Caracterización sedimentológica y morfológica de la bahía de Cartagena (2000-2020) (original) (raw)
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RESUMEN. Se analizó la distribución espacial y las principales características texturales de 234 muestras de sedimentos superficiales de la bahía de Cartagena. Para caracterizar los ambientes de depósito en el fondo de la bahía se aplicaron tres funciones discriminantes para diferenciar entre: (i) depósitos de playa y marino somero agitado, (ii) depósitos fluviales y marino someros, y (iii) depósitos fluviales influenciados por corrientes de turbidez. Los sedimentos predominantes fueron lodos medios (5,35 ± 1,2 φ), pobremente clasificados (σ = 1,63 ± 0,8), con notable asimetría (S k =-0,052 ± 0.2) y curtosis (k) de 0,84 ± 0,4. Se encontró dos tipos principales de depósitos recientes en la bahía de Cartagena: marino somero agitado, de dominio fluvial, y depósitos de corrientes de turbidez, de dominio fluvial. Los contenidos más bajos de arena (<5%) se encontraron a lo largo de un eje latitudinal que va desde el prodelta del Canal del Dique hasta el extremo occidental de isla de Tierrabomba. Los contenidos de CaCO 3 de los depósitos sedimentarios fueron menores al 10%. Los sedimentos calcáreos autógenos han sido cubiertos por sedimentos finos de origen terrígeno transportados por el Canal del Dique, el cual tiene un papel más activo y predominante en la sedimentación de la bahía de lo que se ha señalado previamente. Palabras clave: sedimento superficial, análisis textural, ambientes sedimentarios, bahía de Cartagena, Canal del Dique, Colombia. Cartagena Bay (Colombia): superficial sediments distribution and sedimentary environments ABSTRACT. We studied the spatial distribution and textural characteristics of 234 surface sediment samples from the Bay of Cartagena, Colombia, to understand sedimentation processes over the last few decades. We used three discriminant functions to characterize depositional environments and to differentiate among: (i) beach deposits and sediments of high-energy, shallow marine environments, (ii) fluvial deposits and sediments of shallow marine environments, and (iii) fluvial deposits influenced by turbidity currents. The predominant sediment type is a medium-size (5.35 ± 1.2 φ), poorly sorted (σ = 1.63 ± 0.8) mud, with a noticeable asymmetry (S k =-0.052 ± 0.2) and kurtosis (k) of 0.84 ± 0.4. There were two main superficial sediments types in the Bay of Cartagena: (1) sediments of high-energy, shallow marine environments with high fluvial influence, and (2) turbidity current deposits with high fluvial influence. Sediments with the lowest sand content (<5%) are located along a latitudinal axis running from the Dike Channel prodelta to the western end of Tierrabomba Island. The CaCO 3 content of the sediments is <10%. Autogenous calcareous sediments are
Aspectos morfodinámicos de la bahía de Cartagena de Indias
Boletin Cientifico Cioh, 2005
Se analizan los cambios de la profundidad ocurridos recientemente (un siglo) en los fondos de la bahía de Cartagena mediante la comparación de los levantamientos batimétricos de los años 1935, 1987 y 2004. También se caracteriza y analiza la distribución de los sedimentos de la bahía en su parte externa e interna. Los resultados muestran que los sedimentos de la parte interior deben su repartición y origen a dos estructuras antrópicas, la Escollera de Bocagrande y el canal del Dique. Los sedimentos del Dique ya han ocupado las partes que eran arenosas de los fondos hace pocos años y su delta ha avanzado más de un kilómetro hacia el Norte, comprometiendo la profundidad del canal navegable de acceso a Bocagrande y la bahía interna de Cartagena.
Aspectos morfodinámicos de la bahía de Cartagena de Indias CIOH
Se analizan los cambios de la profundidad ocurridos recientemente (un siglo) en los fondos de la bahía de Cartagena mediante la comparación de los levantamientos batimétricos de los años 1935, 1987 y 2004. También se caracteriza y analiza la distribución de los sedimentos de la bahía en su parte externa e interna. Los resultados muestran que los sedimentos de la parte interior deben su repartición y origen a dos estructuras antrópicas, la Escollera de Bocagrande y el canal del Dique. Los sedimentos del Dique ya han ocupado las partes que eran arenosas de los fondos hace pocos años y su delta ha avanzado más de un kilómetro hacia el Norte, comprometiendo la profundidad del canal navegable de acceso a Bocagrande y la bahía interna de Cartagena.
Geometría de los depósitos cuaternarios y actuales de la Bahía de Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Boletín Científico CIOH
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… . Revista Digital de …, 2010
The Colombian studies about underwater cultural heritage it has focused on the underwater site recognizing, actual stage evaluations, and legislation proposals to help its preservation and conservation, as well as education activities to local population awareness about heritage importance. Regardless one of the most significant threats over these sites is the constant plunders by divers, fishermen and different companies, which is an evident worldwide pattern, in other countries, the heritage assessment efforts out a variety of perspectives have the preservation and conservation aims, to take advantage in its educational and economic value. However, the inherent biological and ecological component from this historical underwater heritage is scarce, in spite of its artificial habitat function in the permanence of great marine biota diversity and its potential in research activities. This paper tries to show the Cartagena Bay underwater heritage usage from a biological and ecological perspective under the preservation and protection precepts
Circulación de las aguas y transporte de contaminantes en la bahía interna de Cartagena
Boletin Cientifico Centro De Investigaciones Oceanograficas E Hidrograficas, 1995
One of the more actual aspects of the nature sciences is connected with the needs lo determine (he mechanisms that will allow us lo control the pollution and lo preserve the environment In this. frame. the CIOH is developing some works, related with (he numerical modelation of ¡he hydrodynamics in ¡he Colombian Caribbean. This paper is (he result of the initial phase of these investigations. The main characteristics qf (he water circulation and (he influences in (he transpon t qf pollutants in ¡he internal hay of Cartagena have been studied The results have been verified by means qfnature measurements qf the current drifts. This is an important step in (he numerical modelation with goal qf its application in a .system qf control and monitoring of (he marine environment The model and its results will be used in the intercalibration of other ones. The transpon block qf this work is a par! of (he pollutant block of the fi:tune sptem.
Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research, 2016
The spatial distribution of seagrass beds within the Cartagena Bay and neighboring areas was reconstructed through comparative analyses of maps, aerial photographs and satellite imagery, as well as observations in the field for five time periods within the last six decades. From slightly more than 1,000 hectares of seagrass beds existing in 1935-45, only 76 remained in 2001, which is less than 8%. The loss rate of seagrass within the bay showed an inverse exponential pattern, whereas outside of the bay the tendency was linear. The almost disappearance of this community was probably raged by the reopening of the Canal del Dique early in the thirties, causing the introduction of important amounts of turbid freshwater and sediments into the bay, and subsequently accelerated by the rapid development of the industrial zone, spilling of polluted industrial and domestic waters, dredging and coastal development. The reduction of seagrass areas has been seemingly accompanied by changes in th...