Atom Interferometers and the Gravitational Redshift (original) (raw)

Atom interferometry and the gravitational redshift

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011

From the principle of equivalence, Einstein predicted that clocks slow down in a gravitational field. Since the general theory of relativity is based on the principle of equivalence, it is essential to test this prediction accurately. Müller, Peters and Chu claim that a reinterpretation of decade old experiments with atom interferometers leads to a sensitive test of this gravitational redshift effect at the Compton frequency. Wolf et al dispute this claim and adduce arguments against it. In this article, we distill these arguments to a single fundamental objection: an atom is not a clock ticking at the Compton frequency. We conclude that atom interferometry experiments conducted to date do not yield such sensitive tests of the gravitational redshift. Finally, we suggest a new interferometric experiment to measure the gravitational redshift, which realises a quantum version of the classical clock "paradox".

Does an atom interferometer test the gravitational redshift at the Compton frequency?

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011

Atom interferometers allow the measurement of the acceleration of freely falling atoms with respect to an experimental platform at rest on Earth's surface. Such experiments have been used to test the universality of free fall by comparing the acceleration of the atoms to that of a classical freely falling object. In a recent paper, Müller, Peters and Chu [A precision measurement of the gravitational redshift by the interference of matter waves, Nature 463, 926-929 (2010)] argued that atom interferometers also provide a very accurate test of the gravitational redshift (or universality of clock rates). Considering the atom as a clock operating at the Compton frequency associated with the rest mass, they claimed that the interferometer measures the gravitational redshift between the atom-clocks in the two paths of the interferometer at different values of gravitational potentials.

Comment on: ‘Does an atom interferometer test the gravitational redshift at the Compton frequency?’

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2012

We show that Wolf et al.'s 2011 analysis in Class. Quant. Grav. 28, 145017 does not support their conclusions, in particular that there is "no redshift effect" in atom interferometers except in inconsistent dual Lagrangian formalisms. Wolf et al. misapply both Schiff's conjecture and the results of their own analysis when they conclude that atom interferometers are tests of the weak equivalence principle which only become redshift tests if Schiff's conjecture is invalid. Atom interferometers are direct redshift tests in any formalism.

Atom interferometry and the Einstein equivalence principle

The computation of the phase shift in a symmetric atom interferometer in the presence of a gravitational field is reviewed. The difference of action-phase integrals between the two paths of the interferometer is zero for any Lagrangian which is at most quadratic in position and velocity. We emphasize that in a large class of theories of gravity the atom interferometer permits a test of the weak version of the equivalence principle (or universality of free fall) by comparing the acceleration of atoms with that of ordinary bodies, but is insensitive to that aspect of the equivalence principle known as the gravitational redshift or universality of clock rates.

Rigorous Comparison of Gravimetry Employing Atom Interferometers and the Measurement of Gravitational Time Dilation


We present a gravitationally rigorous and clear answer, in the negative, to the question whether gravimetry with atom interferometers is equivalent to the the measurement of the relative gravitational time dilation of two clocks separated in space. Though matter and light waves, quantum states and oscillator clocks are quantum synonymous through the Planck-Einstein-de Broglie relations and the equivalence principle, there are crucial differences in the context of tests of gravitation theories.

Testing general relativity and alternative theories of gravity with space-based atomic clocks and atom interferometers

EPJ Web of Conferences, 2015

The successful miniaturisation of extremely accurate atomic clocks and atom interferometers invites prospects for satellite missions to perform precision experiments. We discuss the effects predicted by general relativity and alternative theories of gravity that can be detected by a clock, which orbits the Earth. Our experiment relies on the precise tracking of the spacecraft using its observed tick-rate. The spacecraft's reconstructed four-dimensional trajectory will reveal the nature of gravitational perturbations in Earth's gravitational field, potentially differentiating between different theories of gravity. This mission can measure multiple relativistic effects all during the course of a single experiment, and constrain the Parametrized Post-Newtonian Parameters around the Earth. A satellite carrying a clock of fractional timing inaccuracy of ∆ f / f ∼ 10 −16 in an elliptic orbit around the Earth would constrain the PPN parameters |β − 1|, |γ − 1| 10 −6 . We also briefly review potential constraints by atom interferometers on scalar tensor theories and in particular on Chameleon and dilaton models. a

Gravitational redshift, equivalence principle, and matter waves

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011

We review matter wave and clock comparison tests of the gravitational redshift. To elucidate their relationship to tests of the universality of free fall (UFF), we define scenarios wherein redshift violations are coupled to violations of UFF ("type II"), or independent of UFF violations ("type III"), respectively. Clock comparisons and atom interferometers are sensitive to similar effects in type II and precisely the same effects in type III scenarios, although type III violations remain poorly constrained. Finally, we describe the "Geodesic Explorer," a conceptual spaceborne atom interferometer that will test the gravitational redshift with an accuracy 5 orders of magnitude better than current terrestrial redshift experiments for type II scenarios and 12 orders of magnitude better for type III.

Universality in the Gravitational Stretching of Clocks, Waves and Quantum States

International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2011

There are discernible and fundamental differences between clocks, waves and physical states in classical physics. These fundamental concepts find a common expression in the context of quantum physics in gravitational fields; matter and light waves, quantum states and oscillator clocks become quantum synonymous through the Planck–Einstein–de Broglie relations and the equivalence principle. With this insight, gravitational effects on quantum systems can be simply and accurately analyzed. Apart from providing a transparent framework for conceptual and quantitative thinking on matter waves and quantum states in a gravitational field, we address and resolve with clarity the recent controversial discussions on the important issue of the relation and the crucial difference between gravimetery using atom interferometers and the measurement of gravitational time dilation.