Peran Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah dalam Menanamkan Paham Moderasi Beragama di Bidang Pendidikan dan Dakwah (original) (raw)
This article elaborates the role of the As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren - Ponpes) in creating religious moderation in education and preaching in Sulawesi. This research is descriptive. The subject of this research is the As'adniyah Islamic Boarding School in East Sulawesi, Indonesia. The findings of the As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School have implemented religious moderation in the field of education, seen in the objectives of education, educational materials, and educational methods. In contrast, in the field of preaching, it is also seen in the objectives of preaching, preaching materials, and methods of preaching. The preaching of religious moderation includes the emergence of an attitude of openness from the As'adiyah academia and community to accept the differences that occur, the avoidance of the As'adiyah residents from the ideas of the radicalism of terrorism, and the emergence in the lives of the As'adiyah residents a friendly, wi...