Sport and Aggression; A Review of Field Studies (original) (raw)

2021, Uluslararası Anadolu spor bilimleri dergisi

Aggress on s a cond t on that ncludes the att tude and behav or of ntent onally harm ng another lv ng th ng phys cally or emot onally (Ballard et al. 2004). Accord ng to emot onal def n t ons, aggress on s a behav or caused by anger. Accord ng to mot vat onal def n t ons, ntent on determ nes whether a behav or s off ens ve or not. Accord ng to behav oral def n t ons, the underly ng ntent on of the behav or s not mportant; Any behav or that causes phys cal or psycholog cal harm to another s aggress on (Erkuş, 1994). But, to a certa n extent, aggress on s the source and mpetus for the behav ors necessary to susta n l fe (Köknel, 1996). For th s reason, the present study was conducted to reveal whether the subject of aggress on and sports s mportant for athletes, tra ners and spectators, and whether they aff ect the performance of athletes n a pos t ve way. S nce the a m of the study was to evaluate the researches on a spec f c subject, the comp lat on method was used. Dur ng the research, a w de f eld survey was made, the relat onsh p between sports and aggress on was exam ned, and the stud es conducted n Turkey and abroad n recent years were rev ewed. In the research, t was stated how mportant the ssue of aggress on n sports s. Lenz et al. (1997) suggested n the r study that there s a pos t ve relat onsh p between aggress on and sports, and hypothes zed that sports act v t es serve as a means of controll ng women's aggress on and help men's nd v dual psychosoc al development. In add t on, t s understood that nd v duals who do sports are more controlled dur ng anger and aggress on, and they emerge from the bad s tuat ons encountered dur ng the compet t on w th the least damage.