Pornography, 'The False Heaven of Modern Societies' and' The Implication for the Young Generation (original) (raw)

Factors Related Pornographic Access Behaviour Among High School Students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2020

Adolescent have high sense of curiosity but lack opportunity to obtain information and knowledge about reproductive health. Lack of parental support in providing knowledge about sexuality and reproductive health causes them to seek alternative sources of information such as from friends and the internet where they end up accessing pornography. This study aims to analyze the relationship between gender, attitudes about virginity, dating, adolescents’ level of knowledge on reproductive health, parents’ education level as well as parent-to-child communication on reproductive health with pornographic access behavior in high school students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. We purposively selected370 high school students aged 17-18 years old living with their parents. . The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability. The chi square analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between gender, attitudes about man virginity, woman virginity and dating, mother's education...

MEDIA PORNOGRAFI DAN PENGARUH TEMAN SEBAYA DALAM PERILAKU SEKS REMAJA (Pornographic Media and Peer's Influence Towards Sexual Behavior among Teenagers

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Masalah yang terkait dengan perilaku seksual yang tidak aman pada remaja disebabkan oleh hubungan seksual pranikah dengan pasangan usia mereka sendiri. Peningkatan kejadian seks pranikah disebabkan oleh perkembangan melalui penggambaran media adegan seks dalam bentuk televisi, majalah, klip video, media online, dan film. Di Musi Banyuasin terdapat 7.754 siswa SMA serta banyak siswa yang putus sekolah karena hamil diluar nikah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan media pornografi dan pengaruh teman sebaya terhadap perilaku seksual pada remaja di sekolah tinggi. Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan cross sectional dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi adalah siswa SMA di Kabupaten Musi Bayuasin. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah menggunakan multistage random sampling diperoleh 393 sampel. Analisis bivariat, chi-square. Hasil: Menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara pengaruh teman sebaya dengan perilaku seksual remaja memiliki p-value (0,000). Tidak ada hubungan antara media pornografi dengan perilaku seksual karena hasilnya lebih dari p-value (0,05). Diskusi: Diperlukan untuk diberikan pengetahuan dan bantuan kepada remaja tentang positif dan kreatif hal dan pengawasan orang tua untuk anak-anak mereka untuk memiliki teman dan menghindari perilaku seksual yang tidak aman. ABSTRACT Introduction: The problems associated with unsafe sexual behavior in teenagers are caused by premarital sexual intercourse with a partner of their own age. Increased incidence of premarital sex is caused by the development through media depictions of sex scenes in the form of television, magazines, video clips, online media, and films. In Musi Banyuasin there are 7754 high school students, many students have dropped out of school because they get pregnant before marriage. The aim study was to investigate the correlation between pornographic media and the influence of peers towards teenager's sexual behavior in high school. Method: Observational research with cross sectional and quantitative approach. The population was high school students in Musi Banyuasin Regency. Sampling technique was using multistage random sampling obtained 393 samples. Bivariate analysis, chi-square Result: the result showed a correlation between the influence of peers with adolescent sexual behavior has p-value (0,000). There was no relationship between media pornography with sexual behavior because the result more than p-value (0,05). Discussion: Necessary to be given knowledge and assistance to teenagers about positively and creatively thing and supervision of parents to their children in order to have friends and avoid unsafe sexual behavior.

Adolescents’ Reaction towards Cyber Pornography in Islamic School Students of Padang Indonesia


Advances in information technology evoke positive and negative impacts. One of the negative effects that needs to be paid a close attention of all is cyber pornography, which is widely accessible to adolescents. The appropriate behaviors in response to pornography among adolescents are needed to be developed and educated by significant persons (mainly: parents and teachers). The research purpose was to identify adolescents’ reaction towards cyber pornography. The method of this research was quantitative descriptive. The data source was the students of Madrasah/Islamic State School in Padang city. The samples were taken by area and purposive sampling. Technique of data collection used was questionnaires. The research results showed: (1) the level of MTsN (Middle School Level) adolescents’ reaction towards cyber pornography was in the early stage, although they often saw scantily clad pictures; (2) MAN (High School Level) adolescents’ reaction towards cyber pornography was in the ear...

