Hubungan Kecanduan Bermain Game Online Dengan Motivasi Belajar Pada Siswa SMP DI Kota Bandar Lampung Tahun 2019 (original) (raw)
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara kecanduan game online dengan prestasi belajar siswa/i pada siswa/i MAPN-4 Medan. Dimana yang menjadi subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa/i MAPN-4 Medan dengan sampel sebanyak 70 siswa/i. Dengan pengambilan sampel melalui tekni random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala likert yang terdiri dari satuskala yaitu kecanduan game online dan dan prestasi belajar menggunakan skala dekomendasi seperti nilai raport. Metode analisa data yang digunakan adalah Analisis Korelasi Product Moment. Diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara kecanduan game online dengan prestasi belajar siswa/i MAPN-4 Medan. Dengan nilai (Rxy)=-0,574 dan nilai p = 0,000 < 0,005. Kecanduan game online memberikan kontribusi sebesar 32,9%. Ini berarti masih terdapat 67,1% pengaruh dari faktor lain terhadap kecanduan game online. Dari hasil tersebut maka diharapkan untuk pihak sekolah MAPN-4 Medan agar terus berupaya lebih memperhatikan siswa/i sehingga dengan lebih memperhatikan siswa/i akan lebih mudah meraih prestasi belajarnya.
Hubungan Kecanduan Bermain Game Online Dengan Depresi Pada Siswa SMP
Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati, 2019
Popular products that are nowadays massively used among teenagers are video games and online games. It can lead to an addiction and increase the risk of depression, poor social relationships with family and friends. It often causes an isolation from society and delivers a bigger chance to psychiatric disorders. This study aims to findrelationship between online games addiction and depression in Junior High School students in Bandar Lampung. This study was a cross sectional study. The sample of this study was 546 junior hign school students in Bandar Lampung. The datawas obtained by Beck Depression Inventory and online gaming addiction scale. Data analyzed by spearman correlation. Spearman analysis test result shows a significant relationship between game online addiction and depression (r = 0.999, p <0.001). The results shows that addiction to play online games can cause depression in adolescence.
Hubungan Kecanduan Gameonlinedengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Kuta
Jurnal Psikologi Udayana, 2015
Learning achievement can be defined as the result gained by students in mastering assignment or subject matter that is received in certain period. There are intenal and external factors that relates to learning achievement, one of them is onlinegame addiction. Students who addicted to onlinegame would reduce the time dedicated to study and do homework, thus their learning achievement will likely be declined. Onlinegame addiction is a common phenomenon in adolescents. Thus, the researcher wants to find out the relationship between onlinegame addiction and learning achievement in students of SMP Negeri 1 Kuta. Subject in this research are 55 students in SMP Negeri 1 Kuta who meet the criteria for being 13-15 years old and playing onlinegame in more than 2 hours. Sampling method used purposive sampling. Research method used correlational study. Data are collected with questionnaire to measure onlinegame addiction and school grade to measure learning achievement. Result of assumption t...
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Jurnal Wahana Konseling
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangidari rendahnya hasil belajar siswa, siswa sering menghabiskan waktunya untuk bermain Game Online, hal ini diduga penyebab rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Penelitianinibertujuanuntuk mendeskripsikan (1) kecanduan game online siswa, (2) hasil belajar siswa, (3) hubungan antara kecanduan game online dengan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif jenis deskriptif korelasional.. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa: (1) kecanduan siswa pada game tergolong kategori tinggi (2) hasil belajar siswa tergolong kategori rendah dan (3) Terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara kecanduan gameonlinedengan hasil belajar dengan koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar-0,225.
