Educational resources at training foreign students in IT-disciplines (original) (raw)


Іноземні мови, 2023

The article examines the peculiarities of the selection and use of digital tools for the formation of ICT competence of future teachers of foreign languages, in particular, their ability to create electronic educational resources. It was determined that the formation of ICT competence of future IM teachers should be carried out in an integrated manner during the study of normative and selective disciplines of professional and methodical training. Groups of digital tools are proposed, which are expedient to use for the formation of ICT competence in future teachers of foreign languages, namely tools: 1) for creating interactive electronic tasks (training, testing, games), which in the process of use contribute to the formation of foreign language learning subjects communicative competence and control of its formation; 2) visualization of educational material, which involves presenting it in a condensed and visual form, which is convenient for perception and deeper understanding; 3) implementation of synchronous and asynchronous communication in order to organize the educational process in foreign languages. The criteria for the selection of digital tools for the formation of ICT competence of future teachers of foreign languages are formulated and substantiated, and examples of their use for the formation of target competence are given.

Potential of Internet Resources in Foreign Language Education


The article is devoted to foreign language education which is more effective if a student becomes the subject of his own learning process. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) contain an enormous potential for increasing the share of independent work in the educational process. ICT is everything that helps and allows you to collect, process, store and transmit information in an electronic form. Today, the traditional carrier of the electronic information is increasingly being superseded by cloud services, allowing you to create a virtual workspace. The purpose of the research is to study the educational potential of the modern Internet space, review the main educational online resources on the Internet in English, which can be used, both for teaching and self-learning a foreign language. In the process of the research, both empirical research methods (studying various sources of information, including the Internet, observation, interviews) and theoretical ones (an...

Formation of the subject digital competence of future foreign language teacher

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2022

Problem and purpose. The relevance of the research problem is due to the need to make adjustments to the content of the professional training of foreign language teacher. The purpose of the study is to test practical tasks for the formation of subject digital competence as an important component of the digital competence of a teacher of foreign languages. Materials and methods. The study involved 112 third-year students of the training specialty 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education” of the training profile “Foreign language (English, German)” of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev (Russian Federation). Methods of mathematical statistics: Fisher’s angular transformations. Results. As part of the study, special tasks aimed at developing foreign language skills and speech skills based on digital resources that contribute to the formation of subject digital competence of the future teacher of foreign languages were developed. The developed tasks were introduced in the course of experimental training in practical classes in a foreign language in full-time and distance formats, as well as during the training practice. Statistical analysis of the results obtained after the experiment showed the reliability of differences in the level of formation of the subject digital competence of students in the reference and experimental groups (φemp = 2,13; p < 0,05), which indicates the effectiveness of the developed practical tasks using digital technologies and implemented organizational and pedagogical conditions in the process of professional training of the future teacher of foreign languages. Conclusion. The organization and integration of purposeful work of students with digital technologies into the educational process, taking into account the conditions identified in the study (comprehensive study and analysis of digital technologies; the use of didactic capabilities of digital technologies in the system of foreign language education; the use of digital tools along with traditional means of teaching a foreign language) contributes to raising the level the formation of the digital competence of the future teacher of foreign languages in general, and subject digital competence, in particular.

Interactive methods in the foreign language teaching of future IT specialists at medical college

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023

Introduction. Interactive teaching of a foreign language to IT students in a higher medical school is an important component of the educational environment of a medical university, as it contributes to the formation of not only professional communicative competence in a foreign language, but also key competencies for conducting future professional activities in general. The authors determined that the purpose of the scientific work is to provide promising solutions for eliminating downsides, neutralizing risks and introducing interactive technologies in linguodidactic process. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russian Federation). The students of the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" (72 students) took part in the experiment. One of the groups was designated experimental, the remaining 3 were control. Scientific and experimental information was obtained, using such methods as theoretical analysis of sources on the problem, assessment of the experience of using interactive methods in the experimental part of the study based on SWOT analysis, observation, survey, online testing. Method of mathematical statistics: Pearson's chi-squared test. Results. The survey showed a high degree of students interest (95% of students) in learning a foreign language at a high professional level in the process of collaboration using communicative, active, interactive methods, information technology, etc. Online testing, which demonstrates the results of learning lexical and grammatical material on the educational topic of the discipline foreign language by students of the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" in an interactive way at a medical university, showed that the students of the experimental group coped with the test tasks much better than students from the control groups (χ2 = 6.383; p=0.042 < 0,05). Conclusion. The authors have developed a number of promising solutions, based on the obtained results that optimize the process of using interactive learning in IT students training at the medical university. Due to this work, it is possible to determine the universal principles of the use of interactive methods in teaching a foreign language to students of the information technology specialties in the field of medicine and other specialties, it is possible to expand the range and conditions for the adaptability of these methods for a specific group, the purpose of training, the tasks and expected results, and also to develop a model of interactive learning for students of these specialties at medical school and subsequently create an educational program and materials.

