The role of Women and Children Protection Technical Implementation Units in alleviating child abuses during the Covid-19 pandemic (original) (raw)

Implementation of Protection Services for Women and Children Victims of Violence at Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta: An Institutional

Iapa Proceedings Conference, 2020

Cases of violence against women and children in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) in 2019 has reached 1,469 cases. This condition requires a special attention from the Government. The implementation of protection services for women and children victims of violence in DIY is carried out by P2TPAKK "Rekso Dyah Utami". This institution has been established and served the community since 2004. However, the existence of P2TPAKK "Rekso Dyah Utami" began to be interrupted by the Regulation of the Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia No. 9 of 2016 on Guidelines for the Nomenclature of Regional Apparatus in the Field of Women Empowerment and Child Protection which mandates that service providers for the protection of women and children victims of violence must take the form of Technical Service Unit (UPTD). This raises a dilemma for the DIY government. Then, what is the suitable institutional format for the implementation of th...

The Role of the Regional Technical Implementation of Women and Children (Uptd Ppa) in Handling Cases of Sexual Violence Against Children in the City of Sukabumi


Sexual violence is any activity that consists of sexual activity carried out by adults to children and by children to other children. This research focuses on the role of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) and what are the supporting factors as well as obstacles in handling cases of sexual violence against children in Sukabumi City. This research has several problems, including that Sukabumi City does not yet have a safe house for victims of sexual violence and there are still increasing cases of child sexual violence, while Sukabumi City won the title of Child Worthy City (KLA) at the Intermediate level in 2016-2019 and rose to the Nidya level in 2021. The theory used to find out how the role of UPTD PPA in handling cases of child sexual violence is the role dimension of Arimbi et al (2003: 45). The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, with data collection using observation, interviews, documents, audio an...

Addressing Violence Against Women and Children: Policy Implementation for Women and Children's Protection

Public Policy Journal, 2023

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 9 of 2019 in the P2TP2A Institution on the Protection of Women and Children in Bone Bolango Regency seen from the indicators of (a) Organization, (b) Interpretation/understanding, (c) Implementation. This research method uses descriptive qualitative, while the data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The findings of the research show that the Implementation of P2TP2A Institution Policies in the Protection of Women and Children from Violence in Bone Bolango Regency is good in terms of organization, interpretation/understanding, and implementation. In general, it has been implemented but is not optimal. Judging from the organization, it is in accordance with the procedure, and the interpretation/understanding has been carried out but it can be said that it is not good because it has not yet been achieved that many people understand the socialization carried out, human resources are still lacking, and lack of public awareness. In the application, it has been running well in accordance with applicable regulations. In an effort to protect women and children, the community must first know how to protect women and children. Therefore, supervision of the protection of women and children is needed, as well as an increase in socialization and interpretation/understanding with the entire community. Socialization can be done either through advertisements or social media.

Program on Violence against Women and Children for DKI Jakarta residents


The pandemic of Covid-19 bring poor influence in various aspects such as the economy, health and finance. Increased problems and stress have an impact on domestic violence against women and children. It was reported the incidence of domestic violence increased during the pandemic as a result of stresses and uncertainty condition, especially when there is an imbalance of authority between men and women at home. There were 80% of female respondents in the middle to lower economic level reported receiving psychological and economic violence, and the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in DKI Jakarta forced victims to live in the same house as the perpetrators of violence. For this reason, a program for an anti-violence campaign against women and children is needed with the aim to increase the awareness of women/wives due to domestic violence impact both for themselves, children and families. This program is carried out by academics through some events such as webin...

Study and Handling of Violence Against Women and Children in the Larantuka Community


Women and children are increasingly vulnerable to discrimination and violence due to gender inequality. It is the current phenomenon that is happening in Larantuka communities. The dominant forms of violence against women in the domestic domain occuring in Larantuka City are predominantly physical violence and household neglect. This research aims to explore the cases of violence against women and children to examine the handling efforts by government institutions. The phenomenological approach was delivered using in-depth interviews with 6 (six) Key Informant Interviews (KII) from Government Institutions who handle the cases of violence i.e. DP2KBP3A, a Social Worker, The Head of the East Flores Police Women and Children Protection Unit, 5 (five) housewives, and 8 (eight) teenagers (≤ 18 years) through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The findings of this study are a significant increase in cases of violence. Data from the East Flores Police Women and Children Protection Unit in 2022 shows 67 cases were recorded. In recent year between January-June 2023, 61 case recorded shows dominant cases are sexual and domestic violence. The majority victims of these cases are women and underage children (minors). The causes are the abandonment of children due to parents leaving abroad for work, permissive parenting, and high respect for customs.

