottoman tımar-icmal tax registers, this article examines the revenue distribution of Hungary in the form of has, zeamet and tımar along with the tımar holders and their duties in the state of Hungary in the Ottoman Empire. The article reveals that approximately two third of Hungary's income was allocated for has income, which was spent to build roads, bridges and hotels or caravan lodges. The remaining revenue was allocated for military officer as zeamet and tımar income. GiriĢ Klasik dönemde Osmanlı Devleti'nin iktisadi, idari ve askeri teşkilatının temelini tımar sistemi oluşturmaktaydı. Devlet, tımar sistemi sayesinde hem asker yetiştirmekte hem de arazilerini işlettirmekteydi. Zira bu dönemde Avrupa'da olduğu gibi Osmanlı Devleti'nde de reaya, devletin ekonomisi için en gerekli temel unsur idi. Reayanın olmadığı topraklar işletilemez; dolayısıyla devlet, bu toprakları verimli bir şekilde kullanamazdı. Bundan dolayı devlet, reayanın toprağı ekip biçmesi ve sürekli ekonomiye katkıda bulunması için resm-i çiftbozan gibi bir takım vergiler ile önlem almaktaydı. Tımar sistemi dahilinde eyalet, sancak, nahiye ve köy olarak ayrılan idari birimler ve buraların gelirleri belirli aralıklarla yapılan tahrirler neticesinde ayrıntılı bir şekilde tespit edilerek kayıt altına alınırdı. Mufassal tahrirlerden sonra elde edilen gelirler-biraz sonra Budin Sancağı örneğinde de görüleceği gibi-has, zeamet ve tımar olmak üzere miktarlarına göre üç kısma ayrılarak tevcih edilen kimselerin isimleri ile gelir miktarları tımar-icmal defterlerine kaydedilirdi. Şüphesiz tımar icmal defterleri idari ünitenin toplam gelirinin kabaca kimlere dağıtıldığını göstermesi açısından son derece önemli kaynaklardır. Biz bu çalışmamızda Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi'nde bulunan 329 Numaralı ve 1560-1561 tarihli tımar icmal defterine göre Budin Sancağı'nın gelirlerinin

Osmanlı Timar Sisteminin Uygulanışında Yaşanan Problemlere Dair Bazı Tespitler

Genel Türk Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021

In terms of the active functioning of the system, manorialism system, one of the main elements of military system of Ottoman Empire from the beginning of XIV th century until the end of XVII th century, has been an important factor determining agricultural economic life order in the land where demesne is applied within the empire, taxing methods, relation and responsibilities between military members and the public. Another factor in manorialism seen in the economies based on agriculture is that state administration forms socioeconomic policies. Due to the fact that agricultural of economy has played a serious role on the government of economy manorialism covered which lands have become a factor the state of policy. In other words, taken of decisions in the council have been significance about agriculture of policy of permanence and applications of these decisions determined the relations to betweeen the community and official. Various resources of Ottoman Empire have revealed this system having the origin of Turkish-Islamic nations but also showing traces from the previous nations in the land they were expanded. Main character of the system is found in the brief, records of cadastral record system which was one of the main applications of Ottoman bureaucracy as well as developments, irregularities, malfunctions during cadastral recording or distribution of the land, muhimme records including one copy of decisions taken in Imperial Council where state matters discussed in specific days in Istanbul, the capital of the empire. The fact that these records were enregistered in the state centre and the orders were recorded in accordance with the decision of Sultan make these records credible resource for research on manorialism system as well as other fields of Ottoman history. Cadastral record books and grant booklets which are the main archive resources for studies in terms of examination of manorialism system are significant to present previous state of manorialism, the landowners at the recording time, where and how much land they got, military responsibilities of related people and miscellaneous details. These documents allow us to reach more detailed information of the content of the system about malfunctions in the application of the system, irregularities, decisions taken in the council for the applications regarding crime issues and other social in the manor areas. However, we must clarify that judgement and decree copies in the muhimme books showed that final decision was taken for the issues discussed in the council. On the other hand, it should not lead the opinion that the issue was solved immediately. Thus, the fact there are records in the different books about the same case or issue should be the sign that it took long time to solve the related issue. Therefore, this study evaluates issues in the Ottoman manorialism system evaluating muhimme decrees in terms of application of manorialism system which is the backbone of Ottoman administrative and economic organisation.

