Analysis Of Risk Factors For Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence In Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients (original) (raw)

2020, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine

Background:Incidence of pulmonary TB in type-2 diabetes mellitus patients is still high. Gender, age, nutritional status, duration of diabetes, blood glucose control, smoking habit, and HbA1c, are among risk factors that influence its occurrence. This study aims to analyze the risk factors that contribute to the incidence of pulmonary TB in type-2 DM patients in Makassar. Methods:A survey analysis study at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital. Hasanuddin University Hospital. and educational network hospital.on December 2019 until the desired sample reached. Sample collection using consecutive sampling. Data analysis using SPSS verse 22. Statistical analysis using pearson's correlation. chi square test. and multiple logistic regression (backward method). Significant result if p value <0.05. Results:Study included 225 type-2 DM patients. From study shows distribution of pulmonary TB in type-2 DM patients is 13.3%. Incidence of pulmonary TB was high in patient with underweight (OR=6.7 and p<0.05), duration of DM>5 years (OR=3.8 and p<0.05), and uncontrolled blood glucose (OR=2.7 and p<0.05). There was no significant correlation between gender (female 19 from 135, male 11 from 90 with p>0.05), age (age >60yo 15 from 92, age ≤60yo 15 from 133 with p>0.05), smoking habit (yes 10 from 84, no 20 from 141 with p>0.05) and HbA1c (A1c <7 was 0 from 7 and A1c ≥7 was 30 from 165 with p>0.05) with pulmonary TB incidence. Discussions:Incidence pulmonary TB in type-2 DM patients according to BMI was significant (p<0.05) because condition of malnutrition can lowering the immune status by decreased the limphocytes production and immune proliferation also decreased of IFNgamma and IL-2 level, and increased of TGF-beta. Incidence according to duration of DM was significant (p<0.05). Incidence according to blood glucose control was significant (p<0.05), DM and uncontrolled blood glucose can lead to an immune compromise condition, some of risk factors that also can contribute to infection disease. Conclusion:There was significant correlation between underweight, duration of DM >5 years, and uncontrolled blood glucose with pulmonary TB incidence.