Die Tierknochenfunde der Horgener Siedlungen Allensbach-Strandbad AsB1, AsC1 und AsC2. Grabungen 1984–1988 und 2002–2003 (original) (raw)
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The text deals with animal remains of two neighboring settlement sites of the pre-Roman Iron Age near GroßLuckow, a small village in northeast Ger-many. Both sites were discovered and partially excavated ahead of motorway construction from 1997 to 1999. The site of GroßLuckow 2 consists of dwelling houses and storage buildings as well as various forms of technical facilities, the site of GroßLuckow 3 only consists of various technical remains. The predominantly ceramic material of both places belongs to the pre-Roman Iron Age and is dated by four radiocarbon dates into the 4 th to 1 st Century BC. From the findings of the sites GroßLuckow 2 and 3, a total of more than 2000 animal bone fragments with a total weight of not quite 24,000 g are taken. Only a very small proportion comes from two pits of the site GroßLuckow 3. The majority of the faunal remains are slaughter-and foodstuffs, along with some bone artifacts as well as several animal deposits. Of particular importance are the domestic pig, followed by sheep and goat, cattle and horse. Dog and chicken are also represented in small quantities. Hunting seems to have played a subordinate role in nutrition. Wild animals are represented mainly in wild boar, red deer and aurochs. Small proportions of birds and fish are also present. A comparison of the animal bone material of GroßLuckow with further faunal materials is made difficult by the desolate research and publication status to animal bone finds from settlements of the pre-Roman Iron Age of the north German federal states. There is a direct connection with the equally small number of investigated and presented settlements of this time.
Die linearbandkeramische Siedlung Vaihingen an der Enz liegt im Altsiedelgebiet zwischen dem Enztal und dem Stromberg, nordlich von Vaihingen, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im nordlichen Baden-Wurttemberg (Deutschland). Auf einer Flache von 8 ha wurde die fruhneolithische Siedlung nahezu vollstandig ausgegraben. Gemass Datierung von Befunden und Funden existierte die Siedlung von der altesten bis zur jungeren Linearbandkeramik (LBK), ungefahr von 5425 bis 5084 v. Chr. Die uberwiegend gut erhaltenen Tierknochen aus Vaihingen/Enz sind einer der grossten Faunenkomplexe aus der LBK. Durch die ununterbrochene Besiedlung von fast 400 Jahren konnten Veranderungen innerhalb der Haustierhaltung beobachtet werden, die sicherlich auch die sozialen Verhaltnisse innerhalb der Siedlung betreffen. Diese Umgestaltung ist nicht gepragt durch starke Umbruche, sondern ist das Ergebnis langfristiger Prozesse. Im Gegensatz dazu hat sich die Jagdtatigkeit kaum verandert. Anhand der Analyse des Schlachtalterspektrum...
Materialhefte zur Archäologie in Basel
Der Beitrag behandelt das Tierknochenmaterial, das aus den 14 Gruben der Grabung 1989/5 stammt. Die stratigraphisch untersuchten Gruben zeigen in erster Linie, wie unterschiedlich in der Zusammensetzung die Schichtpakete einer Grube ausfallen können. Allerdings lässt sich durch diese Unterschiede der Verfüllvorgang der Gruben gut beobachten. Den sechs so analysierten Gruben gemeinsam ist, dass das zuletzt eingebrachte Material immer - und meist auch deutlich - schlechter erhalten ist als dasjenige der unteren Verfüllschichten. Aber auch diese unteren Verfüllungen bilden keine Einheit. Berücksichtigt man alle Untersuchungen, kommt man zu mindestens drei verschiedenen Herkunftsorten für das in die Gruben eingebrachte Material. Dies lässt sich für alle Gruben beobachten, wenn auch nicht immer gleich eindeutig.
2991 fragmentary but well preserved animal bones remains of the Bronze an Iron Age village of Kiabichl in Faggen (Tyrol) were paeleoeconomically and …... analysed. The animal bones recovered from the layers testimonate the life of the poeple in this area between the middel Bronze Age and Iron Age. These bonse were interpreted as remians of meals and slaughter activities. During the Bronze Age, the ox were the most important domestic animal ( 50% of the number of find and 71,3 % of the weight of find ). It follows the category of sheeps and goats (predominant is the sheep) with 34 % of the number of find and 13% of the weight of find. The domestic pork is not so prevailing with 14,2% of the number o find and 12,2% of the weight of find. Other domestic animals, the dog and the domestic horse are precentually inconsiderable and the same considerations can be done for the wild animals (reed deer, roe, brown bear and wild boar). During the Iron Age (finsh of the Hallstatt Age and Latène Age), there was a balance between the ox and the group of sheeps and goats and the domestic pork seem not so important. Moreover in Faggen is documented for the first time the presence of domestic chicken, in the Latén Age. Instead the wild animals are completly vanish. Probably the ox was used to furnish milk and meat products as well as farm animal. Lastly, the sheep was important for winning wool and the main meat furnisher was the domestic pig.