Religiosity, the role of teen parents and the exposure of pornography media to adolescent sexual behavior in East Lampung region high school

Enfermería Clínica, 2020

Indonesian adolescents are currently experiencing increased vulnerability to various health risk threats, especially those related to sexual and reproductive health, including increased threats from HIV/AIDS. Unhealthy sexual behavior among adolescents, especially unmarried adolescents, is increasing. This study aims to determine various factors that influence adolescent sexual behavior and the need for services, in order to provide policy direction for improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health services. This research is an explanatory research with cross-sectional design, which is equipped with quantitative and qualitative method approaches. This research data collection using survey methods (interviews and questionnaires/self-administered). Social Learning Theory is used as a framework for this research analysis. The subjects of this study were teenagers aged between 15 and 18 years who attended high school in East Lampung who had or were dating with a sample of 174 students. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The statistical analysis used in this study is the Chi square (2) statistic with a level of confidence ˛ = 0.05. The results showed there was a relationship between religiosity, the role of parents, exposure to pornography with premarital sexual behavior in adolescents in East Lampung. Suggestions are recommended to schools In order for school principals to be more active in extracurricular activities in their schools, in the form of organizations, sports and arts activities, so that the energy possessed by high school adolescents can be optimally channeled into positive activities and minimize youths to carry out negative activities including those that lead to activities that trigger sexual behavior.

Corelation Between Pornographic Media and Influence of Peers with Unsafe Sexual Behavior in Adolescent of South Sumatera

Jurnal NERS, 2016

Background: The problems associated with unsafe sexual behavior in adolescents are caused by premarital sexual intercourse with a partner of their own age. One of the problems caused by premarital sex is a pregnancy outside of marriage. Increased incidence of premarital sex is caused by the development through media depictions of sex scenes in the form of television, magazines, video clips, online media, and films. In Musi Banyuasin there are 7754 high school students, many students have dropped out of school because they get pregnant before marriage so that in adolescence their parents are forced to marry or have abortions. The aim study is determined the factors associated with unsafe sexual behavior in adolescents in high school. Method: Observational research with cross sectional and quantitative approach. The population is high school students. Sampling technique was using multistage random sampling obtained 393 samples. Bivariate analysis, chi-square Result: the result showed ...

The Correlation between Pornography Exposure on Sexual Behavior in Senior High School of Prayatna Medan 2018

One of the issues of adolescence at risk is the issue of sexual behavior as a result of pornography. Based on the results of Sexual Behavior Survey in 2011, 39% of respondents have had sexual intercourse at the aged of 15-19 years and the rest aged 20-25 years. The increasing number of adolescents exposed to pornography can create deviant behavior, damage brain cells and decrease learning concentration. This study aims to identify the correlation of exposure to pornography with adolescent sexual behavior in SMA Prayatna Medan in 2018. This research type is quantitative with cross sectional design. The population is the students of class X and XI as many as 440 people with a large sample of 79 respondents. Sampling technique using systematic random sampling. Methods of collecting data with questionnaires. Data analysis used is univariate and bivariate test with chi square. The result of this research is the majority of male respondents (55,7%) and 16 years old (45,6%). Based on the chi square test, there is a significant correlation between exposure to pornography and adolescent sexual behavior (p = 0.016) with RP 1,243. The conclusion is there is a significant correlation between exposure to pornography and adolescence sexual behavior in Prayatna High School Medan Year 2017. It is suggested to the school to facilitate the students with positive activities and improving knowledge about adolescent reproductive health so that they know the danger to themselves.

Exposure to Pornography through Social Media on Sexual Behavior of High School Teenagers in Metro City

Background: Exposure to pornography can change an individual's mind automatically, become unfocused, lose his enthusiasm for activity, and make individuals addicted to doing negative things that lead to premarital sex or deviant sexual behavior.The incidence rate of exposure to pornography in 2017 in Indonesia is that 97% of junior high and high school students in 12 Indonesian cities have been exposed to pornography and 5.6% of students in Indonesia have had intimate relationships such as husband and wife. The impact that happened to one of the students of high schoolin Metro City in August 2019 was expelled from school because she had committed premarital sexual behavior that had an impact on pregnancy, when the raid was carried out, pornographic videos were found on the student's cellphone and had been dating in class. This study aims to determine the degree of exposure to pornography and the relationship of exposure to pornography to adolescent sexual behavior.

