Pengaruh Perputaran Piutang dan Perputaran Persediaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada PT. Mustika Ratu Tbk (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Perputaran Piutang, Perputaran Kas Dan Perputaran Persediaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Pt. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, TBK


This research has a purpose to know the effect of receivable turn over to PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk, to know the effect of cash rotation terhadap profitabilitas at PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk, to determine the effect of inventory turnover dihadap profitabilitas on PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk, and to know the effect of receivable turnover, cash turnover, and inventory turnover on profitability at PT. Ultra triumph Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk. This research method uses descriptive quantitative descriptive design. The samples were done with method of sampling sampling. Population used adalah laporan ke of PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk.Sampel 2008 - 2014 Data analysis methods used simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test which includes normality test, multi-collinierity test, heterocentasticity test, and correlation test. Significant te...

Pengaruh Perputaran Persediaan Dan Perputaran Piutang Terhadap Profitabilitas


The best company performance is seen in the company’s financial performance by using the rules of financial implementation properly and correctly. This study aims to determine between inventory turnover and accounts receivable turnover towards profitability partially and simultaneously on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2012-2017. This research was conducted to increase the company’s profitability and make the company successful in achieving its goals without any deviant actions. This type of research is quantitative descriptive using secondary data taken by Simple Random Sampling which is a sample selection where members are randomly selected randomly (all get the same opportunity to choose) where if it has been selected it cannot be selected again. The data analysis used is SPSS version 19 because the research model uses secondary data. The data is then analyzed using The Descriptive Statistical Test, Classic Assumption Test, Multiple L...

Analisa Rasio Likuiditas Dalam Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk (Tahun 2010-2016)

Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Investasi, 2018

Financial ratio analysis is very important for company, one of which is management that need to analysis of financial performance and the results are used to design business plan, evaluate management and company performance. Liquidity ratio is one of the financial ratios used with the aim of measuring the ability of a company to pay a current liability. and to measure the company's ability to finance the company's operating activities. PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk is was one of the national companies in the manufacturing sector of herbal medicine, cosmetics and ingredients for beauty care which experienced a decline in sales, which among others was due to the large number of competitors and the entry of products from abroad. A decrease in sales will have an impact on the ability of PT. Mustika Ratu, TBK in fulfilling its liabilites includes current liabilities, especially when it is seen that most of its raw materials are still imported from abroad so there is the possibility of ad...

Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan PT Mustika Ratu Tbk. Berdasarkan Analisis Rasio Likuiditas, Solvabilitas, Dan Rentabilitas


This study is intended to determine the financial performance of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk. by analyzing financial data through financial ratios of liquidity, solvency and profitability. The data analyzed are company financial statements which include Balance Sheet, Profit / Loss, Cash Flow PT Mustika Ratu Tbk. 2015 to 2017. This research is a quantitative research, processed data, namely financial report data of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk. taken through data on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Financial data taken is annual reports from 2015 to 2017. Analysis of this data uses liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios.

Pengaruh Perputaran Piutang Usaha Dan Perputaran Persediaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Food and Beverage Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efek Indonesia


This research as a purpose to know what influence of receivable turnover for profitability, Influence of inventory turnover for profitability. Objects are selected by the researchers is a food and beverage company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research was conducted to observations in 2011-2015. This type of data is secondary data. The data collected from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of financial statements. While this sample was determined by purposive sampling method, obtained sample from this research is ten companies food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression,F-test, t-test and ,R²-test using Eviews program. Based on the test results F note that the value is significantly smaller than 0.05 in the amount of 0.020929, this shows that the independent variables receivable turnover and inventory turnover simultaneously significant effect on profitabil...

Pengaruh Perputaran Piutang Dan Perputaran Persediaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Makanan Dan Minuman Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efek Indonesia

SULTANIST: Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan, 2018

Purpose of this research is to discribe of receivable turnover, inventory turnover and profitability and the influence of receivable turnover and inventory turnover on the profitability at Sub Sector Food and Beverage Companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research design used library research. The analysis data technique such as: assumption classic test, qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysisThe regression is Ŷ = 0,019 - 0,002 X1 + 0,014 X2.Correlation coefficient is 0,874 and RSquare value is 0,764. The research hypothesis is rejected, means that receivable turnover and inventory turnover have a significant effect on profitability in Sub Sector of Food and Beverage Company simultaneously. And partially for receivable turnover H0 is accepted, means that receivable turnover has effect but insignificant on profitability, for inventory turnover H0 is rejected, it means that inventory turnover has a significant effect on profitability at Sub Sector Food and Be...

Pengaruh Tingkat Perputaran Piutang Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Koperasi Wanita (Kopwan) Kartika Sari Kota Bima

Jurnal Ekonomi Balance, 2020

This study aims to analyze the influence of accounts receivable turnover rates on profitability in the Kartika Sari Women's Cooperative (BOP). The population used is the financial statement data consisting of balance sheet data, and the calculation of business results (PHU) for 23 years and research samples for 5 years with the sampling used is purposive sampling with the criteria (1) financial statement data available for 5 consecutive years participated in 2014-2018 (2) 5-year sample data already represented existing population data for research needs. Data analysis techniques used are simple linear regression, simple correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing (t-2 party test). Based on the results of the analysis shows that the level of accounts receivable turnover does not significantly influence profitability in the Women's Cooperative (KOPWAN) Kartika Sari Kota Bima.

Pengaruh Perputaran Piutang Dan Perputaran Persediaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Perdagangan Eceran Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei) Periode 2014-2018

Jurnal Keuangan dan Bisnis

This study aims to analyze the effect of account receivables turnover and inventory turnover on profitability measured by Return On Investment (ROI). The population of this research was the Retail Trading Sub Sector Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Data in the form of secondary data were collected using literature studies and documentation techniques. Data were analyzed using panel data regression analysis and tested with T-Test, F-Test, and Determination Coefficient Test (R2) processed with Eviews version 9. The test results concluded that the account receivables turnover and inventory turnover simultaneously have a significant effect on profitability. Partially, account receivables turnover has no significant effect on profitability, whereas inventory turnover has a significant effect on profitability.