Bioefficacy of crude polyherbal formulations against hoppers (Insecta: Hemiptera) of rice (original) (raw)
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Efficacy of botanical pesticides against white backed plant hopper in rice
Journal of Crop and Weed, 2011
A jie!d tnal 11•as conducted during Khan/ season. 2004. repeated 111 Rah1 season. 2004-05 and Khar/lseason. 2005 at the Regional Research and Technology Trnnsfer Station (RRTTS}, Keonjhar. OUAT Bhubanesirnr. !he pelfor111ances of the neem derivatil'Cs like neem seed extract (NSE). neem oil (.\D), Mul/11neem (commercial product ol neem based pesticide) and a commercial B.t. lormulation (Hall) were evaluated for their bioe_{ficacy against irhite backed plant hopper. Populations of WBPH \l'ere recorded at 3(J and 50 DAT Results indicated that jirst round applica/lon ll'ith neem pesticides al 21) DAT and subsequent application ll'ith the same neem pesticides or with chemical pesticide like chloqJyriphos at 40 DAT could be the appropriate step to handle !he WBPH population in rice crop.
Evaluation of new insecticides against rice brown plant hopper
Indian journal of entomology, 2018
Evaluation of six insecticides viz., ethiprole 40 + imidacloprid 40 WG, etofenprox 10 EC, buprofezin 25 SC, pymetrozine 50 WG, acephate 75 SP and monocrotophos 36 SL were evaluated against rice brown plant hopper BPH. The BPH population was counted on 20 randomly selected hills before spray at 1, 3, 7 and 10 days after spray. The experiment was conducted during kharif 2014 and 2015 at the Agricultural Research Station, Kampasagar, laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. All the insecticides significantly reduced the BPH. The BPH population varied from 114.0 to 156.6 and 133.4 to 176.6/20 hills during kharif 2014 and 2015 at one day prior to spray. The population was significantly lower with pymetrozine 50 WG @ 250 g/ha, followed by ethiprole 40 + imidacloprid 40 W.G @ 125 g/ha, etofenprox 10 EC @ 750 ml/ha, acephate 75 SP @ 667g/ha, monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1390 ml/ha and buprofezin 25 SC @ 825 ml/ha at all the counting days of after spray in both 2014 and 2015. Th...
Effectiveness of biopesticides against brown planthopper ( Nilaparvata lugens ) in paddy cultivation
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2018
The brown planthopper (BPH) causes serious damage to rice by sucking rice sap, ovipositing in rice tissues, and transmitting a number of rice diseases during its long-distance migration that severely affect the productivity of paddy. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of biopesticides against BPH population. BV500WS is used at the early stage of paddy cultivation for growth enhancement meanwhile BV612EC is used a week after the liberation of BPH for crop protection. Three conditions were adopted as follows which are T1 where the paddy was sprayed using BV500WS and BV612EC to study the effectiveness of both types of biopesticides, T2 where the paddy was sprayed using BV500WS only and C1 where the paddy was cultivated without any pesticide application as control. BPH was released twice on day 46 and 59 of paddy cultivation. Reduction of BPH population with up to 100% mortality rate was observed with the application of two types of biopesticides at T1 resulting in the highest number of remaining tillers with 68.56%. Although severely affected by BPH, T2 was able to has comparable number of remaining tillers as C1 which was 46.24% and 49.65% respectively. These results showed that two types of biopesticides were more effective in reducing BPH compared to one type of biopesticide.
A field trail was conducted at Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla during kharif 2015 to evaluate the efficacy of imidacloprid 17.8 SL, thiamethoxam 25 WG, acetamiprid 20 SP, sulfoxaflor 25 SC, dinotefuran 20 SG, pymetrozine 50 WG, buprofezin 25 SC, monocrotophos + dichlorvos 36 SL + 76 EC against brown planthopper in rice ecosystem. The data on planthoppers inferred that pymetrozine 50 WG @ 0.5 g l-1 proved to be the most effective insecticide in reducing population by recording highest per cent population reduction (62.98%) over untreated control. The insecticide dinotefuran 20 SG @ 0.4 g l-1 (59.60 %) was on par with pymetrozine in suppressing the pest population and also these three chemicals recorded with the highest grain yields 5266 and 5228 kg ha-1.
