M. Flück mit einem Beitrag von M. Nick, Vindonissa – extra muros. Vorbericht zur Ausgrabung Windisch-Areal «Linde» 2013 (V.013.2) (original) (raw)
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Starting with the large-scale excavation Windisch-Königsfelden 2016 (V.016.1) located near the main building of the Psychiatric Services of Canton Aargau (PDAG), this paper will discuss the new structures in the northwest of the legionary camp. After summarizing the state of research and the key questions for the area at hand, the paper will then address the chronological sequence of the camp’s defence system with a special focus on the ditch situated farthest away from the camp. Furthermore, the remains of the psychiatric hospital dating to the late 19th century will be presented. These belong to the northern wing of the main building, which was built between 1868 and 1872. This large building stands testimony to the early psychiatry in Canton Aargau and will thus receive an adequate appraisal.
Zu Gast Bei Offizieren in Vindonissa. Von der spätlatènezeitlichen Befestigung zur Grossküche eines Offiziersgebäudes. Auswertung der Ausgrabung Windisch-Römerblick 2002-2004 (V.002.11). , 2022
Die vorliegende Untersuchung behandelt eine grossflächige Ausgrabung im Ostteil des Legionslagers von Vindonissa, die antike Siedlungsbefunde aus einer Zeitspanne von rund 500 Jahren erbracht hat. –Die spätlatènezeitliche Siedlung von Vindonissa war mit einem 20 m breiten Graben und einer rund 5 m hohen Pfostenschlitzmauer inklusive Toranlage befestigt. –Spätestens um 20 n. Chr. war die Befestigung aufgelassen und mit Fachwerkgebäuden des 1. Lagers der 13. Legion überbaut. –Im letzten Drittel des 1. Jhs. bestand auf dem untersuchten Areal ein Wohngebäude eines hohen Offiziers der 11. Legion, das über 700 m² Grundfläche aufwies. –Als Hauptbefund dieses Peristylgebäudes ist eine Grossküche mit fast 10 m² grossem Herd zu nennen. –Die naturwissenschaftliche Auswertung des Befundes erbrachte äusserst vielfältige und detaillierte Einblicke in die qualitativ hochstehenden Koch- und Konsumaktivitäten dieses deutlich über zehn Personen umfassenden Haushaltes. The present study presents the results of a large-scale excavation mounted in the eastern section of the legionary camp at Vindonissa, which yielded ancient settlement features from a period of approximately 500 years. –The Late La Tène settlement at Vindonissa was fortified by means of a 20m wide ditch and a Pfostenschlitzmauer-type timber-framed wall of about 5m in height with an entrance gate. –The fortifications were abandoned around AD 20 at the latest and timber-framed buildings from the first camp of the 13th legion were erected in their place. –In the final third of the 1st century AD, the excavated area housed the residence, which extended over more than 700m², of a high-ranking officer of the 11th legion. –The main feature of this peristyle building was a kitchen with a hearth measuring almost 10m² in size. –The scientific analyses carried out on the features uncovered provided extremely diverse and detailed information about the high-quality style of cooking and consumption of food in this household, which would have comprised more than ten people.
I. Gaisbauer/M. Mosser (Hrsg.), Straßen und Plätze. Ein archäologisch-historischer Streifzug. Monograph. Stadt Wien 7 (Wien 2013) 43-63., 2013
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Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa, 2020
Thanks to newly discovered documents from the estate of Elisabeth Schmid, it is now possible to reassess the “Schutthügel” (rubbish dump) of Vindonissa from an archeozoological perspective. It is now apparent that the relative frequency of animal species varied in different areas of the rubbish dump. This can be possibly linked to the presence of craft waste or to different dietary habits within the fortress. According to the current data, dead equids of the legion were seemingly only sporadically disposed of in the “Schutthügel”. Furthermore, some of the wild animals may have found their way to the “Schutthügel” on their own, as it was probably a welcome source of food for them.