Considerations in moving electronic radiography into routine use (original) (raw)

Multimedia in the radiology environment: Current concept

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 1994

Multimedia. has different meanings according to its context. Here, multimedia in the radiology environment is defined as the integration of multiple radiology and medical information systems to facilitate the practice of radiology. These information systems include the hospital information system, radiology information system, picture archiving and communication systems, voice reporting, library information systems, and electronic mail and file systems. The concept of multimedia within the context of integration of these database systems will be presented. An example is given on how to access these information systems by a radiologist's desktop personal computer.

Digital imaging and radiographic practise in diagnostic radiography: An overview of current knowledge and practice in Europe

Radiography, 2018

Introduction: Recent research has identified the issue of 'dose creep' in diagnostic radiography and claims it is due to the introduction of CR and DR technology. More recently radiographers have reported that they do not regularly manipulate exposure factors for different sized patients and rely on pre-set exposures. The aim of the study was to identify any variation in knowledge and radiographic practice across Europe when imaging the chest, abdomen and pelvis using digital imaging. Methods: A random selection of 50% of educational institutes (n ¼ 17) which were affiliated members of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) were contacted via their contact details supplied on the EFRS website. Each of these institutes identified appropriate radiographic staff in their clinical network to complete an online survey via SurveyMonkey. Data was collected on exposures used for 3 common x-ray examinations using CR/DR, range of equipment in use, staff educational training and awareness of DRL. Descriptive statistics were performed with the aid of Excel and SPSS version 21. Results: A response rate of 70% was achieved from the affiliated educational members of EFRS and a rate of 55% from the individual hospitals in 12 countries across Europe. Variation was identified in practice when imaging the chest, abdomen and pelvis using both CR and DR digital systems. There is wide variation in radiographer training/education across countries. Conclusion: There is a need for standardisation of education and training including protocols and exposure parameters to ensure that there is continued adherence to the ALARA principle.

Comparison of Conventional Radiography and Digital Computerized Radiography in Patients Presenting to Emergency Department

Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015

Objectives To compare the differences between conventional radiography and digital computerized radiography (CR) in patients presenting to the emergency department. Methods The study enrolled consecutive patients presenting to the emergency department who needed chest radiography. Quality score of the radiogram was assessed with visual analogue score (VAS-100 mm), measured in terms of millimeters and recorded at the end of study. Examination time, interpretation time, total time, and cost of radiograms were calculated. Results There were significant differences between conventional radiography and digital CR groups in terms of location unit (Care Unit, Trauma, Resuscitation), hour of presentation, diagnosis group, examination time, interpretation time, and examination quality. Examination times for conventional radiography and digital CR were 45.2 and 34.2 minutes, respectively. İnterpretation times for conventional radiography and digital CR were 25.2 and 39.7 minutes, respectively. Mean radiography quality scores for conventional radiography and digital CR were 69.1 mm and 82.0 mm. Digital CR had a 1.05 TL cheaper cost per radiogram compared to conventional radiography. Conclusions Since interpretation of digital radiograms is performed via terminals inside the emergency department, the patient has to be left in order to interpret the digital radiograms, which prolongs interpretation times. We think that interpretation of digital radiograms with the help of a mobile device would eliminate these difficulties. Although the initial cost of setup of digital CR and PACS service is high at the emergency department, we think that Digital CR is more cost-effective than conventional radiography for emergency departments in the long-term.

A comparison between digital images viewed on a Picture Archiving and Communication System diagnostic workstation and on a PC-based remote viewing system by emergency physicians

Journal of Digital Imaging, 1998

Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) make possible the viewing of radiographic images on computer workstations Iocated where clinical care is delivered. By the nature of their work this feature is particularly useful for emergency physicians who view radiographic studies for information and use them to explain results to patients and their families. However, the high cost of PACS diagnostic workstations with fuller functionality places limits on the number of and therefore the accessibility to workstations in the emergency department. This study was undertaken to establish how well less expensive personal computerbased workstations would work to support these needs of emergency physicians. The study compared the outcome of observations by 5 emergency physicians on a series of radiographic studies containing subtle abnormalities displayed on both a PACS diagnostic workstation and on a PC-based workstation. The 73 digitized radiographic studies were randomly arranged on both types of workstation over four separate viewing sessions for each emergency physician. There was no statistical difference between a PACS diagnostic workstation and a PC-based workstation in this trial. The mean correct ratings were 59% on the PACS diagnostic workstations and 61% on the PC-based workstations. These findings also emphasize the need for prompt reporting by a radiologist.

