An Attempt to Treat Unitarily the Algebras of Logic. New Algebras 1 (original) (raw)

On BCK Algebras - Part I.b: An Attempt to Treat Unitarily the Algebras of Logic. New Algebras

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2008

Since all the algebras connected to logic have, more or less explicitely, an associated order relation, it follows that they have two presentations, dual to each other. We classify these dual presentations in "left" and "right" ones and we consider that, when dealing with several algebras in the same research, it is useful to present them unitarily, either as "left" algebras or as "right" algebras. In some circumstances, this choice is essential, for instance if we want to build the ordinal sum (product) between a BL algebra and an MV algebra. We have chosen the "left" presentation and several algebras of logic have been redefined as particular cases of BCK algebras. We introduce several new properties of algebras of logic, besides those usually existing in the literature, which generate a more refined classification, depending on the properties satisfied. In this work (Parts I-V) we make an exhaustive study of these algebras-with two bounds and with one bound-and we present classes of finite examples, in bounded case. In this Part I, divided in two because of its length, after surveying chronologically several algebras related to logic, as residuated lattices, Hilbert algebras, MV algebras, divisible residuated lattices, BCK algebras, Wajsberg algebras, BL algebras, MTL algebras, WNM algebras, IMTL algebras, NM algebras, we propose a methodology in two steps for the simultaneous work with them (the first part of Part I). We then apply the methodology, redefining those algebras as particular cases of reversed left-BCK algebras. We analyse among others the properties Weak Nilpotent Minimum and Double Negation of a bounded BCK(P) lattice, we introduce new corresponding algebras and we establish hierarchies (the subsequent part of Part I).

On BCK Algebras - Part I.a: An Attempt to Treat Unitarily the Algebras of Logic. New Algebras

Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2007

Since all the algebras connected to logic have, more or less explicitely, an associated order relation, it follows that they have two presentations, dual to each other. We classify these dual presentations in "left" and "right" ones and we consider that, when dealing with several algebras in the same research, it is useful to present them unitarily, either as "left" algebras or as "right" algebras. In some circumstances, this choice is essential, for instance if we want to build the ordinal sum (product) between a BL algebra and an MV algebra. We have chosen the "left" presentation and several algebras of logic have been redefined as particular cases of BCK algebras.

On BCK algebras: Part II: New algebras. The ordinal sum (product) of two bounded BCK algebras

Soft Computing, 2008

Since all the algebras connected to logic have, more or less explicitly, an associated order relation, it follows, by duality principle, that they have two presentations, dual to each other. We classify these dual presentations in "left" and "right" ones and we consider that, when dealing with several algebras in the same research, it is useful to present them unitarily, either as "left" algebras or as "right" algebras. In some circumstances, this choice is essential, for instance if we want to build the ordinal sum (product) between a BL algebra and an MV algebra. We have chosen the "left" presentation and several algebras of logic have been redefined as particular cases of BCK algebras. We introduce several new properties of algebras of logic, besides those usually existing in the literature, which generate a more refined classification, depending on the properties satisfied. In this work (Parts I-V) we make an exhaustive study of these algebras-with two bounds and with one bound-and we present classes of finite examples, in bounded case. In Part II, we continue to present new properties, and consequently new algebras; among them, bounded αγ algebra is a common generalization of MTL algebra and divisible bounded residuated lattice (bounded commutative Rl-monoid). We introduce and study the ordinal sum (product) of two bounded BCK algebras.

Chapter 5: Applications to Particular Sentential Logics


In this chapter we determine the classes of S-algebras and of full models for several logics, especially for some which do not fit into the classical approaches to the algebraization of logic. We classify them according to several of the criteria we have been considering, i.e., the properties of the Leibniz, Tarski and Frege operators, which determine the classes of selfextensional logics, Fregean logics, strongly selfextensional logics, protoalgebraic logics, etc. We also study the counterexamples promised in the preceding chapters of this monograph. It goes without saying that the number of cases we have examined is limited, and that many more are waiting to be studied 32. In our view this is an interesting program, especially for non-algebraizable logics. Among those already proven in Blok and Pigozzi [1989a] not to be algebraizable we find many quasi-normal and other modal logics like Lewis' S1, S2 and S3, entailment system E, several purely implicational logics like BCI, the system R → of relevant implication, the "pure entailment" system E → , the implicative fragment S5 → of the Wajsbergstyle version of S5, etc. Other non-algebraizable logics not treated in the present monograph are Da Costa's paraconsistent logics C n (see Lewin, Mikenberg, and Schwarze [1991]), and the "logic of paradox" of Priest [1979] (see Pynko [1995]). This program is also interesting for some algebraizable logics whose class of Salgebras is already known, but whose full models have not yet been investigated; this includes Łukasiewicz many-valued logics (see Rodríguez, Torrens, and Verdú [1990]), BCK logic and some of its neighbours (see Blok and Pigozzi [1989a] Theorem 5.10), the equivalential fragments of classical and intuitionistic logics 32 The full models of several subintuitionistic logics have been determined in Bou [2001]; those of

A Survey of Generalized Basic Logic Algebras


Petr Hájek identified the logic BL, that was later shown to be the logic of continuous t-norms on the unit interval, and defined the corresponding algebraic models, BL-algebras, in the context of residuated lattices. The defining characteristics of BL-algebras are representability and divisibility. In this short note we survey recent developments in the study of divisible residuated lattices and attribute the inspiration for this investigation to Petr Hájek.

