Diet Composition and Feeding Habits of Common Fishes in Long Island Bays, New York (original) (raw)

2011, Northeastern Naturalist

Developing models in support of ecosystem-based management requires knowledge of trophic dynamics of ecologically important species. A paucity of data on these dynamics for Long Island fi nfi sh is hindering development of ecosystem models required by recent legislation. In this study, we analyzed stomach contents of common fi shes collected from Port Jefferson Harbor, Great South Bay, and Shinnecock Bay between May and October of 2007 and 2008. General diet composition was described by percent by number (%N), percent by weight (%W), percent frequency of occurrence (%O), and percent index of relative importance (%IRI) for seven species: Paralichthys dentatus (Summer Flounder), young-of-the-year (YOY) Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefi sh), Prionotus evolans (Striped Searobin), Stenotomus chrysops (Scup), Scophthalmus aquosus (Windowpane Flounder), Raja eglanteria (Clearnose Skate), and Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass). Temporal diet composition was estimated for the consistently abundant YOY Bluefi sh, Summer Flounder, and Scup, where most n season > 25. Subsampling of large catches of YOY Bluefi sh and Scup led to investigation of diet composition by cluster sampling. Important prey included Crangon sp. (sand shrimp), Cancer irroratus (Rock Crab), and forage fi shes. Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Winter Flounder), once a common prey item in stomachs of piscivorous Long Island fi shes, contributed 6.7 %O and 1.6 %W to the diets of Summer Flounder, Striped Searobin, Striped Bass, and YOY Bluefi sh. These changes may be due to shifts in the abundance of prey items or changes in spatial overlap of predator and prey.