Temporalité et usages de la photo : éléments pour une approche intersémiotique (original) (raw)
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L'ouvrage dirigé par MG Dondero et P. Basso est une contribution scientifique stimulante pour les études actuelles sur la photographie.
Les temporalités de la photographie de mode
Il n'y a pas d'image fixe, 2013
L' objectif de ce travail est de démontrer que les images photographiques n'appartiennent pas seulement aux arts de l'espace mais bien aussi – et surtout – aux arts du temps. Pour appuyer notre démonstration, nous prendrons en considération la photographie de mode et notre approche sera sémiotique.
2012 - Torino printanière – Méditations pour une sémiotique culturelle des images
The paper tries to explore the potentialities of a cultural semiotics of images through both a comparison with other semiotic approaches and through the example of a specific analysis: a cultural semiotic study of De Chirico’s painting Torino printanière. The traditional Greimasian approach to the semiotic analysis of images, it is argued, fails in explaining how their meaning depends on the cultural contexts of their production and reception. Likewise, the traditional Echian approach underestimates the fact that ideally cooperative spectators are nowadays more an exception that the norm: as a consequence of the globalization and digitalization of images, more and more people lack an adequate “encyclopedia” to interpret images they are confronted with. The paper therefore claims that a cultural semiotics of images is urgently needed, and contends that the school of Moscow/Tartu can provide many suggestions about how to conceive it. According to Jurij M. Lotman’s theory, indeed, images must be interpreted in relation to their semiosphere, a hypothesis —formulated through the meta-discourse of semiotics— about how a culture produces and manages meaning both inside such culture and in relationships with what such culture considers as external to it. However, the paper points out, in Lotman’s theory the semiosphere is not only a repository of texts, but also a mechanism that produces them. As a consequence, semioticians can both study a semiosphere in order to understand the meaning of an image, and analyze an image in order to understand the meaning of a semiosphere. The paper concludes that only the synergic approach between micro-semiotic and macro-semiotic analysis —including the methods of post-greimasian semiotics— is able to formulate solid hypotheses not only on what images meant at the moment of their production, but also what they mean when they are received in a completely different semiosphere, by people whose visual culture is sometimes radically different from that of the image’s original context.
La photographic et l'interprétation des signesdans A la recherche du temps perdu : d'après la sémiotique de Ch. S. Peirce (2) Sub Title Author 菅沼, 潤(Suganuma, Jun) Publisher 慶應義塾大学フランス文学研究室 Publication year 2003 Jtitle Cahiers d'études françaises Université Keio (慶應義塾大学フランス文学研究室紀要). Vol.8, (2003. ) ,p.6782 Abstract Dans notre article qui précède celui-ci, nous avons analysé le thème de laphotographic dans A la recherche du temps perdu, sous la lumière des dixclasses de signe proposé par Peirce. Ici, l'objet de notre étude est la sémiotiquepeircienne elle-même et la théorie de la photographic.Nous allons essayer de faire d'abord un résumé rapide de la relation entre lathéorie de la photographic et la classification peircienne des signes :lcône-indice-symbole. Nous proposons ensuite l'application totale dusystème peircien, en faisant illustrer les dix classes de signe par divers typesd'interprétations de l'image photographique, et essayons de mieux mont...