II. Meşrutiyeti Hazırlayan Bir Merkez: Ohri (original) (raw)

Balkanların Din Motiflerinin Oluşmasında Ohri Şehrinin Yeri: Aziz Kliment, Aziz Naum Ve Sarı Saltık Örnekleri, Türk Tarihinde Balkanlar, Sakarya Üniversitesi Balkan Araştırmaları Merkezi Yayınları.


Özet Balkanlar siyasi coğrafyasında din motiflerinin ve dini itikatların oluşması, bölgede yaşayan veya sonradan buraya gelerek yerleşen topluluklar ya da kişilerin çalışmaları neticesinde gerçekleşmiştir. Bölgedeki dini inanışlar ve bu inanç sistemlerinin getirdiği yaşayış biçimleri aynı zamanda bölgedeki toplulukların devletleşme süreçlerini de yönlendiren en önemli etken durumunda olmuştur. Bu sebeple, bu çalışmada özellikle bölgedeki inanç sistemlerinin oluşma aşamasında başrolü oynayan bazı din önderlerini ve bölgeye getirdikleri inanç sistemleriyle bölgede farklı topluluklar tarafından başlatılan devletleşme süreçleri içerisinde Ohri şehrinin yeri ve önemi incelenmiş bulunmaktadır. Abstract Having taken placed of religious motifs and creeds within the Balkans political geography came off with the aids of inhabitants or communities moved to the Balkans and settled down here, or by aid of those people who made effort. The social life of the Balkans  Bu makale Sakarya Üniversitesi Balkan Araştırmaları Merkezince hazırlanıp Sakarya Üniversitesi Yayınlarından çıkarılan "Türk Tarihinde Balkanlar" isimli eserde ss.163-176'da yayımlanmıştır.

Kafkas Muhacirlerinin Göç Yolunda Önemli Bir Merkez Erzurum

Kafkas Muhacirlerinin Göç Yolunda Önemli Bir Merkez Erzurum, 2022

Abstract Migration has been a phenomenon affecting the lifestyles of societies at every stage of history. People who migrated for various reasons generally set out with the hope of a better life. In this context, many communities that migrated from various regions of the Caucasus to the Ottoman lands in the 19th century caused a very difficult migration and resettlement process for the state to manage. In addition, these intense migration movements have brought many financial and moral problems for the local people. However, the measures taken have reduced the destructive effect of immigration and the immigrants have been tried to be settled in suitable places. The problems experienced in the migration process were generally experienced in the regions that border with Russia or that are closest to the region. In this context, in these migrations from the Caucasus after the second half of the 19th century, Erzurum became an important center both as a permanent settlement and a temporary settlement. In this process, Erzurum functioned as a control center and immigrants were registered based on age, gender and the region they came from. In addition, in order to prevent diseases that may occur during the migration process, quarantines were established in Erzurum for immigrants, and the spread of diseases to various provinces was tried to be prevented. In this study, in the light of the documents generally obtained from the Ottoman archives, the importance of Erzurum in the migration of the Caucasian immigrants to the Ottoman lands and the effect of this ancient city on the migration process will be emphasized.

Osmanlı Anadolusunda Parlayan Bir Eğitim Merkezi: Hadimi Medresesi ve Kütüphanesi


This article aims to examine how provinces and small towns contributed to the socio-educational and intellectual life of the Ottomans. The findings of this study are based on an educational institution such as the medrese, mosque and library led by Muhammad Hadimi, a respected Ottoman scholar and Sufi leader in the 18th century. Demonstrating all aspects of this complex and the historical development of all the constituents of this institution is a large and important task. However, this study attempts to provide data sufficient to determine the following points: First, a small town such as Hadim became one of the important centersof the education, and was able to acquire an interregional reputation through these institutions in Ottoman sciences and education in 18th century. Second, other towns and cities throughout Anatolia conducted similar activities on the social and cultural history of the Ottomans which make important contributions to provincial scholarship. Moreover, studies...

EĞİRDİR: Eski Dünya Merkezlerinden Biri

Dik Gazete, 2024

Eğirdir ve Hoyran Gölleri, tarihte iki ayrı göldü ve iki göl arasında suları Hoyran’dan Eğirdir’e doğru akan, ağzı kaynağına yakın veya seyri kısa bir ırmak, bu ırmak üzerinde farklı birçok adı kaydedilen Yenice Köyü Köprüsü adlı bir taş kemer köprü vardı. Sardes ve İran-Susa şehirlerini bağlayan Anayol [Kıral Yolu], bu köprüden geçmekteydi. 500 yıl önce coğrafî bir değişim vukû buldu. İki göl birleşti. Irmak ve köprü yok oldu.

İmpri̇nti̇ng Merkezleri̇

Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi mecmuası, 2001

Imprirıting, bir genin parental kökenine bağlı olarak yalnızca bir kromozomda ifade bulmasıdır.