A survey of digital radiography practice in four South African teaching hospitals: an illuminative study

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal, 2010

The purpose of this study was to assess radiographer familiarity and preferences with digital radiography in four teaching hospitals and thereafter make recommendations in line with the migration from screen film to digital radiography. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was designed to collect data from either qualified or student radiographers from four teaching hospitals. From the four teaching hospitals, there were a total of 205 potential respondents. Among other things, responses regarding experiences and preferences with digital radiography, quality control procedures, patient dose, advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography were sought. The information collected was based on self-reporting by the participants. The study is exploratory in nature and descriptive statistics were generated from the collected data using Microsoft Excel 2007 and StatsDirect software. Results: Sixty-three out of 205 (31%) radiographers from all the four radiology centers responded to the circulated questionnaire. Only 15% (8) of the qualified radiographers had 4 or more years of experience with digital radiography compared to 68% (36) for the same amount of experience with screen-film radiography. Sixty-one percent (38) of the participants had been exposed to digital radiography during their lectures while at university. A small proportion, 16% (10) of the respondents underwent formal training in quality control procedures on the digital X-ray units they were using. Slightly more than half (55%) of the participants felt it was easier for them to retake an image in digital radiography than in screen film radiography. Conclusion: The results of this survey showed that the participants are familiar with digital radiography and have embraced this relatively new technology as shown by the fact that they can identify both its advantages and disadvantages as applied to clinical practice. However, there are minimal quality control procedures specific to digital radiography being undertaken as such there is need for formal education, continuing education and manufacturer training with respect to quality control as institutions make the transition from conventional screen film radiology to digital radiology.

Evolution of the Digital Revolution: A Radiologist Perspective

Journal of Digital Imaging, 2003

The transformation from film-based to filmless operation has become more and more challenging, as imaging studies expand in size and complexity. To adapt to these changes, radiologists must proactively develop new workflow strategies to compensate for increasing work demands and the existing workforce shortage. This article addresses the evolutionary changes underway in the radiology interpretation process and reviews changes that have occurred in the past decade. These include a number of developments in soft-copy interpretation, which is migrating from a relatively static process, duplicating film-based interpretation, to a dynamic process, using multi-planar reconstructions, volumetric navigation, and electronic decision support tools. The result is optimization of the human-computer interface with improved productivity, diagnostic confidence, and interpretation accuracy.

Development of an Electronic Radiologist's Office in a Private Institute

RadioGraphics, 2000

A computer system that improves the quality, user-friendliness, accessibility, and management of radiology data (images, reports, databases, knowledge) was implemented at a private institute. A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) was integrated with the radiology information system (RIS). Two servers and 12 personal computers form the integrated system. The first server is dedicated to management and archiving of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) images. The second server is dedicated to management of the RIS and archiving of patient data (Structured Query Language database), reports (hypertext markup language [HTML]), and images in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format (mini-PACS). There are three main client-server networks: a common network of imaging modalities (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasonography, digital radiography) and two fast Ethernet networks (the PACS network and the RIS network). The RIS-PACS is linked remotely with other workstations and servers via Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Images and reports can be distributed to referring physicians in the form of multimedia HTML and JPEG documents, which can also be used for quick and easy archiving, distribution, and reviewing within the institute. However, referring physicians have been reluctant to use electronic reports and images.

Influence of film digitization on radiological interpretation

British Journal of Radiology, 2005

Our objective was to evaluate the influence of changing from analogue to digital imaging on interobserver and intraobserver image interpretation. Three radiologists interpreted 96 three image series of occipitomental radiographs of paranasal sinuses from the films and from the corresponding digitized images from the screen. Images were classified according to degree of abnormality as either normal, with mucosal thickening of less than 5 mm, with mucosal thickening of 5 mm or more, total opacity, air-fluid level or polyp or cyst of maxillary sinuses. In the present study we found that there were more differences between two radiologist's interpretations with a single method than in a single radiologist's interpretations between the methods, although radiologists interpreted fewer pathological findings from the digitized images than from the corresponding films. Our data show that the results of image interpretation are preferentially dependent on the reader rather than on the method of reading.

Diagnostic Efficacy of Handheld Devices for Emergency Radiologic Consultation

American Journal of Roentgenology, 2010

agnosis and secondary consultation. Small screen size, inherent low resolution of display, low contrast ratio, poor connectivity, slow data transfer, security issues, and minimal inherent memory have been cited as limitations to the display of radiologic images on PDAs, and concern has been expressed over radiologist acceptance [3]. Nonetheless, technologic developments are being introduced to improve the clinical potential. The latest software allows retrieval of DICOM and JPEG images [6, 7]. Efficient wireless transmission protocols ease the transmission and retrieval of medical data on display devices that operate with the Bluetooth protocol [8] for local transmission and highbandwidth networks, such as code division multiple access, for longer distances [9]. The latest hardware has improved spatial and contrast resolution, processing speed, and memory size [10].