Student Learning Motivation: A Conceptual Paper (original) (raw)

Student's learning: Instrumentally, Integratively or Personally Motivated

personally motivated and the most dominance type of motivation as well as the important role of teacher in motivating students. It is somewhat surprising that there are six categories found in the research, namely personal motivation (PS), integrative motivation (IT), instrumental motivation (IS), the combination of PS & IT, PS & IS, and IT & IS. The findings have revealed that 1) instrumental motivation is the most dominant type as the first rank, which includes to get a better living, better jobs and position; PS & IS as second rank, IT & IS as the third rank, PS & IT as the fourth rank, personal motivation as the fifth rank and integrative motivation as the last rank; 2) teacher who is resourceful, skillful, competent and has good personality plays a imperative role in motivating and inspiring students. To sum up, regardless of personal, integrative or instrumental motivation, teacher as a role model also determines learner's success in learning L2.

Student's Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education


Motivation is a key to school success. This study aimed to investigate student's motivation and how it may impact on their learning outcomes. A problem statement guided the study is of that "Does learning motivation of the students significant positively impact on their learning outcomes?" Data were collected by spreading questionnaires to 1166 students who have been incidentally established as respondents. Simple linier regression was used to analyzed the data. Research finding that the learning motivation of student significantly positively impact on their learning outcomes. The findings might be crucial for the lecturers and the parents as well to make paramount efforts of supporting students' motivation for success.

Learning motivation and student achievement : description analysis and relationships both

COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling and Education

Education is very important for humans, through the education throughout the world will increasingly flourish. However, if faced with the activities within the learning process, not a few men (students) who have less motivation in learning activities. This resulted in fewer maximal learning processes and in turn will affect student achievement. This study focuses to discuss matters relating to the motivation to learn and student achievement, with the aim of strengthening the importance of motivation in the learning process so that a clear relationship with student achievement. The method used is descriptive analysis and simple correlation to the 97 students taking the course introduction to Microeconomics and Indonesian. The conclusion from this research is the students have a good record if it has a well and motivated as well, and this study concludes their tie's difference between learning motivation and achievement of students on two different courses.

Ways to stimulate the learning motivation in higher education


The passing from the traditional educational paradigm (focused on professor and teaching activity) to the postmodern paradigm (focused on student and learning activity) brings along deep transmutations regarding the planning, organization and evaluation of didactic activities. The student with his/her interests, potential and learning needs is being placed nowadays in the centre of the didactic activity. A decisive role towards success in learning is played by the learning motivation, when considered that the authentic and efficient learning is based on the inner impulse, the student’s desire for knowledge, progress and development. A vast part of the specialty literature supports the idea according to which, a high level of learning motivation, especially the intrinsic motivation leads to higher performance in learning. There are two categories of factors that stand at the basis of learning motivation: internal factors (such as cognitive abilities, interests, aptitudes, will, emoti...


In the century of great educational transformations the teachers should filter out the demands of the society and redefine learning goals and perspectives. As every learner is an individual, building self-esteem and encouraging them to concentrate on learning for learning’s sake instead of worrying about the grades is one of the greatest ways to reach success. Making mistakes is the way we learn and a low grade may be the chance for a great learning experience. Hence, the article observes the role of the teacher in the rewarding process of encouraging and motivating the learners to learn. Academic motivation includes near and distant future planning, concentration on the goal, meta-cognitive awareness of what you intend to learn and how you intend to learn it, the active search for new information, clear perception of feedback, satisfaction of achievement, and no anxiety of failure. The author underlines the fact that motivation to learn involves more than wanting or intending to learn. It includes the quality of the student’s mental efforts. The author also presents some strategies to encourage motivation to learn which will help students feel confidence in their abilities to improve, value the tasks of learning, and stay involved in the process without being threatened by the fear of failure.

Methods of Increasing Learning Motivation among Students

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

Learning motivation is important in the life of undergraduates for furthering their studies at university. Therefore, this study was carried out to identify factors of improving learning motivation and to determine methodology that could be used by the Faculty of Islamic Studies to improve the learning motivation among the students. By using systematic random sampling, a total of 291 students from the Second and Third year undergraduates were chosen. The data were collected through questionnaires and being analysed using descriptive statistics. The results of this study showed that the methods that could be implemented to improve learning motivation among Islamic Studies students are enhancement of the identified contributing factors namely the students' personality development, lecturers' career awareness, choice of peers, students' spiritual connection with Allah, family's encouragement, students' financial aid and learning facilities at university.

Learning and Motivation


Everything in our lives is underlined with some sort of motivation. This includes our students and their motivation to learn. Motivation is essential for learning and represent a driving force for students to complete their tasks and to build their knowledge. There are many factors which could potentially influence motivation, which makes research on this topic as it relates to learning diverse and abundant. However, motivational considerations can be summed up as being either task or ego-oriented. For facilitating task-oriented learning is recommended that teachers evaluate student performance based on an absolute scale rather than on a scale that compares student performance against each other, emphasize student participation and self-improvement in learning and incorporate test questions that require explanations and justifications rather than memorized material. Students are motivated by knowing that what they are learning has a greater purpose. They want to know that what they ...