Resilience and Disadvantage in Education - A Sociological View (original) (raw)
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Resilience and Disadvantage in Education - A Sociological View 1
This study examines the question of how the breaking of an individual from the unfavourable socio-cultural and socioeconomic conditions can be explained. The concept of resilience, its ecological and psychological use is reviewed through international scientific literature and examines its possible use in the sociology of education. Finally, it introduces Hungarian studies that can help clarify this process by understanding resilience.
Resiliencia educativa en comprensión lectora: factores determinantes en PIRLS-Europa
Revista De Educacion, 2019
The socio-cultural context of students has a significant influence on their academic performance, as indicated by the specialized literature on this subject. This work will focus on students with socio-cultural disadvantage. Academically resilient students are those who, despite having unfavorable socioeconomic conditions, obtain good academic results, that is, a performance that is much higher than expected. The main objective of this work is to identify the determinants of educational resilience in Europe. The PIRLS 2016 study 4 th grade student results have been used for the European Union member countries that participated in this study. This is due to the fact that the data are the most up-to-date and allow for a large-scale evaluation of different countries and their education systems. In order to scale the students according to their socioeconomic level, a Social, Economic and Cultural Index (ISEC) has been developed. Academic performance has been assessed through a reading comprehension test assuming that a good competence level in reading will allow students to achieve better results in the rest of the competencies. A hierarchical logistic model of two levels was used, using variables associated to the students such as sex, school history, or personal and family characteristics, for level one, while for the second level, variables specific to educational centers such as school climate were selected. Differences were obtained between the varying countries of the European Union. Student confidence in reading and a favorable school climate greatly increases the likelihood that a student will be academically resilient. Some ideas are proposed to guide measures in educational policy to compensate for the previous socioeconomic disadvantages of the students, and thus improve their resilience.
Education of Roma and Educational Resilience in Hungary
Originally, the concept of resilience refers to one’s capacity to cope with unexpected shocks and unpredictable situations. Originating from ecological theories, the approach has gained ground in social sciences. In the context of education, the concept has been applied to explain how disadvantaged students can overcome structural constraints and become educationally successful and socially mobile (Werner, E. E., Vulnerable but invincible: a longitudinal study of resilient children and youth. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982; Masten A. S., American Psychologist 56: 227–238, 2001; Reid, R., Botterrill L. C., Australian Journal of Public Administration 72:31–40, 2013; Máté, D., Erdélyi Társadalom 13:43–55, 2015).This paper is based on the analysis of the Hungarian National Assessment of Basic Competences (NABC) database which has been conducted annually since 2001. We created a typology of school resilience based on the schools’ social and ethnic profile as well as their performance indica...
This book is the outcome of the ESA RN 10 Mid-term Conference: Sociology of Education: Wellbeing and Resilience in the Times of Crisis that took place in Warsaw in 21-22.09.23 This volume is one of the outcomes of the Mid-Term International Conference of The Research Network for Sociology of Education, of the European Sociological Association, which has joined forces with the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, the Faculty of Education and the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy, to organize the International Mid-term ESA RN 10 Conference in September 2023. The event was supported by EU funding from the EDUCATORE project dedicated to wellbeing and resilience in education.