Aydın Bölgesi’nde Prehistorik Bir Merkez: Köprüova

Olba, 2004

Das im Gebiet von Ayd›n gelegene Tal des Mäander teilt sich in verschiedene geographische Regionen. Der kleine Mäander besitzt ein relativ begrenztes Becken in diesem Gebiet, das im Süden durch das Ayd›n-Gebirge begrenzt wird. Die von West nach Ost verlaufenden Gebirgszüge des Ayd›n-Gebirges begrenzt durch die Täler des Mäanders. Diese geographische geschützte Lage und die Gewässer des Mäander ermöglichten hier die Entstehung fruchbare Täler, weshalb diese Zone seit prähistorischer Zeit ein optimales Ansiedlunsgebiet ist. Im Verlauf der Oberflächenbegehungen wurden prähistorische Siedlungen in der Provinz Ayd›n aufgenommen. Nördlich des Mäanders wird das Gebiet durch das Ayd›ngebirge abgeschlossen. Der nördliche Bereich von ‹ncirliova wird von Gebirgszügen eingefaßt. Im Raum ‹ncirliova wurde als neuer Siedlungsort Köprüova identifiziert. Der Ort liegt 12 km nördlich von ‹ncirliova im Dorf Köprüova an der West-und Ostseite der Straße zwischen ‹ncirliova und Tire im Raum ‹kizdere. Die meisten Kleinfunde konnten in dem Feigengarten südlich der Straße gesammelt werden. Diese Funde von Köprüova ergaben wichtige Hinweise auf die vorgeschichtliche Periode in der Region Ayd›n. Die aufgelesenen Scherben, die zu einer Schalen und geschlossenen Gefäßen, z.B. Töpfe gehören. Neben den Keramikfunden wurden auch andere Kleinfunde angetroffen. An der Oberfläche fanden sich trapezförmige, breite und schmale Beile aus verschiedenem Steinmaterial. Daneben fanden sich auch mehrere schmale Klingen und Abschläge aus Obsidian sowie Silex. Die Kleinfunde von Köprüova repräsentieren die prähistorischen Werkzeugtypen der Bevölkerung dieses Raumes und zeigen eine Besiedlung wahrscheinlich in neolithischer und auch chalkolitischer Zeit auf. Die Datierung des vorgeschichtlichen Siedlungs Köprüova kann sich auf diese prähistorische Funde Stützen, der Keramikfunde, Beilen und mehrere Klingen in das Neolithikum und Chalkolithikum verweisen.


10. ATATÜRK KONGRESİ (08-09 KASIM 2023), 2023

After the foundation of the regular Turkish army on November 9, 1920, the National Struggle in Western Anatolia was led by the Western Front Command on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. After the establishment of the Western Front Command, the Headquarters of the General Staff was first established in Ankara, and the Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief was founded with the Commander-in-Chief Law on August 5, 1921. Thus, from then on, the Turkish army fought battles in a more organized manner. The main headquarters of the Turkish army (General Staff Headquarters and Commander-in-Chief Headquarters) operated together with the Western Front Headquarters in the Turkish War of Independence. Therefore, the Western Front Headquarters was purposely chosen as the sample in this study. After the Western Front Command was founded on June 24, 1920, it established its headquarters in 30 different centers in so far as it can be determined. And it commanded the battles on the Western Front from these centers and had to frequently switch its headquarters according to the conditions of the battle. In the centers where it was deployed, ease of transportation and nearness to supply centers were taken into consideration. Hence, as the command cadre of the Turkish army consolidated, the battles against the Greeks on the Western Front were successfully managed. It is possible to evaluate the Battle of Sakarya and the Great Offensive as a result of this. This study aims to introduce the headquarters centers of the Turkish army during the battles fought on the Western Front. Thus, it is assumed that it will be better understood how the fact that the Turkish army became organized in the War of Independence affected its success. In addition, in the study, the headquarters centers of the Western Front will be presented chronologically and 30 centers will be marked on the map.

Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs'ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği

Tasarım + Kuram, 2016

‹branîce ad› "Yaruflalayim" olan Kudüs'te kent kimli¤inin en önemli bileflkesi "kut-sall›k"t›r. Kentin Arapça ad› olan "el-Kuds" bile "kutsal" anlam›na gelir. M.Ö.1000 civar›ndan Hz. ‹sa'n›n ölümüne (M.S.32) kadar Musevili¤in (Dan 1996, 60-78), bu tarihten ‹slâm'›n do¤ufluna (M.S. VII. yüzy›l bafl›) kadar Musevili¤in yan› s›ra H›ristiyanl›¤›n (Fredriksen 1996), bundan günümüze kadar da ‹slâm'la birlikte (Neuwirth 1996; Hasson 1996,349-385), tek tanr› üç dinin ortak kutsal kenti olmufltur. ‹slâm terminolojisinde "Harem-i fierif" ya da k›saca "Harem" olarak an›lan kutsal alan ise en az 3000 y›ld›r bu özelli¤ini korumufltur. dimension (time) and in the collective memory. With time, this symbol was metamorphosed into an emblem and nowadays into an artefact of tourism. However, we can assert that this transformation, instead of denying, supports the fact that the Dome of the Rock "symbolises" Jerusalem.