Positive Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian and Conformal Densities on Homogeneous Trees (original) (raw)
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Complex Analysis and its Synergies, 2021
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Heat kernel expansions, ambient metrics and conformal invariants
Advances in Mathematics
The conformal powers of the Laplacian of a Riemannian metric which are known as the GJMS-operators admit a combinatorial description in terms of the Taylor coefficients of a natural second-order one-parameter family H(r; g) of self-adjoint elliptic differential operators. H(r; g) is a non-Laplace-type perturbation of the conformal Laplacian P 2 (g) = H(0; g). It is defined in terms of the metric g and covariant derivatives of the curvature of g. We study the heat kernel coefficients a 2k (r; g) of H(r; g) on closed manifolds. We prove general structural results for the heat kernel coefficients a 2k (r; g) and derive explicit formulas for a 0 (r) and a 2 (r) in terms of renormalized volume coefficients. The Taylor coefficients of a 2k (r; g) (as functions of r) interpolate between the renormalized volume coefficients of a metric g (k = 0) and the heat kernel coefficients of the conformal Laplacian of g (r = 0). Although H(r; g) is not conformally covariant, there is a beautiful formula for the conformal variation of the trace of its heat kernel. Its proof rests on the combinatorial relations between Taylor coefficients of H(r; g) and GJMS-operators. As a consequence, we give a heat equation proof of the conformal transformation law of the integrated renormalized volume coefficients. By refining these arguments, we also give a heat equation proof of the conformal transformation law of the renormalized volume coefficients itself. The Taylor coefficients of a 2 (r) define a sequence of higher-order Riemannian curvature functionals with extremal properties at Einstein metrics which are analogous to those of integrated renormalized volume coefficients. Among the various additional results the reader finds a Polyakov-type formula for the renormalized volume of a Poincaré-Einstein metric in terms of Q-curvature of its conformal infinity and additional holographic terms. The present study of relations between spectral theoretic heat kernel coefficients and geometric quantities like renormalized volume coefficients is stimulated by the holographic perspective of the AdS/CFT-duality (proposing relations between functional determinants and renormalized volumes). ANDREAS JUHL 7. The Gaussian integral 34 8. A conformal primitive of the Gaussian integral 41 9. Proof of Theorem 1.4 44 10. Proof of Theorem 1.8 44 11. Proof of Theorem 1.7 49 12. Extremal properties of some curvature functionals 52 13. Further results, comments and open problems 60 13.1. Global conformal invariants 60 13.2. Spectral zeta functions 61 13.3. A heat kernel proof of the variational formula of v(r) 65 13.4. Hessians 67 13.5. Spectral geometry 70 13.6. Relation to Q-curvature 71 13.7. First-order perturbation 72 13.8. Quantization and Einstein condition 72 13.9. Non-Laplace-type operators 72 14. Appendix 72 14.1. The holographic Laplacian 73 14.2. The heat kernel coefficients a 0 , a 2 and a 4 73 14.3. The heat kernel coefficient a 6 74 14.4. a 6 for locally conformally flat metrics 79 14.5. Holographic formulas for heat kernel coefficients and applications 82 14.6. Polyakov formulas for functional determinants of P 2 89 14.7. Polyakov type formulas for renormalized volumes 90 14.8. Heat kernel coefficients of round spheres and hyperbolic spaces 93 14.9. The correction terms as polynomials in v 2k 95 14.10. Product metrics and consequences 95 14.11. On the coefficient a 4 (r) 99 References 107
On polygonal measures with vanishing harmonic moments
Journal d'Analyse Mathématique, 2014
A polygonal measure is the sum of finitely many real constant density measures supported on triangles in C. Given a finite set S ⊂ C, we study the existence of polygonal measures spanned by triangles with vertices in S, which have all harmonic moments vanishing. For S generic, we show that the dimension of the linear space of such measures is |S|−3 2 .