A política externa brasileira do governo Lula da Silva (2003-2010) nas páginas de CartaCapital e Veja: um estudo comparativo (original) (raw)
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Brazilian Political Science Review, 2007
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No Brasil, apesar de dois plebiscitos relativamente recentes sobre formas de governo terem sido amplamente favoraveis ao presidencialismo, um em 1963 e outro em 1993, comecam os adeptos do parlamentarismo a movimentar-se no sentido de que seja realizado um outro que, acreditam eles, apos ampla campanha de esclarecimento, possa finalmente apurar um resultado contrario aos anteriores. Todavia, como se pretende argumentar na comunicacao ora proposta, mesmo vencedor ate o momento, o presidencialismo, tanto quanto o parlamentarismo, e forma de governo tambem amplamente desconhecida e seus adeptos podem, numa ampla campanha de esclarecimento, valer-se de uma oportunidade, que rigorosamente ainda nao tiveram, para falar do que vem a ser essas formas, das que foram as suas origens, das que foram as suas primeiras razoes de existir, das possibilidades que tem de garantir a unidade politica nos paises em que existem, de favorecerem estabilidade politica, de favorecerem ou dificultarem transfo...
O Ensino e a Pesquisa Sobre Política Externa No Campo Das Relações Internacionais Do Brasil
AUSTRAL: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations
The purpose of this article is to analyze teaching and research on foreign policy in Brazil in the last two decades. The first section discusses how the main narratives about the evolution of International Relations in Brazil, considered as an area of knowledge, depict the place that has been designed, in the same area, to the study of foreign policy. The second section is devoted to an assessment of the status of foreign policy in IR teaching in the country, both at undergraduate and scricto sensu graduate programs. There is also a mapping and characterization of theses and dissertations which had foreign policy as object. The third section assesses the space given to studies on foreign policy in three academic forums nationwide, namely: the meetings of ABRI (Brazilian Association of International Relations), the ABCP (Brazilian Association of Political Science) and ANPOCS (National Association of Graduate Programs and Research in Social Sciences). In the fourth section there is a ...
AUSTRAL: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations
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Posições sociais de origem e recrutamento político: um estudo dos senadores brasileiros
This article discusses the methodology for the definition, classification, and measurement of social positions of the parliamentary political elite. We present some theoretical and methodological strategies for classifying the variable “occupation held prior to political career”, and suggest the use of more than one indicator for this measurement. We argue that a typology of both social and political characteristics of parliament members is the best way to grasp the transformations on the patterns of political recruitment throughout the 20th century. The first model we tested classified Brazilian senators elected between 1918 and 2010 among occupations conventionally used in studies on political elites. The second applied model seeks to change the coding of occupations so as to grasp this group's sociopolitical transformations over time. We conclude with a new classification suggestion, which results from a typology sensitive to the varying values ascribed to professional occupa...