In this article it has been carried out an approach to resilience and affectiv-ity as key elements to socio-educational intervention. Its theoretical and qualitative research are based on the intervention of the educator and his ability as a resilience tutor within a center for unaccompanied migrant children. From a qualitative perspective, participant observation and 9 interviews held with 3 female and 6 male educators had been used. The analysis and interpretation of the results show some evidences linked to the detection of risk factors and protection, characteristics of the educational intervention in the reception phase, and the environment as key issues in the period of representation and relation, and finally on the socio-educative bases of the resilience teaching action. Some of the conclusions take in account the results of this investigation are the following: resilience shares with education a key factor such as the importance of the quality of the human environment and the interactions manifested within this last one, and as an educational bond is created, there is a space for its own stimulation. It is also set out the necessity of continuing with the research within this field linked to the resilience and the social education. RESUMEN: En este artículo se realiza un acercamiento a la resiliencia y la afectividad como elementos clave en la intervención socioeducativa. Consta de una fundamentación teórica y una investigación cualitativa que se centra en la intervención del educador y la educa-dora y su potencialidad como tutor y tutora de resiliencia en un centro residencial de me-nores extranjeros no acompañados. Desde una perspectiva cualitativa se han utilizado como técnicas de recogida de datos la observación participante y nueve entrevistas con 3 edu-cadoras y 6 educadores y el coordinador del Servicio. El análisis e interpretación de los re-sultados proporcionan evidencias relacionadas con la detección de factores de riesgo y protección, las características de la intervención educativa en la fase de acogida, la afec-CONTACTAR CON LOS AUTORES: José Miguel Martín de Castro: Universidad del Pais Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsita-tea. Correo Electrónico:
Resilience: Theoretical Framework and Implications for School
International Education Studies
The main purpose of this report is to provide a brief yet holistic view of the concept of Resilience. In the following pages the basic aspects of this term are going to be examined so that not only the significance of Resilience in our everyday lives, but also the factors that affect someone’s ability to bounce back and keep making progress in many aspects of life can be understood despite the adversities that may interfere. The above mentioned are widely known as protective and risk factors depending on the way they affect somebody’s life. Another aspect that is going to be briefly analyzed is the role of school and teacher in students’ resilience- how this role can help students maintain their psychosocial and learning progress.
The road to resilience: breaking the cycle of disadvantage
Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 2017
This paper aims to explore the set of characteristics that construct the profile of resilient students based on the OECD's PISA data. The sample of the research consists of low economic, social and cultural status students from Finland, Portugal and Croatia. The selection of the above three countries was grounded in factors related to each country's education system and also to their respective PISA results. The SPSS platform was used for the data analysis and the following descriptive statistical process. The present study suggests that resilient students form and develop certain attributes that provide them with the strength and fortitude to achieve school success.
Resilience and inclusion. Evaluation of an educational support programme
Educational Studies, 2020
Our study presents the phenomena of inclusion and resilience through a Hungarian education programme (Arany János Programme) aimed at enhancing equity. The focus of the research conducted in 2017/2018 was to explore the family backgrounds and personal stories of disadvantaged Roma/Gypsy students and youth, as well as to examine the correlation between student success (resilience) and integration of support programmes (inclusive environment). This study focuses on two target groups: students currently enrolled in the programme and students who have already completed the programme. Questionnaire-based data were collected from all of the AJP students (N = 3279). Life path interviews were also conducted with young adults who had finished the programme (N = 28). The research study has identified a correlation between student success (resilience) and the support programmes (inclusive environment), the former manifesting itself despite disadvantaged family backgrounds and lack of initial capital.
Tímea Ceglédi: RESILIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION. IS THE POTENTIAL OF RESILIENCE FULFILLED OR ARE SOCIAL INEQUALITIES REINFORCED IN HIGHER EDUCATION? Theses of Doctoral (PhD) Dissertation University of Debrecen 2017 The goal of our thesis is to answer the question whether resilience potential is fulfilled in higher education or remains only a mere potential due to rising social inequality. We have put in the centre of our analysis students who entered higher education with outstanding performance despite their disadvantage of social background (even in regional terms), which means that at a certain stage of their academic careers, there is a noticeable deviation from the usual social pattern. The name we use for them is “students with resilience potential”. In our study, we have analysed a student survey database compiled in the research project “Higher Education for Social Cohesion – Cooperative Research and Development in a Cross-border Area” (HURO/0901/253/2.2.2.). Surveys were conducted on paper between March and June 2012. Students of the following institutions were surveyed: University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Social Studies, Faculty of Agriculture and Engineering, and Faculty of Teacher Training of the College of Nyíregyháza, Kölcsey Ferenc Teacher Training Institute of the Debrecen Reformed Theological University. As many as 1295 students responded. Students with resilience potential were identified in inter-section of two groups of variables: social background and input efficiency. We have conducted a cluster analysis, which has resulted in the identification of students with resilience potential and their control groups: drifters (low social background and low input efficiency), beneficiaries (high social background and high input efficiency) and indifferent prodigals (high social background and low input efficiency). In conclusion, our findings underline that resilience demonstrated before entering higher education remains a mere potential because students with resilience potential make use of higher education only through curricular channels and are not able to break through the ceiling set by beneficiaries with respect to the various meaningful activities which student years offer. Social inequality is reinforced in higher education.