"Renovatio" der Beigabensitte - der neuzeitliche Friedhof in Frankfurt a. M.-Fechenheim (original) (raw)

Administrativ versorgt. Der Friedhof der Korrektionsanstalt Cazis Realta, Graubünden

THE CAZIS REALTA ASYLUM CEMETERY Building work on the new Realta Cazis prison began in 2016, on a site that had already served as a detention centre and penitentiary for the canton of Graubünden more than 160 years before. The site of the original Korrektions- und Irrenverwahrungsanstalt Realta from 1854 was created when the course of the River Rhine was shortened. However, it was not only the river that was subject to correction but the in-mates of the penitentiary too. Most were not convicted offenders but rather individuals whose lifestyles flouted the morals and conventions of that time; their stay there was intended to put them back on the straight and narrow. The women and men detained there were branded “dissolute” or “workshy”. Other in-mates included “the mad”, with many incarcerated against their will and often at the request of their family or the local authorities, who also had to cover the costs of their detention and arrange the burial when they died. In 2016 a research project, funded by the canton, was launched on the “administrative detention” system. Given that construction work on the new facility would completely eradicate what remained of the 19th century prison cemetery, the Graubünden Archaeological Service embarked on a dig of the entire 700 m2 site from April to Au-gust 2016. We uncovered 103 graves, each containing fragments that would indicate burial in wooden coffins. Indeed, in the three most recent graves we also found metal handles and other decorative fittings. Most of the graves also contained textile remnants. In some cases, the dead were buried wearing jewellery (finger- or earrings) or with simple personal items. One of our odder finds was a duck’s bill, which was placed with the deceased as a good-luck charm. It is not surprising that the human remains bore traces of poor dental hygiene, damaged limbs and spines, and diseases like tuberculosis. In addition, many of the skeletons had bone fractures, possibly caused by a fall, an occupational accident, illness (e.g. epilepsy) or a violent assault.

"... bis endlich der Erbarmer Tod eintrifft und die heimatliche und staatliche Fürsorge und Humanität überflüssig macht." Der Friedhof der neuzeitlichen Korrektionsanstalt Cazis-Realta, Graubünden, Schweiz

Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 35/2019, S. 118–134, 2020

Die Unterbringung in einer Korrektionsanstalt war in der Schweiz ein Instrument der Behörden im Umgang mit Personen, die nicht der gesellschaftlichen Norm entsprachen und/oder sich nicht selber versorgen konnten und da-durch der Gemeinschaft zur Last fielen. Ab 2016 wurde mit dem Neubau einer großen geschlossenen Justizvollzugsanstalt direkt nördlich der ehemaligen (ab 1855) Korrektionsanstalt Realta bei der Gemeinde Cazis in Graubünden begonnen. Der oberflächlich nicht mehr sichtbare, aber anhand von historischem Karten- und Planmaterial sowie mündlicher Überlieferung lokalisierbare ehemalige Friedhof der Korrektionsanstalt wäre hierbei großflächig zerstört worden. Aus diesem Grund wurde der Friedhof vorgängig vom Archäologischen Dienst Graubünden ausgegraben und mit anthropologischer Begleitung untersucht und dokumentiert. Daneben wurden bei Archivrecherchen Informationen zum Friedhof und den dort bestatteten In-sassen gesammelt. Die Aufarbeitung des Fundmaterials ist noch ausstehend. In diesem Artikel werden die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung, der Archivrecherchen und der anthropo-logischen Untersuchung in Form eines Vorberichtes dar-gestellt. Der interdisziplinäre Untersuchungsansatz erlaubte nicht nur die Klärung von spezifischen Fragen, zu welchen die jeweiligen Quellengattungen schweigen, sondern ließ neue Fragestellungen aufkommen. Schlagworte: Anstaltsfriedhof, Neuzeit, Schweiz, Armenversorgung, Anthropologie The correctional facility and asylum Realta near Cazis in the Canton of Grisons was used from 1855 onward as an administrative instrument for dealing with persons who deviated from social norms or were not able to take care of themselves. Inmates who died at the Realta were usually buried in the institution’s own cemetery. In 2016, the construction of a new prison began in the north of the site. The old cemetery of the Realta was no longer visible at the surface, but was known from old maps and oral history. As it would have been destroyed during the construction of the new prison, the archaeological service of the canton of Grisons excavated the area in which the ceme-tery was thought to be found. In this paper, we provide an overview of the results obtained from the archaeological, historical and anthropological investigations. The interdisciplinary study was able to answer many questions, while new ones arose. Keywords: cemetery, modern period, Switzerland, poverty, anthropology

Das neue Eden. Der Friedhof Père Lachaise in Paris

in“O ewich is so lanck”: Die Historischen Friedhöfe in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Ein Werkstattberict, eds. Christoph Fischer and Renate Schein. Exhibition catalog Landesarchiv Berlin April 22, 1987-June 26, 1987. Ausstellungskatalog des Landesarchivs Berlin 6 (Berlin: Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung Beuermann GmbH, 1987), 283-300.