A systematic solution procedure for the Fokker-Planck equation of a Brownian particle in the high-friction case (original) (raw)

Derivation and solution of a low-friction Fokker-Planck equation for a bound Brownian particle

Zeitschrift f�r Physik B Condensed Matter, 1985

The low-friction region of an anharmonically bound Brownian particle is examined using systematic elimination procedures. We obtain an asymptotic expression for the spectrum of the Fokker-Planck operator. Asymptotic means both small anharmonicities and small friction constants y compared to the oscillatory frequency co. We conclude that Kramers' low-friction equation is generally valid only for 0<7<0.01 co and has to be modified for 7~>0.01 co by including phase-dependent terms. From these the nonlinear part of the force field in connection with a finite temperature is shown to shorten the correlation time of the equilibrium velocity autocorrelation function and to renormalize the frequency of the corresponding spectral density.

Overdamped limit and inverse-friction expansion for Brownian motion in an inhomogeneous medium

Physical Review E, 2015

We revisit the problem of the overdamped limit of the Brownian dynamics in an inhomogeneous medium characterized by a position-dependent friction coefficient and a multiplicative noise in one space dimension. Starting from the Kramers equation and analyzing it through the expansion in terms of the eigenfunctions of the quantum harmonic oscillator, we derive analytically the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation in the large friction (overdamped) limit. The result is fully consistent with the previous finding by Sancho, San Miguel, and Dürr [2], but our derivation procedure is simple and transparent. Furthermore, it would be straightforward to obtain higher-order corrections systematically. We also show that the overdamped limit is equivalent to the mass-zero limit in general. Our results are confirmed by numerical simulations for simple examples. PACS numbers: 05.10.Gg, 05.40.-a, 05.40.Jc, 66.10.C-

A shortcut way to the Fokker-Planck equation for the non-Markovian dynamics


Using a shortcut way we have derived the Fokker-Planck equation for the Langevin dynamics with a generalized frictional memory kernel and time-dependent force field. Then we have shown that this method is applicable for the non-Markovian dynamics with additional force from harmonic potential or magnetic field or both of them. The simplicity of the method in these complex cases is highly noticeable and it is applicable to derive the Fokker-Planck equation for any kind of linear Langevin equation of motion which describes additive colored noise driven non Markovian dynamics with or without frictional memory kernel. For example, one may apply the method even for the linear system with an additional colored Gaussian noise which is not related to the damping strength. With these the present study may get strong attention in the field of stochastic thermodynamics which is now at early stage to consider the non-Markovian dynamics.

The Fokker-Planck Equation


During the last years with the studies of stochastic processes: neurons networks, molecular motors, dynamics models, anomalous diffusion, disordered media, etc, several methods have evolved to apply the Focker-Planck equation (FPE) to these phenomena. We present here the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation by the Crank-Nicholson formalism. The von Neumann amplification factor, ξ (k), is independent of dt, so the method is stable for any size dt. The method is suitable for modeling molecular motors because the great amount of interactions in these systems, vectors and matrices oriented methods are needed, suited to work with Matlab. In the Appendix of this chapter is given some notions of Stochastic Dynamics 2.1 The Methods The method of Fractional Focker-Planck equation (FFPE) [1] was derived from a generalized continuous time random walk, which includes space dependent jump probabilities which are the result of an external field. In [2] was presented the solution of the FFPE in terms of an integral transformation. In [3] a half order FFPE was derived from the generalized scheme of random walks on the comlike structure. In [4, 5] the FFPE was used to study and describe also the anomalous diffusion in external fields. In [6] the FFPE was used to study ultraslow kinetics. In [7] was introduced a heterogeneous FFPE involving external force fields describing systems on heterogeneous fractal structure medium. In [8] was studied the dynamical properties of bistable systems described by the one-dimensional sub-diffusive FFPE, for the natural boundary conditions as well as the absorbing boundary conditions. In [9] was shown that the subordinated Brownian process is a stochastic solution of the FFPE. In [10] was proven that the asymptotic shape of the solution of the FFPE is a stretched Gaussian and that its solution can be expressed in the form of a function of

A Generalized Smoluchowsky Equation: The Hydrodynamical and Thermodynamical Picture of Brownian Motion

arXiv: Statistical Mechanics, 1999

We present a systematic expansion of Kramers equation in the high friction limit. The latter is expanded within an operator continued fraction scheme. The relevant operators include both temporal and spatial derivatives and a covariant derivate or gauge like operator associated to the potential energy. Trivially, the first order term yields the Smoluchowsky equation. The second order term is readily obtained, known as the corrected Smoluchowsky equation. Further terms are computed in compact and straightforward fashion. As an application, the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamical schemes for the one dimensional Brownian motion is presented.

