Solusi Islam Terhadap Kasus - Kasus Rasisme (original) (raw)
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Tindak Pidana Rasisme dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana Islam
Hukum Pidana Islam, 2024
Tindak pidana rasisme dimaknai sebagai sebuah istilah yang didasarkan pada ciri-ciri fisik ras, bangsa, suku bangsa, warna kulit, rambut, dan lain-lain yang bermakna pembedaan. Rasisme merupakan suatu sikap atau tindakan yang merendahkan akibat perbedaan biologis yang melekat baik baik secara kelompok maupun individu. Istilah rasis memiliki konotasi buruk yakni berkaitan dengan identifikasi suatu kelompok atau orang. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif melalui studi kepustakaan, dengan jenis penelitian yuridis normative. Penelitian Yuridis Normative adalah Metode penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau bahan sekunder belaka melalui berbagai referensi baik dari buku, jurnal, artikel dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pelaku tindak pidana rasisme dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp500. 000.000, 00 (lima ratus juta rupiah) dan dalam hukum pidana Islam karena tindakan rasisme tidak tercantum dalam nash Al-Qur’an dan tidak dalam kategori jarimah hudud maupun qishash/diyat sehingga termasuk dalam kategori jarimah ta’zir.
Solusi Mengatasi Diskriminasi Sosial dalam Perspektif Islam
Social discrimination is a serious social problem that occurs in Indonesia and around the world. One of the cases that caught the public's attention was a student who became the object of discrimination just because he came from Papua in Indonesia several years ago. Until now, social discrimination continues to occur. The purpose of writing this research journal is to examine more deeply about solutions to overcome social discrimination from an Islamic perspective. The method used in this research is the literature study method. Data collection in this study was carried out by collecting data from several scientific journals as sources of relevant data. The results show that social discrimination can be overcome by instilling the teachings of the Islamic religion (the principle of caliphate) into oneself by accepting human nature as social beings who cannot live alone and must live side by side, tolerate each other differences, and remind each other in virtue.
Solusi Islam Terhadap Masalah Ketenagakerjaan
Abstrak Hampir di semua negara saat ini, problema ketenagakerjaan atau perburuhan selalu tumbuh dan berkembang, baik di negara maju maupun berkembang. Indonesia juga sedang menghadapi berbagai persoalan serius dalam masalah ketenagakerjaan. Persoalannya, yang menjadi dasar akar permasalahan ketenagakerjaan ? Bagaimana tanggung jawab negara mengatasi masalah ketenagakerjaan? Dan bagaimana Islam menyelesaikan masalah kontrak pengusah-pekerja ? Akar permasalahan ketenagakerjaan terletak pada pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup. Tanggung jawab negara adalah memberikan jaminan pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok kepada rakyat, dan Islam telah mengatur secara jelas dan rinci tentang hukum-hukum yang berhubungan dengan ijaratul ajir (kontrak kerja). Kata Kunci : Ketenagakerjaan, dan Solusi Islam Pendahuluan Berbagai persoalan bangsa yang dihadapi Indonesia semakin hari semakin bertambah dan cenderung mengalami peningkatan dari segi intensitas masalah dan kedalaman masalah yang dihadapi. Selain problematika di...
Islam Solusi Tuntas Mengatasi Kekerasan Seksual pada Perempuan
Entin Sutini, 2022
Sexual violence against women is currently a troubling threat to the sustainability of human civilization. The rise of cases of sexual violence against women in the midst of the times has become a topic that really needs to be studied further. However, various efforts continue to be made to deal with and prevent the spread of cases of sexual violence against women. This paper describes how Islamic teachings can provide a complete solution to overcome sexual violence against women. This research uses library research method. To overcome the increasing cases of sexual violence, the teachings of Islam are here to bring complete solutions to overcome sexual violence against women as outlined in the Qur'an and As-Sunnah.
Salah satu kasus yang membentuk sejarah Amerika Serikat adalah kasus mengenai Rasisme. Konsep rasisme belum muncul hingga abad ke-20 dalam situasi sosial di Amerika, tetapi akar dari rasisme itu telah ada sejak Amerika berdiri sebagai koloni Inggris.
