Restaurant Tax Audit Analysis in the Order to Test Taxpayer Compliance at Suku Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan in 2021 (original) (raw)

Quantitative Study of Taxpayer Compliance in Jakarta


Taxes are the main source of income and are the driving force for development, so the central and local governments need to take real action in increasing public awareness in paying taxes. This research actually wants to see and analyze how the determining factors in creating awareness of paying taxes, including the motivation to pay taxes, tax services organized by the government, sanctions and the ability to pay taxes. In the proof, this research uses quantitative method with path regression analysis. The research was conducted at Jakarta tax office with a total of 100 respondents. Respondents in this study were Jakartans who were registered as taxpayers in South Jakarta. In taking the sample, a simple random technique was used, namely taxpayers who were willing to fill out a questionnaire. In the results of the study, it can be seen that, either in partial or joint models, there is a strong relationship between motivation, sanctions, economic/financial conditions of taxpayers, ta...

Evaluation of ‘Levels of Tax Understanding and Compliance in Batang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

Proceedings of the Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance 2021 (BICEBF 2021), 2022

This study focuses on understanding, knowledge, and compliance using the dimensions of tax implementation and reporting for individual taxpayers. This study used data from respondents of tax officers of Pratama Batang Tax Office, taxpayers in Batang Regency, and secondary data from documents related to tax understanding and compliance in 2020-2021. This study used data obtained by various data collection techniques, namely literature study, documentation, observation, and in-depth interviews. The research period began on April 1, 2021 and ended on October 31, 2021. Data testing was carried out after all data had been collected by validity and reliability tests before being analyzed. The validity test is done by triangulation and member checking. The study results show that (1) understanding of the importance of taxes in Batang Regency is good and increases every year with a percentage of around 90% as evidenced by increased registration and reporting. Tax understanding for taxpayers in Batang Regency is provided through education carried out by the counseling section of KPP Pratama Batang in various ways, both offline and online. (2) Tax knowledge in Batang Regency is sufficient because people understand the meaning of taxes, the importance of taxes, and tax benefits. (3) Tax compliance of taxpayers in Batang Regency based on regulation is good. Various efforts have been made and all sections synergize to improve tax compliance in Batang Regency.

The Effect Tax Audit Quality and Service Quality On Tax Reporting Compliance (The cases of tax audit of Indonesian)

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2015

This Research test about effect tax audit quality, service quality on tax reporting comliance. This research done in a work unit in South Bengkulu, Indonesia. Respondent in this research are, all the treasurer from the South Bengkulu Region Work Unit. Data Gathering done by using questionnaire methode. About 48 questionnaire are distributed to the respondent. The results showed that the tax audit, quality of service doesn’t affect the tax reporting compliance. Keywords: Tax Audit Quality, Service Quality and Tax Reporting Compliance

Transformation Proposal for Tax Audit Policy in Indonesia: A Comparative Study on the Implementation of Tax Audit Policy in the Netherlands

Jurnal Borneo Administrator

A tax audit policy is intended to increase taxpayer compliance and trust towards tax authority. In Indonesia, the low level of trust carried out by tax audits observed from the taxpayer compliance level shows the shortcoming of implementing the tax audit system. Based on this phenomenon, this study is conducted to describe problems regarding the implementation of tax audit policy in Indonesia and provide recommendations for the Indonesian tax authority to transform tax audit policy practised by the tax audit system in the Netherlands. The Netherlands was selected as the research site, for this country is one of the OECD pioneers and has been part of AEoI. This study applied a qualitative approach. An in-depth interview was used to collect the data from competent parties in tax audits, both in Indonesia and the Netherlands. The findings showed that two factors caused the shortcoming of the tax audit system in Indonesia. First, the database was not maximal due to nonoptimal digitalisa...

Effect of Tax Audit on Compliance of Taxpayers: A case study of Katsina State Board of Inland Revenue

FUDMA Journal of Accounting and Finance Research [FUJAFR]

This paper focus on the effect of tax audit on the compliance of taxpayers in the Katsina State Board of Internal Revenue. This paper adopted the survey research design, using primary data. The questionnaire was structured thematically, in line with the research hypotheses, so that the respondents can concentrate on each theme and provide focused answers. The target population of the study comprised of the entire staff of the Katsina State Board of Internal Revenue in Katsina State which aggregated to a sum of Seventy-five (75) staff. The total staffs of the board were considered for the study consisting of Seventy-five staff. Tax Remittances (TAR) is the dependent variable. Independent Variable Audit Yield (ADY) and Field Tax Audit (FDTA) are considered as having potential effect on Tax Audit. Questions were measured on a 5-point “Likert” scale ranging from strongly disagreed (1) to strongly agreed (5) and a mean was obtained to compare against the expected mean. The result on Tax ...

