Кинжалы прохоровского типа из фондов Северо-Казахстанского историко-краеведческого музея / Daggers of the Prokhorov Type from the Fund of the North Kazakhstan museum of Local History (original) (raw)

Daggers with crosshairs from the Late Sarmatian burials / Кинжалы с перекрестиями из позднесарматских погребений. 2010

АРХЕОЛОГИЯ НИЖНЕГО ПОВОЛЖЬЯ: ПРОБЛЕМЫ, ПОИСКИ, ОТКРЫТИЯ Материалы III Международной Нижневолжской археологической конференции (Астрахань, 18-21 октября 2010 г.) Издательский дом «Астраханский университет» 2010 2 ББК 63.4 А87 Рекомендовано к печати редакционно-издательским советом Астраханского государственного университета Археология Нижнего Поволжья: проблемы, поиски, открытия [Текст] : материалы III Международной Нижневолжской археологической конференции (г. Астрахань, 18-21 октября 2010 г.) / сост. и отв. ред. Д. В. Васильев. -Астрахань : Астраханский государственный университет, Издательский дом «Астраханский университет», 2010. -409 с.

Bronze scabbard-chape and bimetallic sword from M. F. Sumtsov Kharkiv Historical Museum/Бронзова бутероль та біметалевий меч з колекції Харківського історичного музею імені М. Ф. Сумцова


In M. F. Sumtsov Kharkiv Historical Museum ar­chaeological collection a bronze scabbard-chape can be found, which has a form of a rhomb-shaped plug that ends with a head of a carnivorous bird. The bird’s head is conveyed by three expressive elements — an eye in the eyesocket, a beak, and a tonguelet. Chapes of such type count a bit more than twenty exemplars, which are located preferably on the Caucasus and Northern Black Sea coastal area territories. Chape was included in the so-called «Kharkiv treasure». This treasure was supposedly found by two teenagers in their yard in 1957; they gave it to the museum. The treasure is very variegated by its content and counts 236 objects of dif­ferent epochs — from the Neolithic Age to the Middle Ages and modern ages. By the range of symptoms the treasure can be linked to the Archaeological exhibition opened in occupied Kharkiv in 1942 and which was demolished by the fire in February 1943. The exhibi­tion was based on the materials of the Historical Mu­seum collections and the Archaeological Museum of the Kharkiv university; it demonstrated as wide chrono­logical period as the content of the «Kharkiv treasure» was — from the Stone Age to the Cossacks times. So, apparently before the war, the chape belonged to the collection of one of these museums. The loss of the ac­counting records of both museums prevents from deter­mining the more precise origin of the chape. In the Archaeological exhibition remnants after the fire a bimetallic sword with an iron blade and bronze handle was also found. The sword and the chape be­long to the same cultural and chronological context and are tied with each other functionally. At the same time, they are quite rare findings. It allows admitting a possible connection between them and their belong­ing to the same complex. Visually the Kharkiv chape is the closest to the findings from the Northern Black Sea coastal area, which allows defining the possible territory of origin of this complex, which is just hypo­thetic for now.

Казахские кинжалы и тесаки (исследование на основе музейных и иконографических материалов)

«Орталық Азияның ежелгі және дәстүрлі қоғамдарының тарихи-мәдени мұрасы: жаңа ашылымдар мен пәнаралық зерттеулер» атты «ХІIІ Оразбаев оқулары» халықаралық ғылыми-әдістемелік конференция материалдары / Жауапты ред. Р.С. Жуматаев. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2021. – 468 б., 2021

KAZAKH DAGGERS AND "SELEBE" (based on museum and visual materials) Abstract. The article deals with Kazakh daggers and "selebe", stored in museum and private collections. We study the features of their structure, the shape of their hands and heads, decoration systems, their attribution, ways of using them in battle and ways of wearing them on the belt. In former times, blacksmiths and jewelers were engaged in the creation of these types of traditional Kazakh weapons. In the forms and types of Kazakh daggers and "selebe", there are peculiar ethnic features based on local traditions, as well as the influence of the traditions of weapons making of other eastern peoples. Daggers and "selebe" were used by Kazakh soldiers in the war along with swords and sabers. But even in peaceful days, they hung on the belt, so they were not only a combat weapon, but also a status badge of the owner. Figurative and oral sources indicate that the daggers and" selebe "belonged to soldiers and nobles – "batyr" and sultans.

Свиридов А. Н. Подвески-«игольницы» из могильника Фронтовое 3 (Юго-Западный Крым) / А. N. Sviridov Pendants-“pincushions” from the Frontovoye 3 burial ground (South-West Crimea).

Свиридов А. Н. Подвески-«игольницы» из могильника Фронтовое 3 (Юго-Западный Крым) // Археологические Вести. 2024. Вып. 44. С. 125–136., 2024

The Frontovoye 3 burial ground was located in the Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol, on the left bank of the Belbek River. The site was fully explored in 2018, 332 funerary structures were discovered, most of them belonged to Roman time. The necropolis is dated to the last decades of the 1st — early 5th cen. AD. In eight funerary structures among the set of inventory so-called pendants-“pincushions” were found. These objects were always located in the chest area of female or male burials. They were placed together with small iron knives in scabbards decorated with silver and bronze plates, fibulae with rings, in some cases with other inventory items. Similar pendants-“pincushions” are known from synchronous sites of the South-Western and Piedmont Crimea (where they were found most of all) and a number of other regions. Researchers have proposed diverse variants of naming and use of such objects. The materials of the Frontovoye 3 burial ground allow us to suggest that they are not utilitarian, and the small number of similar objects from widely studied sites may indicate their use by a small group of the population.

"Киммерийские" кинжалы из Южного Зауралья /«CIMMERIAN» DAGGERS FROM THE SOUTHERN TRANS-URAL AREA

Нижневолжский археологический вестник. Вып. 5, 2002

Публикуемые в статье кинжалы - случайные находки с берегов реки Урал и озера Балыктыколь. Первый кинжал датируется второй половиной IX – VIII вв. до н.э. а второй кинжал относится к VIII – первой половине VII веков до нашей эры. Оба они, вероятно, были изготовлены в местных мастерских и имеют прямые аналогии с кинжалами из памятников, расположенных в лесостепях и степях юга Восточной Европы. Они относятся к черногоровским и новочеркасским культурным комплексам. The daggers published in the article are occasional finds from the banks of the Ural river and the shores of the lake Balyktykol. The first dagger is dated to the second half of the 9th - the 8th centuries B.C. while the second dagger is from the 8th to the first half of the 7lh centuries B.C. Both of them were probably manufactured in the local workshops and have direct analogies to daggers from the monuments situated in the forest-steppes and steppes in the south of Eastern Europe. They refer to the Chernogorovka and Novocherkassk cultural complexes.