Elastofibroma Dorsi, a Rare Condition, with Challenging Diagnosis. Case Report and Literature Review (original) (raw)
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Bilateral elastofibroma dorsi: a case report of an uncommon and under-diagnosed tumor
Kardiochirurgia i torakochirurgia polska = Polish journal of cardio-thoracic surgery, 2015
Elastofibroma dorsi is a rare benign tumor of the back, located between the latissimus dorsi and the rhomboid muscle. In most cases it is unilateral, but in up to 10% it occurs on both sides. The etiology is still in discussion. Here we report a case of a 51-year-old man with bilateral elastofibroma dorsi. The therapy of choice was surgical resection. No long-term complications were reported in a 6-month follow-up.
Bilateral elastofibroma dorsi. A case report and review of the literature
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 2009
Elastofibroma is a rare benign soft tissue lesion, typically located deep under the lower pole of the scapula. It is characterized by a fibrous and adipose tissue proliferation and most frequently affects older females. Its characteristic location and its specific aspect in imaging studies most often provides the diagnosis following an incidental discovery. Nevertheless, anatomic and pathologic confirmation is necessary to formally rule out a malignant tumor diagnosis. We report a 66-year-old woman original observation; this lady's occupation involved a number of strenuous manual activities; she consulted for chronic pain related to a left subscapular mass. MRI demonstrated, in fact, two symmetrical tumor masses under each scapula. The only symptomatic lesion was surgically excised.
Elastofibroma dorsi: a review of 42 cases
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2014
Bu çalışmada, elastofibroma dorsiye yönelik cerrahi sonuçlarımız gözden geçirildi. Ça lış ma pla nı: Ocak 2005-Aralık 2012 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde ameliyat edilen toplam 42 hasta (33 kadın, 9 erkek; ort. yaş 59.7 yıl; dağılım 31-77 yıl) çalışmaya alındı. Başka neden ile yapılan torakotomide rastlanan iki olgu dışında tüm olgularda ağrı, şişlik ya da omuz hareketlerinde kısıtlılık yakınmaları vardı. Tümörler 23 hastada iki taraflı idi (%55). Hastaların tümü ameliyat edildi. Bul gu lar: Ameliyat sonrası komplikasyon altı hastada seroma, bir hastada pnömotoraks, bir hastada da sekizinci ayda lokal nüks idi. So nuç: Elastofibroma dorsi olgularında tanı kesin ise ve klinik bulgu bulunmuyorsa, asemptomatik olgular takip edilebilir. Ancak semptomatik olgular veya tanıda şüphe olan olgular ameliyat edilmelidir. Anah tar söz cük ler: Göğüs duvarı tümörü; elastofibroma dorsi; yumuşak doku tümörü. Background: This study aims to review our surgical results of elastofibroma dorsi. Methods: Between January 2005 and December 2012, a total of 42 patients (33 females, 9 males; mean age 59.7 years; range 31 to 77 years) who were operated in our clinic were included. All patients were admitted with complaints of pain, swelling or limited range of motions of the shoulder range except two cases who underwent thoracotomy for other reasons. Twenty three patients (55%) had bilateral tumors. All patients were operated. Results: Postoperative complications were seroma in six patients, pneumothorax in one and local recurrence in one at eight months. Conclusion:If diagnosis is definitive without any clinical signs in elastofibroma dorsi cases, asymptomatic cases can be followed up. However, symptomatic cases or those with a suspected diagnosis should be operated.
Elastofibroma dorsi is a stiff, slow growing, cresent shaped pseudotumor of elder age group. It has been showing fibraelastic proliferation and arising from subscapular or infrascapular region. A 72 year-old female with bilateral elastofibroma dorsi is reported. The aim of this study is to point out the importance of elastofibroma dorsi to the comparatively less experienced clinicians and radiologists and to discuss the best way to diagnose this tumor. In addition, we would like to emphasize that elastofibroma dorsi is not so uncommon tumor but it is just not recognized enough yet, contrary to many reported case reports and articles.
Bilateral Elastofibroma Dorsi: A Case From General Practice
Cureus, 2022
Elastofibroma is a benign soft tumor that is composed of elastic fibers in a background of collagenous and adipose tissue. However, the presence of multiple elastofibromas is considered a rare occasion. We report the case of a 39-year-old man who presented to our general practice clinic with a complaint of upper back swelling for the last three months. The swelling was completely painless. It was not associated with ulceration of the overlying skin. He reported that the swelling had not been increasing in size. There was no history of anorexia, weight loss, or preceding trauma. On examination, both shoulders had a normal range of motion with no restriction due to the mass lesions. To further characterize the mass lesions, the patient underwent a computed tomography scan of the thorax. It demonstrated bilateral lenticular subscapular mass lesions that were ill-defined but had similar attenuation to that of adjacent skeletal muscle along with the presence of interspersed streaks of fa...
Elastofibroma dorsi: Review of eight cases
Surgery Today, 2010
Purpose. Elastofi broma dorsi (ED) is a rare, benign soft tissue tumor arising from connective tissue and usually found in the subscapular region. We conducted this retrospective study to contribute to a better understanding of this tumor, the pathogenesis of which is still unclear. Methods. We reviewed the medical records of eight patients treated for ED at our institution between 2003 and 2008. Results. All patients were right-handed and all except one were female. The tumor was located on the right in two patients, on the left in one, and bilaterally in fi ve. All patients underwent complete marginal resections. The resected tumors ranged in size from 5 cm to 12 cm. The only postoperative complication was seroma, observed in two patients. No recurrences have been observed in follow-up ranging from 15 days to 5 years. Conclusions. We could not establish a relationship between the side of the dominant hand and the tumor location. If this tumor becomes symptomatic, local excision is the best treatment; however, as malignant transformation has not been reported, follow-up is recommended for asymptomatic lesions.
Elastofibroma dorsi - A case report and review of literature
International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2004
Elastofibroma dorsi (ED) is an uncommon benign soft tissue tumor with an uncertain pathogenesis. It mostly occurs in the infrascapular region of elderly people with a female predominance. Typically bilateral, ED can also be unilateral. While many patients remain asymptomatic, ED can be responsible of a periscapular arch source of ache. The diagnosis of ED is set on magnetic resonance imaging, and the pathological study ensures the diagnosis after surgical excision and establishes the differential diagnosis with malignant neoplasic process. The prognosis is excellent with extremely rare recurrence cases. Herein we report a case of a 54-years-old woman with a bilateral painful ED. The diagnosis was based on clinical and MRI findings that revealed bilateral tumors. Surgery was decided due to the symptomatic nature of the tumors. Pathological study confirmed the diagnosis. The post operative course was uncomplicated. We update through a review of the literature aspects of the diagnostic and therapeutic care of Elastofibroma dorsi.