The Analysis of Potential Restaurant Tax Revenue in Banyuwangi Regency (original) (raw)
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This research aims to determine and analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of hotel, restaurant, and hotel and restaurant tax revenues together in North Toraja Regency, as well as to determine the magnitude of the potential for hotel and restaurant taxes on Regional Original Income (PAD) in North Toraja Regency. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with a statistical descriptive approach. The results of this research are: 1) The effectiveness of hotel and restaurant taxes has an effect on local revenue (PAD) of North Toraja Regency, 2) Hotel tax efficiency does not have a significant effect on local revenue (PAD) of North Toraja Regency, 3) Tax contributions hotels and restaurants have a significant effect on local revenue (PAD) of North Toraja Regency, and 4) The potential for hotel and restaurant taxes in North Toraja Regency in 2013-2018 continues to increase, only in 2020 it decreases due to tourist visits due to the pandemic.
The Tax Optimization Strategy Of Tourism Sector To Increase Banyuwangi Regency’s Income
International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 2021
Purpose: Banyuwangi Regency is intensively optimizing the tourism sector that has enormous natural and cultural potential. The tourism sector has a broad impact (multiplier effect) felt by all layers of businesses, including businesses in the entertainment industry, hospitality and restaurants. These three business sectors will directly affect income through the tourism sector's local tax. The purpose of this study is determine the relationship of the tourist visitation number to the entertainment tax of Banyuwangi Regency, to find out the relationship of the tourist visitation number to the hotel tax of Banyuwangi Regency, to determine the relationship of the tourist visitation number to the restaurant tax of Banyuwangi Regency. Research methods: The analytical method used in this study is Product Moment Correlation Analysis. Results and discussions: The results of this study indicate that the relationship of the Tourist visitation Number (X1) to the Entertainment Tax (Y1) obta...
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Tourism has a great impact on social and economic sectors in Banyuwangi since tourism sector in Bayuwangi have natural wealth and diverse cultural heritage. In the last decade, the economic growth in Banyuwangi has increased, especially in the tourism sector. This study aimed to identify driving and inhibiting factors in optimizing local taxes in the tourism sector. A quantitative descriptive research was used in this study. The results of this study indicated that the driving factors of tax optimization comprised good hospitality, local tax management system managed by Bapenda, local regulations, number of tourist arrivals. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors of tax optimization involved the basic consideration in collecting data of taxpayer, which was yet optimized, unintegrated data related to number of tourist arrivals, hotels, restaurants, entertainment as taxpayer subjects, low awareness of taxpayers, and the sluggish global economy.
Policy Communication Strategy of Restaurant Tax to Increase Bandung’s Own-Source Revenue
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
About a quarter of Bandung Own-Source Revenue comes from the tax revenue. Meanwhile, the increasing number of cafe and restaurant in Bandung is not followed by the increasing amount of Own-Source Revenue from the restaurant taxes income. Thus, local government issued reward policy in order to stimulate taxpayer to orderly pay the tax. This study aims to generate an ideal policy communication strategy of Bandung local government's restaurant tax reward policy in order to stimulate restaurant taxpayer to pay tax orderly. The method used is the case study. Data collection incorporates literature study, observation, and interviews with Economic Affairs and Office for Management of Regional Revenue of Bandung. The results indicate that the ideal policy communication strategy of Bandung local government's restaurant tax reward policy including interpersonal communication by the field officers to the taxpayer and through publication on the Tax Magazine by Tax Office.