Kecanduan Game Online Hubungannya Dengan Prestasi Akademik Remaja DI Banda Aceh
Persentase remaja usia 15-19 tahun yang mengalami kecanduan game online terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Ketergantungan game online yang dialami remaja dapat mempengaruhi prestasi akademik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kecanduan game online dengan prestasi akademik remaja dilihat dari komponen salience, tolerance, withdrawal, mood modification, relapse, conflict dan problem . Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII dan VIII di salah satu SMPN Banda Aceh. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian adalah proporsional random sampling sebanyak 80 responden dengan alat pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner dalam bentuk skala likert untuk variabel independen dan dokumentasi nilai rata-rata raport untuk variabel dependen. Analisa data menggunakan uji chi square. Berdasarkan hasil uji chi square ada hubungan tingkat kecanduan game online dengan prestasi akademik remaja ( p-value= 0,000). Secara khusus hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara tingkat ke...
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Jurnal Surya Muda, 2020
Online gaming is one of the technology that has influence in many communities, including children. Excessive online gaming activity can bring a negative impact on children. And the negative impact referred to in this study is the reduced motivation for learning in children. The population in this study was 10-12 years of age at SDN 2 Leneng Praya as many as 51 students in which the study used a tekhnik with Purposive Sampling determination using the inclusion and exclusion criteria for Population as respondents or samples. The research method used is Cross Sectional with a quantitative research type, and the data analysis method used is a test of Sperman Rank. The data presented in this study used the primary data through the questionnaire. The results showed that the addiction to playing online games had a significant connection to the learning motivation of the child being demonstrated from the Sperman Rank test of motivational learning of Nilai P < 0.003 which is smaller than ...
Kecanduan game online dengan stres akademik pada siswa SMP
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan, 2021
Online game addiction and academic stress among junior high school studentsBackground: Online games are currently rife in society, enthusiasts ranging from children to adults. Online games have a tendency to make players interested in lingering in front of the computer to forget about study time, meal time, sleep time, and contact the environment in the actual world because they spend more time in cyberspace. Game addiction is as if the player has nothing to do but play the game, and as if the game is his life. Students will find it difficult to manage time and meet academic demands during their schooling. This raises academic stress, which is defined as a condition or condition of individuals who experience pressure because of students' perceptions and assessments of academic stressors. This is due to the many academic demands that must be faced, for example, exams, and assignments.Purpose: To determine the relationship between online game addiction and academic stress among ju...
Hubungan Kecanduan Game Online Dengan Keterampilan Sosial Remaja DI Kota Padang
Attadib: Journal of Elementary Education
Melakukan permainan game online adalah kegiatan yang mampu menimbulkan kesenangan. Namun Melakukan permainan game online dalam waktu lama dapat menimbulkan ketergantungan/kecanduan game online. Seseorang dengan kecanduan game online menggunakan sebagian besar waktu yang dimilikinya dengan bermain game dan fokus kepada smartphone yang digunakan sehingga waktu untuk berinteraksi secara sosial menjadi semakin berkurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah terdapat hubungan kecanduan game online dengan keterampilan sosial remaja di Kota Padang. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif korelational terhadap 189 orang remaja dengan kriteria melakukan permainan game online lebih dari 4 jam perhari, bermain game online hampir setiap hari, gelisah dan mudah tersinggung jika tidak bermain game online, dan mengorbankan aktivitas sosial lainnya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala kecanduan game online yang memiliki nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,90 dan indeks validitas pada re...
Hubungan Kecanduan Game Online Dengan Perilaku Agresif Siswa DI Sma N 2 Ratahan
that is of particular concern at this time is aggressive behavior and has become a universalproblem, and lately it tends to increase, one of the causes is the influence from theenvironment such as Online Game addiction. The purpose of this study is to knowrelationship between Online Game Addiction and Aggressive Behavior in students at SMANegeri 2 Ratahan. The method of this study uses cross sectional study design. The sampleof this study amounted to 78 students with total sampling method. The Results of thisstudy, out of 78 nurses most of them were had uncontrolled onlie game addiction (76.9%)and aggressive behavior (57.7%) by using the chi-square test at significance level of 95%,it was found that p-value was 0.035 smaller than significant value of 0.05. In conclusionof this study, there is a relationship between Online Game Addiction and AggressiveBehavior in students at SMA Negeri 2 Ratahan.Keywords: Online Game Addiction, Aggressive Behavior, Students.Abstrak : Perilaku anak se...