Experimental Assessment of the Sprinkler Application Rate for Steep Sloping Fields (original) (raw)

Farm scale trials of variable rate irrigation to assess the benefits of modifying existing sprinkler systems for precision application


Farm-scale trials are being conducted to assess the benefits of variable rate irrigation (VRI). Three farms have been selected where existing sprinkler irrigation systems have recently been modified to provide variable rate control of each individual sprinkler. Irrigation is being varied according to soil and crop differences, and is also being shut off over exclusion zones, such as drains and raceways, and for farm operations such as pasture renovation. Under each VRI irrigator, soil variability has been quantitatively assessed using a mobile soil mapping system, which consists of an electromagnetic (EM) sensor pulled behind an all-terrain vehicle, with an on-board accurate RTK-GPS, datalogger and field computer. The EM sensor measures soil apparent electrical conductivity (EC), and the resulting soil EC maps were ground-truthed and used to define irrigation management zones. Soil moisture sensors have been installed into each zone to monitor real-time soil moisture status. This in...

Quantitative Analysis of the Performance of Sprinkler Irrigation in the Southern Sierra of Ecuador, on Slopes Steeper Than 12 %

Resumen El presente articulo resume los resultados de la evaluación de los sistemas de riego por aspersión utilizados por los indígenas y campesinos en la sierra sur de la República del Ecuador. La interpretación de las eficiencias con base a los datos de campo conduce por una parte a la evaluación de la eficiencia propiamente dicha y por otra ayuda a la identificación de las medidas mas adecuadas requeridas para el mejoramiento de la calidad de uso de dichos sistemas con la consiguiente mejora de su rendimiento. Abstract This paper summarizes the results of the performance assessment of the sprinkler irrigation systems used by the indigenous farmers in the Southern Sierra of Ecuador. Interpretation of the field data not only enables evaluation of the performance of the irrigation practice, but helps identifying the measures required to improve the system performance.


The goal of ending poverty in all its forms everywhere (Goal 1) and another goal of ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture (Goal 2) of seventeen sustainable goals of United Nations (to be met by 2030) can only be met by increasing the crop productivity per unit of water by Sprinkler Irrigation; as agriculture is the main occupation of people in the world. The evaluation by the existing sprinkler systems in farmers' fields according to the National and International standards is essential now to take timely corrective actions for improved water use efficiencies. The present paper describes the methodology of evaluation of sprinkler irrigation on the field using "Bureau of Indian Standards Code of Practice" on Irrigation Equipment and System Evaluation of Field Irrigation Efficiencies-Guidelines (IS 13062:1991). The Uniformity Coefficient obtained is 68.1%. Soil samples and water samples at the site of sprinkler irrigation are collected and analyzed. Infiltration equation of the soil is obtained by conducting a double-ring Infiltrometer test. The Kostiakov infiltration equation fitted is in the form y=0.44t 0.65. The basic infiltration rate is 44 millimeters/hour.