Askeri Dönüşüm Çağında Osmanlı Timar Sistemi (1645-1739)

Askeri Dönüşüm Çağında Osmanlı Timar Sistemi (1645-1739), 2024

This dissertation is monographic research on the quantity, quality, and dissemination of Ottoman timar system between 1645 and 1739 which was the age of last Ottoman land acquirements. Timar system was a fundamental institution which had existed since the first stages of Ottoman empire, expands with it and which, until the XVIIth century, covers almost half of the army and tax resources. Size and capacity of the system came under question in 17th century which was shaped by the phenomenon of military transformation. However, it is known that the system subsisted until 19th century. Hence, a big question emerges: how did it pass the compelling challenges of 17th century? Examination of various sides of this question is the backbone of this study. In that manner, majority of the thesis follows the fiscal magnitude of the timar, region by region, in just the beginning of the 18th century. Locating timar in fiscal area, is important as it contains results regarding relationship between monetization and military transformation and regarding contextual dynamism of the rural administration. Another problem that the study deals with is the quantity and circumstance of timariot soldiers in the army between 1645-1739. As the outcome of the endeavour on these subjects, the study made discoveries on the agminal size and power of timar. Analysis of battle forms, financial powers, gears and equipment of timariot soldiers of this period is remarkable in the sense of clarifying the figure of timariot cavalry in the mind and positioning the timar in the issue of military transformation.

Osmanli Devleti’Nde İpti̇dai̇ Mekteplerin Yayginlaştirilmasi Mi̇di̇lli̇ Sancaği ÖRNEĞİ(1885-1913)

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2023

Lesbos Island has been one of the most important sanjaks of Eyalet (province) of the Archipelago (Eyālet-i Cezāyir-i Baḥr-i Sefīd in Ottoman Turkish) which also served as the provincial center for a while, with its proximity to the capital Istanbul, due to its location. The income of the olive groves on the island with the economic wealth is also allocated to education. Primary schools were studied both in the center and in Molova, which is a district, and in the villages. Although they are in the same geography as a place, the answer to this question is tried to be given in what way the Greek primary schools and Islamic schools differ. It is also noteworthy that the state did not allow the opening of a French Catholic school due to the influence of the French missionary, although she did not have any citizens. It is also noteworthy that the state did not allow the opening of a French Catholic school due to the influence of the French missionar y, although she did not have any citizens. Unfortunately, the most important issue for education has been the lack of financial resources. The number of students in the schools and the conditions of admission to the school, the grades the students took, the courses given in different classes were also reflected in the archive records. The teachers of the primary school, the appointment of the teachers, their personal rights, retirement status and education inspectors are other issues that are also mentioned. The aim of our article is to explain in detail how the primary schools were operating in the Ottoman Empire and how a change took place in primary schools in the newly established Republic period and today. The main material of our article is more than one hundred and twenty archival documents in the Ottoman Archives of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey and the studies written about Lesbos.

Osmanlı Tarihyazımındaki İntihallere Bir Örnek: Silahdâr'ın Nusretnâmesi'ndeki Edirne Vakası Anlatımı


534 the incident, which started in the capital, and he had no chance to witness the event in person. However, in Nusretnâme, he offers a very detailed narrative. The article shows that Silahdar Mehmed Ağa, with some changes, plagiarized passages from a newly discovered chronicle of Rahıki Ali Çelebi which was written a couple of months after the Edirne Incident, and discusses the reasons of Silahdar Mehmed Ağa's silence about his source.