An overview of generalized basic logic algebras


Classical propositional logic is one of the earliest formal systems of logic, with its origins in the work of Boole and De Morgan. The algebraic semantics of this logic is given by Boolean algebras. Both, the logic and the algebraic semantics have been generalized in many directions over the last 150 years. In this talk we primarily take the algebraic point of view, but we will also use the powerful framework of algebraic logic to clarify the close relationship between algebra and logic. In various applications (such as fuzzy logic) the properties of Boolean conjunction are too stringent, hence a new binary connective •, usually called fusion, is introduced. In Boolean algebra the relationship between conjunction and implication is given by the residuation equivalences x ∧ y ≤ z ⇐⇒ x ≤ y → z ⇐⇒ y ≤ x → z. These equivalences imply many of the properties of ∧ and → (such as commutativity of ∧, distributivity of ∧ over ∨, left-distributivity of → over ∨ and right-distributivity of → over ∧) so one wishes to retain some aspects of these equivalences, but with conjunction replaced by fusion. To avoid imposing commutativity on the fusion operation one has to introduce two implications: x • y ≤ z ⇐⇒ x ≤ y → z ⇐⇒ y ≤ x z.

Some logical invariants of algebras and logical relations between algebras

St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 2008

Let Θ be an arbitrary variety of algebras and H an algebra in Θ. Along with algebraic geometry in Θ over the distinguished algebra H, a logical geometry in Θ over H is considered. This insight leads to a system of notions and stimulates a number of new problems. Some logical invariants of algebras H ∈ Θ are introduced and logical relations between different H 1 and H 2 in Θ are analyzed. The paper contains a brief review of ideas of logical geometry (§1), the necessary material from algebraic logic (§2), and a deeper introduction to the subject (§3). Also, a list of problems is given. 0.1. Introduction. The paper consists of three sections. A reader wishing to get a feeling of the subject and to understand the logic of the main ideas can confine himself to §1. A more advanced look at the topic of the paper is presented in § §2 and 3. In §1 we give a list of the main notions, formulate some results, and specify problems. Not all the notions used in §1 are well formalized and commonly known. In particular, we operate with algebraic logic, referring to §2 for precise definitions. However, §1 is self-contained from the viewpoint of ideas of universal algebraic geometry and logical geometry. Old and new notions from algebraic logic are collected in §2. Here we define the Halmos categories and multisorted Halmos algebras related to a variety Θ of algebras. §3 is a continuation of §1. Here we give necessary proofs and discuss problems. The main problem we are interested in is what are the algebras with the same geometrical logic. The theory described in the paper has deep ties with model theory, and some problems are of a model-theoretic nature. We emphasize once again that §1 gives a complete insight on the subject, while §2 and §3 describe and decode the material of §1. §1. Preliminaries. General view 1.1. Main idea. We fix an arbitrary variety Θ of algebras. Throughout the paper we consider algebras H in Θ. To each algebra H ∈ Θ one can attach an algebraic geometry (AG) in Θ over H and a logical geometry (LG) in Θ over H. In algebraic geometry we consider algebraic sets over H, while in logical geometry we consider logical (elementary) sets over H. These latter sets are related to the elementary logic, i.e., to the first order logic (FOL). Consideration of these sets gives grounds to geometries in an arbitrary variety of algebras. We distinguish algebraic and logical geometries in Θ. However, there is very 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 03G25.

C T ] 1 0 M ay 2 01 4 Representation theory of logics : a categorial approach


The major concern in the study of categories of logics is to describe condition for preservation, under the a method of combination of logics, of meta-logical properties. Our complementary approach to this field is study the ”global” aspects of categories of logics in the vein of the categories Ss,Ls,As studied in [AFLM3]. All these categories have good properties however the category of logics L does not allow a good treatment of the ”identity problem” for logics ([Bez]): for instance, the presentations of ”classical logics” (e.g., in the signature {¬,∨} and {¬,→}) are not Ls-isomorphic. In this work, we sketch a possible way to overcome this ”defect” (and anothers) by a mathematical device: a representation theory of logics obtained from category theoretic aspects on (Blok-Pigozzi) algebraizable logics. In this setting we propose the study of (left and right) ”Morita equivalence” of logics and variants. We introduce the concepts of logics (left/right)-(stably) -Morita-equivalent a...