The Effectiveness and Strategy to Increase of Hotel and Restaurant Taxes
Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2019
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of hotel and restaurant taxes and hotel and restaurant tax increase strategies. The research method used a survey method. The population was 341 taxpayers with a sample of 103 taxpayers in Tasikmalaya City. The analytical tool used is effectiveness analysis and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the effectiveness of hotel and restaurant tax included in the criteria is very effective. Meanwhile, to increase hotel and restaurant tax strategy that includes improving human resources, system improvements and improvements in determining the hotel and restaurant tax revenue targets.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan, 2017
This research aims to discover the effectivity, the efficiency, the performance as well as the contribution of tax collection from hotels and restaurants toward the Original Regional Income in Mataram from 2011 until 2016. The method used is a quantitative method for case study as the data collection. The result shows that the effectivity and efficiency of the tax collection from hotels and restaurants in Mataram are considered in the effective and efficient category. Meanwhile, the contribution of hotels and restaurants tax collection to the regional tax is 0,27% and 0,13% toward the Original Regional Income, thus, the hotel and restaurant taxes give a good contribution to the regional tax and original regional income in Mataram. In addition, the performance of hotels and restaurants tax is in a developing category.
Journal of Economic Empowerment Strategy (JEES)
To manage hotel and restaurant taxes, it is absolutely necessary to have sufficient supervision and to supervise the implementation of hotel and restaurant taxes carried out by the Regional Revenue Service. The purpose of this study, namely to determine the implementation of supervision of hotel and restaurant tax collection, things that hinder and efforts that must be done to overcome obstacles to the implementation of supervision of hotel and restaurant tax collection in increasing the original revenue of Sumedang Regency. The method used in this research is qualitative method. With eight informants of research, namely the Head of the Regional Revenue Service, Head of Planning and Operations Control, Head of Control and Supervision Section, Executive Staff of Operational Control Planning, hotel and restaurant management. The results of the study show that controlling of hotel tax collection and restaurant tax to increase Sumedang Regency's original revenue has been effective b...
Hotel and Restaurant Taxes Role to the Local Original Revenue of Regency/City in South Sumatera
Proceedings of the 5th FIRST T3 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T3 2021), 2022
This study aims to analyze the effect of the hotel tax and restaurant tax income to the local origianal revenue regency/city of in south sumatera fiscal year 2016-2020. The sample of this research includes 14 regions in South Sumatera. This sample was selected based on the purposive sampling method. This study uses multiple regression analysis. The data used in this study are secondary data with documentation as the data collecting techniques. This study indicate that the hotel tax has a positive and significant effect on local revenue. Restaurant tax has a positive and significant effect on local revenue. Simultaneously hotel tax and restaurant have a significant effect on local revenue.
Ilomata International Journal of Tax and Accounting
Based on temporary research, there are still many taxpayers who are not obedient in fulfilling their taxes, such as paying taxes not on time and not by the amount of tax owed. This study aims to find out and analyze the Restaurant Tax Audit Analysis in the Framework of Testing Taxpayer Compliance at the South Jakarta City Administration Regional Revenue Tribe in 2021. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The criteria for the sources that the author uses as informants (parties/interviewees) in this study are those who control and understand the conditions of the research object, who are involved or occupy positions related to the topic under study, and have sufficient time to be interviewed. Restaurant Tax Audit in the Context of Testing Taxpayer Compliance at the Regional Revenue Sub-District of the City of South Jakarta Administration has been carried out well, especially from the audit procedures and audit results, but the ability of the tax ...
Level Of Effectiveness And Contribution Of Hotel Tax To The Original Income Of The Yogyakarta City
Since the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014, local governments have the authority to find and explore regional potential, such as regional taxes. One type of regional tax that can support the Yogyakarta city pad is the hotel tax. This type of research uses a quantitative descriptive method that aims to determine the level of effectiveness and contribution of the hotel tax to Yogyakarta city pad during 2018-2021. The data collection technique used in this study was by secondary data method obtained through the website of open data. Jogjakarta. go. is owned by the Yogyakarta City Government. The results of this study show that the level of effectiveness and contribution of hotel taxes over the past 4 years tends to fluctuate. The average level of hotel tax effectiveness in Yogyakarta City is effective, even though for the last 2 years it has been within the criteria of ineffectiveness. Meanwhile, the contribution of the hotel tax to PAD Yogyakarta City is still lacking. So in the fut...