Mitigating the adverse effects of response deadline on recognition memory: Differential effects of semantic memory support on item and associative memory (original) (raw)

Temporal contiguity between recalls predicts episodic memory performance

Psychonomic Bulletin & …, 2010

Manuscript under review. One way to study the associative processes at work during episodic memory is to examine the order of participant responses, which typically reveal the strong tendency to transition between temporally contiguous or semantically proximal items. Here we assessed the correlation between participants' recall performance and their use of semantic and temporal associations to guide retrieval across nine delayed free-recall studies. The size of participants' temporal contiguity effects predicted their recall performance. High semantic proximity effects, on the other hand, did not predict better recall performance. These results suggest that participants who more effectively form and retrieve associations between items that occur nearby in time perform better on episodic recall tasks.

Time course of item and associative information: Implications for global memory models.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: …, 1989

The time course of availability of associative and item information was examined by using a response signal procedure. Associative information discriminates between a studied pair of words and a pair with words from two different studied pairs. Item information is sufficient to discriminate between a studied pair and a pair not studied. In two experiments, discriminations that require associative information are delayed relative to those based on item information. Two additional experiments discount alternative explanations in terms of the time to encode the test items or task strategies. Examination of the global memory models of shows that the models treat item and associative information inseparably. Modifications to these models which can produce separate contributions for item and associative information do not predict any difference in their availability. Two possible mechanisms for the delayed availability of associative information are considered: the involvement of recall in recognition and the time required to form a compound cue.

Associative Retrieval Processes in Episodic Memory

Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2008

Association and context constitute two of the central ideas in the history of episodic memory research. Following a brief discussion of the history of these ideas, we review data that demonstrate the complementary roles of temporal contiguity and semantic relatedness in determining the order in which subjects recall lists of items and the timing of their successive recalls. These analyses reveal that temporal contiguity effects persist over very long time scales, a result that challenges traditional psychological and neuroscientific models of association. The form of the temporal contiguity effect is conserved across all of the major recall tasks and even appears in item recognition when subjects respond with high confidence. The nearuniversal form of the contiguity effect and its appearance at diverse time scales is shown to place tight constraints on the major theories of association. [Y]ou are wrong to say that we cannot move about in Time. For instance, if I am recalling an incident very vividly I go back to the instant of its occurrence: I become absent-minded, as you say. I jump back for a moment. H. G. Wells, The Time Machine, 1898 In the above quote from Wells' classic science-fiction novel, the protagonist compares his actual travels through time to the mental time travel one experiences through the act of This research was funded by National Institutes of Health grants MH55687 and MH61975. We thank Ben Murdock, Per Sederberg, Jeremy Caplan, and Kelly Addis for helpful discussions related to this work.

Characterizing the Relationship Between Related and Unrelated Items in Recognition Memory


Previous work has shown that semantic similarity results in a memory bias in which related words are more likely than unrelated words to be labeled as studied in recognition memory. I explored the relationship between semantic similarity memory bias and memory for unrelated words. I varied the strength of the related word memory bias by manipulating the proportion of related to unrelated words, and the type of related word used. I showed that as the bias for related words increases, the unrelated false alarm rate decreases. To further characterize the relationship between related and unrelated words, I examined how the related and unrelated words affect memory decisions when they are experienced separately at test. This manipulation diminished the related word memory bias, but the decrease in unrelated word false alarms remained. These findings suggest a compelling relationship between semantic similarity and unrelated items that warrants further investigation. Characterizing the Re...

The effect of concurrent semantic categorization on delayed serial recall

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2011

The influence of semantic processing on the serial ordering of items in short-term memory was explored using a novel dual-task paradigm. Participants engaged in 2 picture-judgment tasks while simultaneously performing delayed serial recall. List material varied in the presence of phonological overlap (Experiments 1 and 2) and in semantic content (concrete words in Experiment 1 and 3; nonwords in Experiments 2 and 3). Picture judgments varied in the extent to which they required accessing visual semantic information (i.e., semantic categorization and line orientation judgments). Results showed that, relative to line-orientation judgments, engaging in semantic categorization judgments increased the proportion of item-ordering errors for concrete lists but did not affect error proportions for nonword lists. Furthermore, although more ordering errors were observed for phonologically similar relative to dissimilar lists, no interactions were observed between the phonological overlap and picture-judgment task manipulations. These results demonstrate that lexical-semantic representations can affect the serial ordering of items in short-term memory. Furthermore, the dual-task paradigm provides a new method for examining when and how semantic representations affect memory performance.

The Effects of Associative Interference, Stimulus type, and Item familiarity on Associative Recognition Memory


Your file Votre reference ISBN 978-0-494-75367-5 Our file Notre reference ISBN 978-0-494-75367-5 NOTICE The author has granted a nonexclusive license allowing Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the Internet, loan, distribute and sell theses worldwide, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, in microform, paper, electronic and/or any other formats AVIS L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive permettant a la Bibliotheque et Archives Canada de reproduire, publier, archiver, sauvegarder, conserver, transmettre au public par telecommunication ou par I'lnternet, prefer, distnbuer et vendre des theses partout dans le monde, a des fins commerciales ou autres, sur support microforme, papier, electronique et/ou autres formats Bien que ces formulaires aient inclus dans la pagination, il n'y aura aucun contenu manquant l+l Canada The Effects of Associative Interference, Stimulus type, and Item familianty on Associative Recognition Memory

Access into Memory Differences in Judgments and Priming for Semantic and Associative Memory

Two experiments measuring the response times (RTs) of semantic and associative information processing are presented here. Experiment 1 tested the speed of judgments of associative and semantic word pairs (Maki, 2007a), and participants were able to judge associative relationships faster than semantic relationships. Interestingly, word relationship scores from database norms also predicted the RT for both semantic and associative judgments. Experiment 2 tested associative and semantic priming in a traditional lexical decision task, which also showed that associative word relationships were judged faster than semantic relationships. These findings are discussed as to how associative and semantic information is processed in memory.