On the geometry of the smallest circle enclosing a finite set of points (original) (raw)
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Minimum enclosing circle of a set of fixed points and a mobile point
Computational Geometry, 2014
Given a set S of n static points and a mobile point p in R 2 , we study the variations of the smallest circle that encloses S ∪ {p} when p moves along a straight line. In this work, a complete characterization of the locus of the center of the minimum enclosing circle (MEC) of S ∪ {p}, for p ∈ , is presented. The locus is a continuous and piecewise differentiable linear function, and each of its differentiable pieces lies either on the edges of the farthest-point Voronoi diagram of S, or on a line segment parallel to the line. Moreover, the locus has O(n) differentiable pieces, which can be computed in linear time, given the farthest-point Voronoi diagram of S.
Minimum Bounding Circle of 2D Convex Hull
In mathematical, minimum enclosing circle problem is a Geometrical issue of calculating the smallest circle that contains all of a finit set of points in the Euclidean plane. The problem of finding the minimum circuler container can ubiquitous in diverse set of applications such as collision avoidance, hidden object detection and in planning the location of placing ashared facility like a hospital, gas station, or sensor devices etc. moreover, The usefulness of minimum containers occurs in a variety of industrial applications like packing and optimum layout design. The algorithm can be applied to many other fields, ranging from a straightforward consideration of whether an object will fit into a predetermined of circuler container, or whether it can be made from standard sized stock. In this paper, we describes a method for determining the minimum bounding ball of a set of 2D convex polygon based on Chan's algorithm which consist of graham scan with Jarvis march methods. The sug...
Computing the smallest k-enclosing circle and related problems
Computational Geometry, 1994
We present an efficient algorithm for solving the "smallest k-enclosing circle" (RSC) problem: Given a set of n points in the plane and an integer k < n, find the smallest disk containing k of the points. We present two solutions. When using O(nk) storage, the problem can be solved in time O(nklog'n). When only O(nlogn) storage is allowed, the running time is O(nk log' n log n/k). We also extend our technique to obtain efficient solutions of several related problems (with similar time and storage bounds). These related problems include: finding the smallest homothetic copy of a given convex polygon P which contains k points from a given planar set, and finding the smallest disk intersecting k segments from a given planar set of non-intersecting segments.
Solution Methodologies for the Smallest Enclosing Circle Problem
Tribute. We would like to dedicate this paper to Elijah Polak. Professor Polak has made substantial contributions to a truly broad spectrum of topics in nonlinear optimization, including optimization for engineering design centering, multi-criteria optimization, optimal control, feasible directions methods, quasi-Newton and Newton methods, non-differential optimization, semi-infinite optimization, conjugate directions methods, gradient projection and reduced gradient methods, and barrier methods, among many other topics. His many and varied contributions to our field are important today and will influence the research in our field well into the future.
Fitting a set of points by a circle Jesus Garca-Lopez y
Given a set of points S = fp 1; : : : ; p n g in Euclidean d-dimensional space, we address the problem of computing the d-dimensional annulus of smallest width containing the set. We give a complete characterization of the centers of annuli which are locally minimal in arbitrary dimension and we show that, for d = 2, a locally minimal annulus has two points on the inner circle and two points on the outer circle that interlace angle-wise as seen from the center of the annulus. Using this characterization, we show that, given a circular order of the points, there is at most one locally minimal annulus consistent with that order and it can be computed in time O(n logn) using a simple algorithm. Furthermore, when points are in convex position, the problem can be solved in optimal (n) time.
Fitting a Set of Points by a Circle
Discrete and Computational …, 1998
Given a set of points S = {p 1 ,. .. , p n } in Euclidean d-dimensional space, we address the problem of computing the d-dimensional annulus of smallest width containing the set. We give a complete characterization of the centers of annuli which are locally minimal in arbitrary dimension and we show that, for d = 2, a locally minimal annulus has two points on the inner circle and two points on the outer circle that interlace anglewise as seen from the center of the annulus. Using this characterization, we show that, given a circular order of the points, there is at most one locally minimal annulus consistent with that order and it can be computed in time O(n log n) using a simple algorithm. Furthermore, when points are in convex position, the problem can be solved in optimal (n) time.
Efficient Speed-Up of the Smallest Enclosing Circle Algorithm
Informatica, 2022
The smallest enclosing circle is a well-known problem. In this paper, we propose modifications to speed-up the existing Weltzl’s algorithm. We perform the preprocessing to reduce as many input points as possible. The reduction step has lower computational complexity than the Weltzl’s algorithm and thus speed-ups its computation. Next, we propose some changes to Weltzl’s algorithm. In the end are summarized results, that show the speed-up for 106{10^{6}}106 input points up to 100 times compared to the original Weltzl’s algorithm. Even more, the proposed algorithm is capable to process significantly larger data sets than the standard Weltzl’s algorithm.
A note on diameters of point sets
Optimization Letters, 2010
Relationships between the diameter of a set of n points in the plane at mutual distance at least one, the diameter of an equilateral n-gon and the radius of a circle including n unit disks are explored. Upper bounds on the minimal diameter of a point set at mutual distance at least one are presented for up to 30 points.
Approximating the diameter of a set of points in the Euclidean space
Information Processing Letters, 1989
Given a set P with n points in R li, its diameter d, is the maximum of the Euclidean distances between its points. We describe an algorithm that in m < n iterations obtains r, < rs < . . < r,,, < d,, < min ( fir,, d-r,,, ). For k fixed, the cost of each iteration is O(n). In particular, the first approximation r, is within fi of dp, independent of the dimension k.
Given DeltaABC\Delta ABCDeltaABC and angles alpha,beta,gammain(0,pi)\alpha,\beta,\gamma\in(0,\pi)alpha,beta,gammain(0,pi) with alpha+beta+gamma=pi\alpha+\beta+\gamma=\pialpha+beta+gamma=pi, we study the properties of the triangle DEFDEFDEF which satisfies: (i) DinBCD\in BCDinBC, EinACE\in ACEinAC, FinABF\in ABFinAB, (ii) aangleD=alpha\aangle D=\alphaaangleD=alpha, aangleE=beta\aangle E=\betaaangleE=beta, aangleF=gamma\aangle F=\gammaaangleF=gamma, (iii) DeltaDEF\Delta DEFDeltaDEF has the minimal area in the class of triangles satisfying (i) and (ii). In particular, we show that minimizer DeltaDEF\Delta DEFDeltaDEF, exists, is unique and is a pedal triangle, corresponding to a certain pedal point PPP. Permuting the roles played by the angles alpha,beta,gamma\alpha,\beta,\gammaalpha,beta,gamma in (ii), yields a total of six such area-minimizing triangles, which are pedal relative to six pedal points, say, P1,....,P6P_1,....,P_6P_1,....,P_6. The main result of the paper is the fact that there exists a circle which contains all six points.