Rasionalisme Islam Berawal Dari Bahasa
It is a fact Greek philosophy has given great contribution for Islam philosophy growth. However, it does not mean that Islamic philosophy is Greek rubbing, because Islam philosophy really unlike Greek philosophy. Others, in reality, philosophy of Greek does not inspire many Islamic philosophy, moreover, majority of Islam people did not accept it. Only, some figure take and develop their philosophy based did not accept it. Only some figure and develop their philosophy based on Greek line. Sincerely, Islamic philosophy was born from thought and the treasure of Islamic science itself. It emerged from rationalization of Arab Language, then it pusped appearance rationalize of any object study, such as: jurisprudence and theology. Surely, it is triggered by existence of challenge and attacking from rationality of outside party. All have pushed all Moslem thinkers to develop rational method, and this exactly, which give road for entry of Greek philosophy in Islam society.
Penyelesaian Delik Agama di Luar Pengadilan
S2 Thesis, 2008
This study doesn’t view religion delict according to government, but the religion delict is understood and solved by citizen. Based on that, this study is on purpose to describe about the forms of religion delict which were happened in Mojokerto regency society and its problem solving. In analysing these two problems, the study uses qualitative approach kind symbolic interactionism. The relevant collecting data technique are documentation, interview, and literary. There are two results. First, there are two parts of religion delict cases. The first part is “delict toward religion”: stopping sholat forcibly, disturbing others peacefulness by doing religious ritual, taking advantage Moslem shelter by non-moslem, doing astray accuse, insolating to a religious leader. The second part is “delict which is connected with religion” : establishing beer factory and placing non-moslem cemetery in Moslem area. Second, the form of solution was using three models of mediation techniques: mediation by religious leader, mediation by religious organization, and mediation by religious organization with local government. From the results of this study, the recommendation is the ability of conflict management owned by either religious leader or religious organization. At last, this reseach is needed to be developed, mainly from a civil law side.
Solusi Konflik Sosial dalam Perspektif al-Qur'an
Abstrak Social life, if scrutiny is the main component of interaction between the members. In connection with the interaction among members was found various types. The types of social interaction in general include: cooperative (cooperation), competition (competition) and conflict (contention). In everyday social life seems besides characterized by cooperation, constantly marred by various forms of competition and conflict. Even in social life has never been found all citizens of all time cooperative. The teachings of Islam (al-Qur'an) has been tested in the history of the Prophet in unifying the Aus and Kasraj, warring for hundreds of years. Conflict and human, these two are inseparable. Therefore, conflict is a part of a necessity in life (min lawazim al-hayat) human. It is not excessive if some experts say that human history is a history of conflict. But that does not mean that the conflict left without any attempt to manage and mute. So this paper attempts to explore the spirit to manage and reduce conflicts and solutions in the perspective of the Koran. Kehidupan sosial itu, kalau dicermati komponen utamanya adalah interkasi antara para anggota. Sehubungan dengan interaksi antaranggota itu ditemukan berbagai tipe. Tipe-tipe interaksi sosial secara umum meliputi: cooperative (kerjasama), competition (persaingan) dan conflict (pertikaian). Dalam kehidupan sosial sehari-hari tampaknya selain diwarnai oleh kerjasama, senantiasa juga diwarnai oleh berbagai bentuk persaingan dan konflik. Bahkan dalam kehidupan sosial tidak pernah ditemukan seluruh warganya sepanjang masa kooperatif. Ajaran agama Islam (al-Qur'an) telah teruji dalam sejarah Nabi SAW dalam mempersatukan kaum Aus dan Kasraj, yang bertikai ratusan tahun lamanya. Konflik dan manusia, keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan. Oleh karena konflik merupakan bagian dari keniscayaan dalam kehidupan (minlawazimal-hayat) manusia. Maka tidak berlebihan jika sebagian pakar mengatakan bahwa sejarah manusia adalah sejarah konflik. Namun bukan berarti bahwa konflik dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa adanya upaya untuk mengelola dan meredamnya. Maka tulisan ini mencoba menggali spirit dalam mengelola dan meredam konflik dan solusi dalamperspektif al-Quran