The Most Difficult Notion of Programming: The Variable (original) (raw)
Related papers
Programming in Slovak Primary Schools
Olympiads in Informatics, 2016
In our paper, we want to present the conception of elementary programming in primary Informatics education in Slovakia and the process of its integration into ordinary classrooms. First, we will familiarize the reader with the tradition of so called 'Informatics education' in Slovakia and with the various stages of the process of its integration. We will formulate the learning objectives of the elementary informatics as a school subject in Slovakia (referring to Blaho and Salanci, 2011) and give reasons why we believe that it offers an important opportunity for developing informatics knowledge, computational thinking and problem solving skills. We will primarily focus on the presentation of our arguments why we consider programming (in the form rigorously respecting the age of the primary pupils) to be appropriate and productive constituent of learning already for this age group. Several recent research findings, presented by Ackermann (2012) and others support our position here. In the next chapter, we will present in detail the conception of elementary programming and how it is implemented in the continuing professional development (CPD) of primary teachers in Slovakia. We will examine which programming environments are being used, what kind of pedagogies and which specific learning objectives our teachers apply. We will list programming concepts and identify corresponding cognitive operations, which we find appropriate for primary pupils. Then we will present and analyse the CPD of our in-service teachers (and the position of programming in this process) which we have recently implemented in Slovakia. Another important element of our CPD strategy is the well-known Bebras contest (in Slovakia it is called 'iBobor' or 'Informatics Beaver'). In the next chapter of our paper, we will apply qualitative educational inquiry methods to examine how our conception of elementary programming has really penetrated into primary classes in Slovakia. We are also interested in how it is being received by the teachers and pupils. Through interviews with the teachers we will identify different aspects of the whole process and main risk factors, which may complicate or hinder the implementation. In the final chapter, we will study the tendency to develop informatics and programming at the primary level in the context of various research projects presented in the academic research literature. We will compare various key findings of other research projects with our own experience.
The Role of Variable in Programming: Examples and Methodology
One of the hardest notions to define in programming is the variable and the related command of assignment. In our opinion, it is exactly these difficulties that are responsible for the reluctance towards programming. The reason for this, according to us and others [7], is the multifunctional nature of the variable: it can be used for various purposes. Its concept “in our heads” and in the programming languages is markedly different in this respect.
Kulturowe spojrzenie na programy powszechnych szczepień ochronnych wczoraj i dziś
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Cel badań: Celem badania było wskazanie kulturowych mechanizmów utrudniających wdrażanie programów powszechnych szczepień ochronnych oraz ujawnienie ich szerszego geograficzno-historycznego tła. Metoda badań: Badania wpisują się w nurt folklorystyki oraz antropologii kulturowej i jej subdyscypliny – antropologii medycznej. Analizie poddano treści wierzeniowe, na które składają się materiały ikonograficzne, zasoby elektroniczne bibliotek dotyczące historii profilaktyki szczepiennej oraz dostępne w Internecie wypowiedzi przeciwników szczepień, stosując podejście interpretatywne, które odwołuje się do systemu wiedzy, wartości i kategorii analitycznych, jakimi posługują się badani, celem odkrywania sensu ich działań. Wyniki badań: Analiza antropologiczna warstwy folklorystycznej przekazów o szczepieniach obnaża braki oficjalnych programów i kampanii proszczepiennych, nie uwzględniających żywotności oraz roli struktur mitycznych w stosunku do decyzji podejmowanych w kwestiach zdrowotnych...
Programming for All: Understanding the Nature of Programs
ArXiv, 2021
Computer programs are part of our daily life, we use them, we provide them with data, they support our decisions, they help us remember, they control machines, etc. Programs are made by people, but in most cases we are not their authors, so we have to decide if we can trust them. Programs enable computers and computer-controlled machines to behave in a large variety of ways. They bring the intrinsic power of computers to life. Programs have a variety of properties that all citizens must be aware of. Due to the intangible nature of programs, most of these properties are very unusual, but important to understand the digital world. In this position paper, we describe the Nature of Programs in the form of knowledge statements, accompanied by examples from everyday life to clarify their meaning. Everything is formulated in an easily understandable manner and avoids obscure technical language. We suggest that these knowledge statements must be imparted to all teachers and school students....
Szybki wiersz...", czyli Zagajewskiego gry z czasem
Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne, 2021
The article is an analysis and interpretation of Adam Zagajewski’s A quick poem. The main point of consideration is the issue of speed and slowness. The article also addresses the problem of the condition of the lyrical ego and its relationship with the world. It also shows the changes taking place and catastrophic moods.
Postrzeganie automatyzacji procesów pracy a oczekiwania płacowe. Badanie wśród studentów Krakowa
Przegląd Organizacji, 2020
Automatyzacja procesów pracy jest dynamicznie rozwijającym się zjawiskiem wpływającym na procesy społeczno-gospodarcze w ramach: sektorów gospodarki, innowacji produktowych i procesowych, modeli biznesowych oraz struktur przedsiębiorstw. Dynamicznie rozwija się również w obszarze centrów usług wspólnych. W artykule zbadano, czy ryzyko automatyzacji zawodów przypisanych do poszczególnych kierunków studiów jest dostrzegane przez przyszłych uczestników rynku pracy i znajduje odzwierciedlenie w ich oczekiwaniach płacowych. Badania przeprowadzono wśród studentów uczelni wyższych i innych krakowskich uczelni. Badanie opiera się na pierwotnych i wtórnych źródłach danych. Pierwsze z nich to badanie przeprowadzone na przełomie 2018 i 2019 roku na próbie studentów reprezentujących 46 kierunków studiów w Krakowie (n = 1180). Drugie źródło danych to dane pozyskane z bazy danych ELA, ogólnokrajowego systemu śledzenia karier absolwentów szkół wyższych w Polsce. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że...
Abstract Over eight years of working with computers, a recurring problem has been what to do when existing tools fail to grow along with artistic ideas. Having failed to become skilled at pro-gramming, I have repeatedly sought ways to deal with this problem. I describe my experi-ence of working with programmers and my adoption of various visual programming tools. I also describe some of the territories I have crossed in pondering the concepts of program-ming and computation, especially in regard to augmented reality.
From Universal to Programming Languages
In E. Csuhaj-Varjú (Ed.), Informal electronic proceedings of CiE 2014. Budapest: ELTE., 2014
In the history of computation, the reflection over language plays an important role in its foundational days, still to be fully investigated. In particular, the effort to find a perfect, universal language apt to sustain transnational communication among scientists was often directed towards the reduction of semantic ambiguity and cultural neutrality. The result is a class of non-natural languages created in the same period and sometimes by the same scientists involved in logic, mathematics, and computability, such as Descartes, Leibniz and Peano. Finally, as a special case, we will analyse the use of the metaphor of Esperanto within the history of Computer Science.
Pišek - Programming with Blocks Competition A new Slovenian Programming Competition
Promoting computer science through programming competitions is widespread all around the world. Computer competitions for students in Slovenia have a long and respectable history they date back to the nineteen seventies, soon after the subject Computer Science was introduced in the official curricula as an elective course. These competitions were used to promote the field as well as to enrich computer science education. In the paper, we will present the current situation in Slovenia. In the last years (under the cover of ACM Slovenia) we established an almost complete vertical line of competitions that encompasses the youngest and reaches up to university students. As we observed a huge gap in attendance between highly successful Bebras competition and the competition on the next level, we started to prepare a new competition, named Pǐsek Programming with Blocks Competition with the goal to address the area between computational thinking and problem solving with programming and algo...