Observation of multiple mechanisms for stimulating ion waves in ignition scale plasmas (original) (raw)
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Special issue on recent developments in plasma sources and new plasma regimes
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
To cite this article: Yuri Akishev et al 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 130301 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Recent citations Modification of the electric field distribution in a diffuse streamer-induced discharge under extreme overvoltage Alexandra Brisset et al -This content was downloaded from IP address on 30/05
A study of high brightness plasma ion sources
der certain operating conditions ion cyclotron and ion acoustic wave activity was observed. Generation of the ion cyclotron wave is explained by a filamentation type instability (developed by Montague Giles) whilst the ion acoustic waves are believed to be driven by strong pressure gradients at the edge of the plasma column. It is shown that these waves exist for a relatively narrow range of parameters and can be avoided whilst still obtaining high densities. Collisional mechanisms can also play a role in increasing ion temperature and were studied using particle-in-cell simulations by Helen Smith. It was found that for pressures less than 10 mTorr (where the ion source was operated), the contribution of collisions to ion energy was less than 0.1 eV. Significant increases in ion energy were only observed for pressures in excess of 20 mTorr, but were always less than 1 eV. 1.4.5 RF Ion S o u rc es.
Waves in space plasmas: Highlights of a Conference held in Hawaii, 7?11 February 1983
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The Conference was called to bring together investigators ofmagnetospherie plasma waves having frequencies from VLF whistlers and emissions down through ELF and ULF to Pc5 long period pulsations. The emphasis was on the physics and techniques underlying the entire frequency range. Topics included wave electron interactions and electron precipitation, ray tracing and other methods to track down sources of VLF and ULF waves, VLF-ULF relationships, heavy ion effects in ULF propagation, and long period ULF waves.
Simultaneous emissions at n ω c and ( n +1/2)ω c in space and laboratory plasmas
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1992
Experiments done in space and laboratory on the interaction of an electron beam and a magnetized plasma exhibit the simultaneous excitation of waves near harmonics and half harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency. The dispersion equation for electrostatic modes has been solved for an anisotropic Maxwellian plasma and a suprathermal population ("beam" in the text) presenting anisotro. py and regions of 3fo/i}vñ>0 in its distribution function. For oblique propagation to the magnetic field, results similar to those observed in experiments are obtained. The hydrodynamic/kinetic nature of the instabilities is discussed.
Laser and Particle Beams, 2007
Intense laser-beam interactions with preformed plasma, preceding the laser-target interactions, significantly influence both the ion and X-ray generation. It is due to the laser pulse (its total length, the shape of the front edge, its background, the contrast, the radial homogeneity) as well as plasma (density, temperature) properties. Generation of the superfast (FF) ion groups is connected with a presence of non-linear processes. Saturated maximum of the charge states (independently on the laser intensity) is ascribed to the constant limit radius of the self-focused laser beam. Its longitudinal structure is considered as a possible explanation of the course of some experimental dependencies obtained.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001
We present here a systematic simulational study on electron beam driven waves and their consequences in terms of plasma electrodynamics. The study is performed by using three-dimensional particle-in-cell code, parallelized to simulate a large volume of plasma. Our simulation shows that an initial electron beam of finite radius with beam velocity along the ambient magnetic field triggers a series of events in the evolution of the waves and the plasma. In the initial stage (t _< 200 %,o-• %,ø being the electron plasma frequency with the total electron density n o ), high frequency waves near co -%,ø are driven. These waves progressively disappear giving way to the dominance of lower hybrid (LH) waves. The phase of the lower hybrid waves lasts over the time interval 200 • t%,o • 1000.