A field trail was conducted at Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla during kharif 2015 to evaluate the efficacy of imidacloprid 17.8 SL, thiamethoxam 25 WG, acetamiprid 20 SP, sulfoxaflor 25 SC, dinotefuran 20 SG, pymetrozine 50 WG, buprofezin 25 SC, monocrotophos + dichlorvos 36 SL + 76 EC against brown planthopper in rice ecosystem. The data on planthoppers inferred that pymetrozine 50 WG @ 0.5 g l -1 proved to be the most effective insecticide in reducing population by recording highest per cent population reduction (62.98%) over untreated control. The insecticide dinotefuran 20 SG @ 0.4 g l -1 (59.60 %) was on par with pymetrozine in suppressing the pest population and also these three chemicals recorded with the highest grain yields 5266 and 5228 kg ha -1 .
Field experiments were conducted in farmer's rice fields at village Saholi, Punjab, India during 2012 and 2013 to test the efficacy of different plant based biopesticides and microbials against insect pests of aromatic rice ( Pusa 1121 and Basmati 386) grown under organic farming system. In all, five biopesticide formulations (2 plant based; 3 microbials) were tested for their efficacy. Neem azal 1% @ 1250 ml/ha showed its supermacy in reducing the incidence of leaf folder (0.97-5.66% DL), dead hearts (0.98-1.67% DH), white ear heads (1.07-2.05%), plant hopper(s) population (0.11-0.40/plant) and resulted in higher grain yields (25.54-36.47 q/ha) compared with ohter treatments. Similarly, the application of Neem azal 1% @ 1000, Dipel WP @ 2.0 kg/ha, Karanja oil 2.0% and Myco-Jaal 10% SC @ 2.0 litre per ha significantly reduced the incidence of leaf folder, dead hearts and white earheads increased grain yields in comparison to untreated control. Microbials, by large, were ineffect...
WDG formulation containing neem oil and metallic nanoparticles were prepared and evaluated for their efficacy against different pests nematode, fungus and cotton leaf worm. Various metallic nano particle l;ike Ag and Cu alone and in combinations were tested for their efficacy against different pest. The process parameters and composition were optimized to get more improved formulation in terms of performance & other quality parameters such as Suspensiblity, Dispersibility & Particle size, which affects performance of formulation during its application. The prepared formulation was tested against different pests like fungus, nematodes and further for antifeedant activity. S3(mixture of Cu + Ag) provides highest 42% antifeedancy, 73% mortality in nematodes, and no fungal growth even after 48hrs. The present formulation S3 shows antifungal, nematicidal and antifeedant properties all in one activities in single formulation. The present S3 WDG formulations are safe and promising alternates to minimize the risk of dustiness, contamination.Pests have characteristics of damaging or harming agriculture through feeding on crops. Pests of different types either insects, fungus, nematodes infests variety of crops. These pests damage different parts of plant and are thus responsible for large loss in yield and also affect quality of crops. In order to protect crops from damage, pest management is a necessary tool. Different methods of pest control have been proposed by the investigators. For any pest control to be effective two important criteria are, improvement in quality of crop and crop protection. To improve quality of crop, it is necessary to protect them from pests. Various synthetic pesticide formulations are used in agriculture against pests. But extensive use of these chemical pesticides has created environmental effects that are harmful to humans. These formulations are used for certain specific type of pest so user has to apply one or more different type of pesticide depending upon target pest. Because of such repetitive use of pesticide for different pests in crop protection, the problem associated with their use has become a major problem in recent years since there is issue of pesticide residue in most of the food commodities along with the soil. Pesticide residue accumulates in food, water and is toxic to human and environment (Lee et al; 2001). Harmful effects of synthetic pesticides are not limited to their toxicity alone, infact repetitive usage of pesticide has resulted in resistant pest, resistant pest are difficult to manage and required novel insecticide (Mecedo et al; 1997), which are bio botanical insecticide.