Deterministic and time-reversal invariant description of Brownian motion

Physics Letters A, 1990

An alternative to the Langevin description of Brownian motion is presented. The equations of motion are deterministic and time-reversal invariant. The friction and random forces appearing in the Langevin equation are replaced by pseudo-friction terms, which emulate the energy and momentum exchange between the Brownian particle and the medium. 122 0375-9601/90/$ 03.50 © 1990 -Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) Volume 151, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS A

The thermohydrodynamical picture of Brownian motion via a generalized Smoluchowsky equation

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2000

We present a systematic expansion of Kramers equation in the high friction limit. The latter is expanded within an operator continued fraction scheme. The relevant operators include both temporal and spatial derivatives and a covariant derivative or gauge like operator associated to the potential energy. Trivially, the first order term yields the Smoluchowsky equation. The second order term is readily obtained, known as the corrected Smoluchowsky equation. Further terms are computed in compact and straightforward fashion. As an application, the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamical schemes for the one dimensional Brownian motion is presented.

Microscopic theory of brownian motion: Mori friction kernel and langevin-equation derivation

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1975

Recei°,,'ed 28 Jammry t975 ~ derivatioa of the plaenome~o]ogical Langevif~ equadon riot d'.e momenu.m~ or a browrxian p. r~icIe from the generalized Langevin equatio~ of Mori is fresemed. This derivatio,q requires a de~aHed examination of the Mori friction kernel {or merr~ory fur~ctio~_~L it is ,demonstra[ed, on :A~e basis of prior work of Ma:zur and Oppenhei_m, that the Mc, ri ker~et doe~ ~':.m admit of a well behaved expar~sion in the ratio of bad>-a~ad brow~ianopar~icie masses. In addition, the Mori kernel is fom~d to decay o~,. t!~e siow time scaie of tI~e bro>miar>par~ide momentum° Both features, which contradict standard assumptio~, are traced to the inH~e~ce c, fcoupli~g to nonlinear powers of the momentum and preclude a Langevi~>equation derh'atier~ solety on the basis of timescale separation arguments. The Langevfi,,-equation is recovered, ho>ever, when the sinai! magnitude of s|owlzy decaying contributions is take,~ it:to accounL

Klimontovich's contributions to the kinetic theory of nonlinear Brownian motion and new developments

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2005

We review the concept of nonlinear Brownian motion, originally introduced by Klimontovich, and consider several applications to real systems, including e.g. atoms, molecules or ions laser cooling fields, charged grains in plasmas and interdisciplinary problems. In particular, we also discuss recent developments in the field of active Brownian particles. After summarizing the basic properties of active Brownian particle models, solutions of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation are analyzed for free motions as well as for motions in confining fields. Furthermore, we study the distributions for finite systems of self-confined particles, interacting via Morse and Coulomb potentials. Finally, applications to clusters of atoms subject to laser cooling as well as to clusters of charged grains in dusty plasmas are discussed.

Approximate and numerically exact solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation with bistable potentials

Chemical Physics, 1989

The kinetic rate for a symmetric bistable potential is calculated from the Fokker-Planck operator on both position and momentum. Numerical results are obtained by applying the Lanczos algorithm to the matrix representation of the time evolution operator. Both the continued fraction representation of the spectral density and the first positive eigenvalue which determines the transition rate, are obtained from the computed tridiagonal matrix. The numerical results are compared with the available analytical approximations of the kinetic rate for intermediate potential barriers. In particular, the localized functions method leads to an approximation which accurately describes the approach to the intermediate friction regime from the diffusion limit. Comparison is made also with the available approximations covering all the friction range, and derived under the asymptotic condition of very large potential barriers. A satisfactory agreement is found between the Mel'nikov-Meshkov equation and the numerical results for moderately large potential barriers