Інформаційні технології в навчанні англійської мови як іноземної/Information technologies in teaching English as a foreign language .docx

Інформаційні технології в освіті, 34, (47-60), 2018

In the article the author examines and analyzes the information technologies created by American scholars to improve the ways and means of teaching English as a foreign language within the “AE E-Teacher Program”, developed under the leadership of the nonprofit human development organization “FHI 360” (Family Health International 360) with the aim of improving English language acquisition, providing access to a variety of authentic materials that are relevant to the most important issues of the development of the foreign language teaching methodology in international education and the needs of mankind. The exclusive right to teach this program was given to the Iowa State University. After taking the full course of it, the author of the article gives a description of existing Internet tools, resources and software in language teaching, describes the feasibility of their use for solving the didactic tasks of the lesson in teaching listening, reading, speaking, writing, grammar and vocabulary of English as a foreign language. The researcher also outlines the needs of Ukrainian teachers in creating a database of modern technologies that provide updated materials related to modern life, different types of speech activities for students with different levels of knowledge; methodological elaborations proposed by scholars and practitioners, technologies that are capable of replacing fast-paced textbooks, enhance students’ motivation and interest in learning. Key words: program “AE E-Teacher Program”, organization “FHI 360”, information technology, teaching of English as a foreign language, Internet tools, resources, software.

Conditions of preparation for future foreign language teachers means of modern information technologies


Зростання вимог до професійної підготовки вчителя вимагає якісно нових теоретичних і методичних підходів до його підготовки, які дозволять йому, не тільки опанувати основи наук і професійні вміння та навички, а й нові педагогічні досягнення, інформаційні технології. Саме успішне оволодіння інформаційними педагогічними технологіями допоможе випускникам ВНЗ органічно включитися в педагогічну роботу і розпочати практичне застосування наукових знань у процесі самостійної професійної діяльностіIncreasing the requirements for teacher training requires qualitatively new theoretical and methodological approaches to its preparation, which will allow him not only to master the basics of science and professional skills, but also new pedagogical achievements, information technologies. The most successful mastering of information pedagogical technologies will help university graduates to become organically involved in pedagogical work and to start practical application of scientific knowledge in...

Digital Competence of Foreign Language Teachers of Higher Education Institutions

Naukovij vìsnik Užgorodsʹkogo unìversitetu. Serìâ Pedagogìka, socìalʹna robota, 2023

зростаючим впливом технологій на освіту, цифрова компетентність стає ключовим фактором успішного викладання та навчання іноземних мов. Мета дослідження: розглянути основні аспекти цифрової компетентності викладачів іноземних мов, такі як знання комп'ютерних програм, використання Інтернет-ресурсів, інтеграція мультимедійних засобів у навчальний процес та ефективне використання цифрових інструментів для оцінювання та співпраці зі студентами. Методи дослідження: аналіз, синтез і систематизація наукової літератури з педагогіки, психології, енциклопедично-довідкових, навчально-методичних видань, інформаційних ресурсів мережі Інтернет-для з'ясування, порівняння й зіставлення підходів у напрямі окресленої проблеми; виявлення тенденцій цифровізації вищої освіти. Автори пропонують систематичний підхід до розвитку цифрової компетентності викладачів іноземних мов, враховуючи індивідуальні особливості, потреби та рівень підготовки педагогів. Автори звертають увагу на перешкоди, з якими стикаються викладачі при впровадженні цифрових інструментів у свою роботу, такі як недостатність ресурсів, боязнь нових технологій або обмежений доступ до навчальних платформ. На основі отриманих даних робляться висновки про значущість цифрової компетентності для викладачів іноземних мов та її вплив на розвиток іноземної мови студентів, їх мотивацію та залучення до навчального процесу. Ключові слова: цифрова компетентність, цифрові технології, педагогічні інновації, ефективне викладання, міжособистісна комунікація, цифрові інструменти.

Problems and Prospects of Training Foreign Students in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine

Gumanìtarnì studìï: ìstorìâ ta pedagogìka, 2023

ПРоБлеМи ТА ПеРСПекТиВи ПІДГоТоВки ІНоЗеМНих СТУДеНТІВ У ЗАклАДАх ВиЩоЇ оСВІТи УкРАЇНи Анотація. У статті визначено сильні та слабкі сторони, можливості й загрози підготовки студентів-іноземців у закладах вищої освіти України. Метою дослідження є конкретизація проблем (слабких сторін та загроз) і перспектив (сильних сторін та можливостей) підготовки іноземних студентів у закладах вищої освіти України на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства. У ході досягнення мети дослідження виконано такі завдання: проаналізовано останні дослідження, пов'язані з підготовкою іноземних студентів в Україні; визначено слабкі та сильні сторони підготовки іноземних студентів у нашій державі; окреслено перспективи підвищення