More than 400 thousand plant species have been identified as chemical ingredients and 10 thousand of them contain secondary metabolites that can be used as botanical pesticides. This research is experimental and aims to determine the effectiveness of botanical pesticide formulations on rice bugs in rice plants. The plant material used was maja flesh, galangal, and tobacco. The dose used is 20% with a water solvent. Botanical pesticides were applied in the shelf life of 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 weeks. The results showed that a 20% dose of plant-based pesticides made by heating could kill 100% of stinky bugs if the pesticide is directly used or stored for 3 weeks. Dosage 20% of botanical pesticides made by fermentation can kill 100% rice bugs when the pesticide is used immediately or stored for 5 weeks. Vegetable pesticides from a mixture of tobacco leaves, maja flesh, and galangal made with fermentation have longer effectiveness than those made by heating. INTRODUCTION Rice plants in their growth are disturbed by abiotic and biotic factors. This factor has the potential to reduce rice productivity. Abiotic factors can include low soil fertility, drought and unfavorable conditions from climate and weather factors. Biotic factors in the form of plant-disturbing organisms, namely pests, diseases, and weeds. Plant pests such as insect pests were among the rice plant population actually part of a community of agricultural ecosystems. Agricultural ecosystems were originally natural ecosystems that were in balance, the organism's population was in a stable state. But along with advances in agriculture with a variety of technological inputs that use synthetic chemicals have caused modern agricultural ecosystems to become unstable. In the agricultural production process there are production inputs in the form of land management, use of seeds / superior varieties, use of fertilizers, irrigation, use of pesticides and several other inputs. With these processes and inputs, agricultural ecosystems become unbalanced or turn into semi-natural (Untung, 1996). Rice pest disorders are quite prominent from the beginning of the growth period until the harvest, even after becoming grain stored in warehouses. Important pest attack symptoms such as stem borer, brown planthopper, green planthopper, stinky rice pest and so on, must be watched out for proper control so that it does not cause heavy damage and even loss of yields. To reduce pest attacks that appear in the field, it is necessary to conduct monitoring so that the presence of pests can be known early. Rice bugs (L. oratorius) is one of the important pests that attack rice paddy plants. These pests generally attack rice plants in the ripening phase by sucking the liquid rice grains that are still in the process of filling, causing rice grains to become empty or filling is not perfect. In Indonesia, rice bugs are potential pests which in certain conditions, turn into important pests and can cause yield losses of up to 50%. The results of previous studies showed that the population of rice bugs 5 tails / 9 clumps of rice would reduce yields by 15%. The relationship between the population density of rice bugs and the decrease in yields shows that a single attack of rice bugs in one week can reduce rice yield by 27% (Feriadi, 2010). Chemical control is carried out based on the level of the population of rice bug in rice plantations. If in 20 clumps of rice found 10 rice bugs or 6 rice bugs per m2 need to be applied insecticide. Until now, there are no rice varieties that are resistant to rice bugs. Based on the rice bug life cycle, planting in one large expanse is a highly recommended control method. when the rice plants are flowering, the rice bug will immediately move from the grass or plants around the rice fields to the first flowering rice crop. So if rice planting is not
Indian journal of entomology, 2022
Efficacy of a new combination insecticide against rice brown plant hopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens Stal revealed that among all the treatments, significant reduction in the incidence (76.91% reduction over control) and higher grain yield (5.37 ton/ ha) was obtained with buprofezin 24%+ fipronil 40%SC (MAIRM-10) @ 875 ml/ ha. It was at par with buprofezin 24%+ fipronil 40%SC (MAIRM-10) @ 750 ml/ ha followed by buprofezin 25%SC @ 800 ml/ ha. Although maximum grain yield was obtained from buprofezin 24%+ fipronil 40%SC (MAIRM-10) @ 875 ml/ ha, maximum cost benefit in term of ICBR was observed with buprofezin 24%+ fipronil 40%SC (MAIRM-10) @ 750 ml/ ha (1:6.11) besides considering the environmental effect. Buprofezin 24%+ fipronil 40%SC (MAIRM-10) @ 750 ml/ ha was found to be most optimum one for BPH management.
Effectiveness of Insecticides and Biopesticides against White backed Plant Hopper
An ecofriendly alternative to chemical pesticides i s biopesticides, which encompasses a broad array of microbial pesticides, biochemicals derived from micro -organisms and other natural sources, and processes involving the agricultural commodities that confer protection aga inst pest damage.The field studies were carried out for effectiveness of insec ticides and biopesticides against White backed Plan t Hopper on rice in rewa region. Study of insect pest complex w as done from 2006-07 to 2007- 08. The observations were made regarding the grain yield monocrotophos was the most efficient insecticide where as among biopescides wanis was