Children Violence Phenomenon in Pandemic Period and it's Legal Protection


Violence against children is often termed child abuse. Violent treatment of children can have an impact on children's behavior and result in mental disorders in children. Good children's experiences as well as bad experiences will be recorded in the child's subconscious and will be carried over to adulthood and even throughout his life. If this happens, it will become a chain and culture of violence. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of cases of violence against children in Indonesia has increased. Learning from home and working from home make the intensity of the interaction between children and their families tighter. Life pressures, dullness, and boredom experienced by both children and parents are vulnerable to creating conflicts that lead to violence. In the end, the child as the weaker person is in the position of being victimized. By using a descriptive-analytic method, this research presents data and explanations by the reality of existing phenomena. Data collection was carried out by reviewing the literature and reviewing literature data related to legal protection for children. The findings show that the government guarantees and provides protection to child victims of violence.

Policy Implementation in Bekasi Municipal Government in Handling Violence Against Children in 2020 (A Case Study of the Bekasi City Office of Women Empowerment and Child Protection)


Cases of violence against children in Bekasi City are considered to be quite high, in 2020 there were 196 cases. Thus, the Bekasi Municipal Government took firm measures in dealing with cases of child violence through Bekasi City Regulation Number 12 of 2012 concerning Protection of Women and Children and Bekasi Mayor Regulation Number 19 of 2013 as a guide for all activities of the regional regulation. Therefore, a study was conducted to find out the causes of the increase in child violence rates in the city of Bekasi and how to implement the policies that were previously made to deal with cases of violence against children. This study employed a descriptive qualitative model where the existence of violence against children was described to increase every year even though the government has handled this case by issuing several policies. The results showed that the high cases of child violence in Bekasi City were influenced by the environment, the role of parents, and the use of sma...

Elimination of Violence Against Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC 1989)

Khazanah Hukum

Violence against children is included in the highest cases of human rights violations during the Covid-19 pandemic. It will affect and has affected the lives of children throughout the world, especially in Indonesia. Children are a vulnerable group who need special protection during this pandemic because, during the pandemic, cases of violence against children are now shifting from the home. Indonesia has ratified the United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child (UNCRC 1989) through Presidential Decree Number 36 of 1990, in which the formation of national legislation, Indonesia must use the same principles based on the convention. The actualization of national law has been repeatedly launched to eliminate violence against children in Indonesia. The problem formulation of this research is how to eliminate violence against children in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic based on the United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child (UNCRC 1989). The purpose of this study...

Policy on Child Protection During the Covid-19 Pandemic


The increase in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia was followed by a large-scale social restriction policy that aims to break the chain of distribution. On the other hand, this policy causes violence to vulnerable groups, especially children. Based on data from the Complaints Service section of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, there has been a monthly increase in cases of violence handled since March of 2020. Writing this paper is important because this phenomenon illustrates the efforts of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to protect children. This paper aims to find out what factors cause violence against children during the Covid-19 pandemic and how the government atempts to protect children from violence during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted using an empirical juridical method. Based on the results of rapid research, it can be concluded that the main causes of the increase in violence against children during the Covid-19 Pandemic are psychological and economic factors. Meanwhile, the efforts made by the government, in this case, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, are by optimizing community-based integrated child protection.

Prevention of Violence Againts Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic Perspective of Criminology

Journal of Law and Legal Reform

The specific purpose of this research is to find an appropriate model to use as the basis for considering a policy in dealing with violence against children perpetrated by families. The research method used is a qualitative method with a criminological research approach. The results of the study show that the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected people in carrying out their daily activities. In addition, it also has an impact on the community starting from health, economic, and social impacts. One of the impacts is the emergence of new problems regarding the occurrence of domestic violence. The data shows that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic there was an increase in the number of Domestic Violence. The causes of domestic violence include being quarantined at home independently, which makes victims of domestic violence trapped together with perpetrators of domestic violence. Besides that, it also triggers stress because with this pandemic the family economy is re...