Public transportation in South Tangerang City, Indonesia and Hat Yai City Municipality, Thailand : A comparative study (original) (raw)
The objectives of this research are to compare the problems related to the services of angkot, ojek, songthaew, tuk-tuk, and motorcycle rubjang as local public transportations in South Tangerang City, Indonesia and Hat Yai City Municipality, Thailand and to understand solutions that given by three stakeholders; government, private sectors, and civil society in improving the condition of those public transportation modes to provide good public service in public transportation sector. In this research, three research methodologies are used; document analysis, observation, and interview. First, document analysis has been chosen by the researcher as one of secondary data collection methods to get the supporting theories from the previous similar researches. Sources used in document analysis are previous research results, legal document, and reference books. The second methodology used is observation by systematic noting and recording in research locations chosen for study. The third methodology is interview involving 112 interviewees from three stakeholders; government sectors, private sectors, and civil society. In analyzing the data, the researcher applied the flow of data analysis concept suggested by Michael v Huberman; data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The researcher applied data collection process by using document analysis, observation process, and interview process. In reducing the data, the researcher selected some data which has correlation with the research objectives. Furthermore, data will be displayed as the research results and on the last step researcher derived these results to answer the research questions as conclussions. The research results show that the problems with the service of angkot, ojek, songthaew, tuk-tuk, and motorcycle rubjang as a local public transportation lie with the inappropriate habits of the driver, lack of supporting facilities, sexual harassment, lack of assertive regulation, physical condition of the vehicles, and political influence. There are macro and micro scale in implementing the solutions. Macro scale involves some actions which correlated with other sectors such as developmental planning, the consistency in implementing policies, and the socialization process. While in micro scale, it involves some problem solving which correlated directly to problems which faced both cities. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Merciful. Alhamdulillahirobbil'alamin. First and the foremost, I would like to express my profound sense and praise to the "Almighty Allah" for giving belief, health, confidence, strength, and blessing for the writer to accomplish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master in Public