LEGAL EFFORTS OF TAX MANDATORY OBJECTIVES ON TAX PROVISIONS (Study in the Regional Office of General Directorate of Taxation of South Jakarta I)

Yustisia Jurnal Hukum

The focus of this study is on the resolution of objections raised by Taxpayers in the Regional Office of DGT South Jakarta I. The theory used in this study refers to the opinion of Adam Smith in his book Wealth of Nations which states that a good tax collection must fulfill equity and equality requirements, certainty , convenience of payment, and efficiency. This study uses a naturalistic and interpretive qualitative approach that focuses on the process of resolving taxpayers' objections to a tax assessment as a legal effort. Data collection is done through interviews and direct observation on the object of research. The results of interviews and observations prove that the resolution of the objections to the South Jakarta I DGT Regional Office has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable tax regulations. This was also reinforced by statements made by Taxpayers who filed objections to the Regional Office of DGT South Jakarta I. The settlement of objec...

Analysis of Factors Affecting Taxpayer Compliance Paying Hotel Tax, Restaurant Tax and Entertainment Tax in Medan City


Regional tax revenue in Medan City as a source of financing has increased quite significantly, therefore local taxes remain the prima donna for financing regional expenditures in Medan City. For the Government of Medan City, although the fiscal capacity that comes from local revenue is still limited, local taxes still play an important role in increasing tax revenue in Medan City. Based on Law Number 28 Year 2011, hotel, restaurant and entertainment tax collection implements a self-assessment system so that taxpayer awareness is a very determining factor for taxpayer compliance in carrying out tax obligations and rights. This study aims 1) to analyze the effect of tax knowledge, service quality, tax audit on taxpayer awareness of paying hotel taxes, restaurant taxes and entertainment taxes in Medan City; 2) to analyze the effect of tax knowledge, service quality, tax inspection and taxpayer awareness on taxpayer compliance of paying hotel taxes, restaurant taxes and entertainment ta...

Analysis of Factors Affecting Individual Taxpayer’s Compliance


This research aims to analyze and prove empirically about Factors that affecting Individual Taxpayer’s Compliance in KPP Pratama Jakarta Cengkareng. The kind of this research is quantitative descriptive. The kind of investigation in this research is causal study. Causal study aims to found the causal from one or more problems and to found the influence of one or several independent variables on the dependent variable. The population in this study is all individual taxpayers which registered in tax office within the working environment of KPP Pratama Jakarta Cengkareng. This research used non probability sampling technique. The sample selection using convenience sampling method with the number of respondents as many as one hundred (100) respondents. In analyzing the data using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that Tax Knowledge have a positive and significant impact on Taxpayer’s Compliance, Perception of Tax Fairness have a positive and significant impact on T...


The purpose of this research is to test and provide empirical evidence of the influence of electronic systems taxation, the role of government's internal supervisory apparatus, and tax sanctions on tax compliance government treasurer. This study uses a quantitative approach. Population in this research is all government treasurer as tax manager, as many as 777 respondents. Determination of the sample using simple random sampling method, the number of samples of 45 respondents.

Analysis of the Application of Tapping Box as an Effort to Monitor Restaurant Tax Revenue in Sukoharjo Regency

AKUMULASI: Indonesian Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance

This study aims at investigating the implementation of Tapping Box to monitor restaurant tax revenue, its effect, and its contribution to the Regional Original Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daerah/PAD) in Sukoharjo Regency in 2018-2021, as well as the challenges and strategies in applying the Tapping Box to optimize the tax collection. This study was carried out using a descriptive, qualitative method. The data were gathered using interviews, observation, and literature review. The primary data were sourced from interviews while secondary data were obtained from the Regional Employment Agency (Badan Kepegawaian Daerah/BKD) of Sukoharjo Regency. The results of this study have indicated that the BKD of Sukoharjo Regency can realize a very high level of effectiveness. However, the Tapping Box application as an effort to monitor restaurant tax revenue has not been optimal so it has not given a significant contribution to the tax revenue. This study recommends that the BKD of Sukoharjo Regenc...