Policy Analysis for New Commuter Rail and Road Pricing Alternatives Using an SP Survey in Abidjan (original) (raw)
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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The present paper aims to model the passenger’s choice in responding to the inter-city railway operation for Makassar-Parepare line. The railway line is the first railway track in Eastern Part of Indonesia, and it is still under construction. In this regard, the study attempted to construct the passenger’s preferences through a conditional logit model approach based on the stated preference method. The study considered some main attributes of transport mode services, i.e., travel cost, travel time, and frequency. In further, the study also taking account into the model two additional attributes of the mode, i.e., transfer travel time and transfer travel cost. The data collection of the study carried out an interview method using questionnaire sheet based the stated preference method. The study experimented with varying the level of service for the main attributes of the two available travel modes, i.e., railway and private car modes. The study results showed that passengers prefer t...
Transportation mode choice binary logit model: a case study for Johor Bahru city
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The mode choice stage in transportation planning is the analysis process to estimate the number or percentage of trips performed by each mode of transport. In practice, the number of trips is used to estimate the demand for each mode of transport. Such information is important for planning and designing transportation facilities in an urban area. A mathematical model of individuals’ mode choice is usually required in such an analysis. This paper discusses the result of a study carried out to evaluate the attributes that influence the mode choice of transport in Johor Bahru city by interviewing the individuals living for more than one year in the study area. The investigation conducted through one of attitudinal survey techniques known as stated preference survey. Stated preference survey conducted on a random sample of 384 respondents. Investigated attributes have been identified in analysis stage by applying binary logistic regression analysis procedure before deriving binary logit...
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Willingness to Pay for Improvement in Service Quality of Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) Modes
Civil Engineering Journal
The Rapid increase in urban population has put extraordinary pressure on transport infrastructure. Public transport frameworks in small and medium-sized cities in developing countries include of IPT modes. However, these midsized cities in developing countries face congestion problems and have severe environmental pollution. The paper focuses on the assessment of willingness to pay for improvement in service quality of IPT mode of transportation in urban India. A Stated Choice (SC) survey instrument was designed and data was collected from IPT users to collect respondent’s socio-economic characteristics and their attributes for the stated hypothetical scenarios. Respondents were approached randomly and face-to-face interviews were carried out. The present study aimed at finding the willingness to pay for different attributes of an IPT mode to assess the relative importance of these attributes. The multinomial logit model was developed using the econometric software NLOGIT 4.0. The r...
Proceeding of the First International Conference on Technology, Innovation and Society, 2016
Based on the existing competition among intercity land public transport modes, the intercity bus is preferred to the train. But lately in Malaysia, bus is confronting more challenges. It is crucial to address this problem, since intercity bus transport plays an important role in the intercity transportation system in this country. This research aims to determine the influencing factors for intercity land transport mode competition in Malaysia based on the Stated Preference (SP) and binomial logit model. A paper based survey was designed in the form of Reveal Preference (RP) questions and Stated Preference (SP) questions. A total of 12,000 data set was analyzed to calculate bus preference probability by using SP technique and binary logit equation. SP questions designed in the form of two scenarios: intercity bus scenario and intercity train scenario. The intercity bus scenario represents the changes to intercity bus service values, meanwhile the intercity train scenario represents the changes to intercity train service values. It is really interesting finding that the bus users have a different perception on the value service changes of their current mode toward their mode's competitor. This study considers providing a better understanding of higher intercity bus ridership against the train in Malaysia based on the four determined explanatory attributes.
The current study investigates solutions to optimize the intercity highway network and to facilitate the understanding of the transport mode of Libyans, according to the proposed transport policies, in terms of reducing car usage for intercity trips. In this study, different models namely the logit and spike models are applied to estimate the mean of the willingness to pay (WTP) value for some proposed policies in order to be able to compare the results from each policy and analyses to what extent that each was regarded as suitable for our data characteristics. A large number of respondents were unwilling to pay any money for the different proposed policies on transportation. Therefore, the Spike model was used to avoid errors in estimation and create a WTP pricing model for the different proposed policies on transportation. The overall results indicate that the spike model outperforms the logit model significantly.
The likely effects on car commuters of enforcing congestion charging using the link-based corridor method include that they may shift to public transport, divert their route of travel, or decide not to travel to the related area. However, most recent research has focused mainly on the choice of modes. This paper examined the travel choices of private car commuters resulting from the congestion charging scheme set to be implemented in Jakarta, Indonesia. The scheme is intended to replace the current odd-even strategy. It is imperative to study all possible mutually exclusive alternatives faced by car commuters. A web-based e-survey was used for data collection, employing the stated preference method. The discrete choice multinomial logit model was chosen to analyze the data. A total of 401 of the 2125 respondents to the e-survey questionnaire link, evenly distributed to all areas of Greater Jakarta, were sampled in this study. The sample respondents who traveled by car, passing throu...
Total population that is increasing every year in Garut accompanied by an increase vehicle volume. Limitations society in choosing mode transportation push one of the efforts taken by the government to overcome congestion is to reactivate Cibatu – Garut railroad which has been inactive since 1983. This study aims know model mode choice and potential mode shift. Data collection method uses interviews or distributing questionnaire to 100 respondents. After that, data analysis using stated preference method in SPSS software. The conclusion is modal choice model based on variables from travel time, costs, waiting time, risk accident, seat avaibility, and comfortable is P = 0,664 – 0,009X2 – 0,014X3 – 0,013X4 – 0,012X5 – 0,019X6 0,003X7. Potential mode shift of Urban Transportation are Economic Local Train based on travel time is 3.7%, costs is 1.9%, waiting time is 4.3%, risk accident is 3%, seat avaibility 0.4%, and comfortable is 5.3%
The paper focuses on the modelling attempt of willingness to pay for an improved bus service in selected cities and towns of Malaysia. Using responses from onboard intercept surveys, 1,130 samples of bus passengers have been analysed so as to arrive at a simplified model of how passengers trade off their money with possible upgrading of bus services elements. The willingness to pay among these bus riders was very low, despite the high expectation of improvements aspired by them. For service providers, fares are a function of travel time, travel distance and other operating costs. For passengers, the utility function is explained by costs, time, distance and various latent parameters. This paper highlights the significant results of chi-square analysis at various confidence levels. However, modelling the exact utility function of preferences for staggered increased in fares could not be carried out successfully at 95 percent confidence level, due to the relatively small number of res...
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 2012
This study evaluates BRT system in Surabaya, Indonesia considering various mode choice contexts based on choice context SP design. Mode choice models of multinomial logit type have widely been developed based on stated preference survey considering some future hypothetical scenario where access mode, main mode and egress mode availability differs from one trip makers to another. The model used in this study analyzes commuters' main mode and access mode choice behavior for work trips in respect to individual characteristics, socio economic variables, mode attributes, mode availability, vehicle ownership etc using data from the Surabaya City. The analysis implies that important deterministic variables for the individuals travel decision include household monthly income, age, job status, travel time and access mode choice was found conditional to main mode preference. This study reveals commuters' hidden preferences for modes that are not in existence, in particular the bus rapid transit System in the Surabaya City due to be fully implemented in 2012. The developed models were then used to express complex travel behavior and forecasting travel demand for new transport services by simulation analysis. Changes in mode choice probabilities in response to changes in travel fare under various mode choice contexts were determined in proposed bus rapid transit system. Finally, policy recommendations are made for effective use of existing transportation modes in Surabaya city for successful implementation of BRT.