Pornography Behavior of Junior High School Student

Journal of Child Development Studies

The purpose of this research is to identify the behavior of pornography Junior High School students namely the behavior viewed pornographic web, read books or comics which contain pictures of porn sites, heard or said these things pornographic, think about the things that related to pornography. This research also wanted to know the factors that encourage children to perform the behavior of pornography and see whether there are differences in the behavior of pornography among the boys and girls. We use the cross-sectional studies as a research design. The Participant who is used is 600 children, 278 boys and the girls 322 from two national secondary schools and two private schools in the South Tangerang. The results of the study showed that the behavior of pornography on the boys and girls, in some of the items the question, there is a significant difference in statistic. The question namely viewed pornographic web every day, game play pornographic, pleads the girlfriend over the phone, forced a friend to see the pornographic movie, imagine scenes of pornographic sites when playing. Some of the factors that encourage the behavior of pornography on children is the use of the internet through handphone, amount of pocket money, spare time children after the return of schools and the influence of a friend.

Relationship Between Internet Media Exposure and Sexual Behaviour Among Young People in Surakarta: 2017/2018 Year Two English Students of Faculty of Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta


Internet technology nowadays shows a quick progress, and internet media increase their number of users on each day. Social networking, which is one of the main indicators of the internet technology era, attracts people of all ages while the virtual world goes beyond the real life via the applications it offers. Especially young people show an intense interest in internet which is an extension of the media technology. Internet media exposure is increasing both in Indonesia nay Surakarta and all around the world. This study aims to determine the Relationship between Internet Exposure and Sexual Behaviour among young people in Surakarta, and to make suggestions on the prevention of the harmful sexual behavioural effects to the exposure while stating the current work carried out on the subject in Indonesia. Explanatory quantitative cum survey type research model is used in the study, and Internet. In this study, the exposure factor of the Internet Status Scale is used as a data collecti...

Pornography Consumption among Teenagers: Its Causes, Effects, and Possible Preventive Measures


This study aimed to investigate the causes, effects and possible ways to avoid, decrease, and eventually eliminate pornography consumption among teenagers. Specifically, this study answered these research questions: (1) why do teenagers consume online pornography, (2) what are the effects of online pornography consumption among teenagers, and (3) what are the possible ways to avoid, decrease, and eventually eliminate online pornography consumption. This study is qualitative and phenomenological in nature. The subjects of this study are teenagers enrolled in Senior High School in Malvar that consumes pornography for at least three times a week. A semi-structured interview guide was the research instrument used to gather data. Subsequently, it used the thematic analysis as its data analysis method as this is perfect for this type of study. After the data had been collected, analyzed, and interpreted, results showed up. Based on the interpretations, the researchers found out that teenagers consume online pornography due to two (2) main reasons: (1) peer pressure and (2) to experience pleasure. Furthermore, the researchers also found out that the effects of pornography consumption to teenagers are these three (3) themes: (1) change of view towards a certain gender, (2) increase in sexual drive, and (3) familiarization of their own sexuality. To serve as output for this research study, the researchers formulated ways to avoid, decrease, and eventually eliminate pornography consumption. The researchers provided four (4) ways and these were as follows: (1) do more leisure activities that are not pornography related, (2) block pornographic sites from frequently used devices, (3) commit to a serious relationship, and (4) monitor and diminish bad peers. The researchers provided recommendations for improvement of the current system in terms of pornography consumption among teenagers. First is to supervise and communicate to teenagers about the peers they bond with and their use of gadgets. Second is for the Department of Education to hasten the implementation of sexuality education. Lastly, more study is needed especially to the said ways to avoid, decrease, and eventually eliminate pornography consumption.