The Position of the Qanun Jinayat as a Forum for the Implementation of Sharia in Aceh in the Indonesian Constitution (original) (raw)
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This article provides an historical account of the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh and how the issue of Islamic law has been debated. The study will give more emphasis on the dynamics of the implementation of Islamic law, its historical development, typologies of Islamic law, leaders’ opinions regarding this issue, and the governments’ responses. This study argues that Islamic law in Aceh has been misinterpreted merely as h{udu>d law. In addition, it argues that the provincial government tends to put heavy emphasis on symbolic religious issues (such as the Islamic dress code and the usage of Arabic signs and letterheads), rather than the substance of Islamic law such as justice and prosperity for all. Finally, the study has made evident that implementing Islamic law is never a good method of attempting to resolve conflict. There is no need to establish Islamic law formally through the political process because, when politics enters in religious arena, it carries with it many interests. Keywords: Aceh, Shari>‘ah, Qanun, Adat, H{udu>d.
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Al-Risalah, 2020
The implementation of sharia in Aceh has gone through a democratic process subscribed by the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Nevertheless, some observers consider it problematic. Against this backdrop, this article discusses the principles of the formalization of sharia into positive law and further concretely analyses the case of formalization of sharia in Aceh. Employing a norma-tive approach on research of law, this article shows that the principles of sharia codified in the qanuns of Aceh are grounded on the Qurʾān and the Sunna. The formalization of the sharia into the qanuns has gone through democracy and complies with the Indonesian law. Those qanuns contain regulations on ʿaqīda, muʿāmala, Islamic convocation, and Islamic criminal law. Abstrak: Implementasi Syari'at Islam di Aceh telah melalui proses demokrasi yang dianut oleh Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Namun, beberapa pengkaji terdahulu masih menganggap implementasi tersebut bermasalah. Karena itu, tulisan ini mendiskusikan prinsip-prinsip formalisasi syari'at Islam ke dalam hukum positif dan menganalisa fomalisasi Syari'at Islam di Aceh ke dalam sistem hukum positif secara konkrit. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian hukum normatif, tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa prinsip-prinsip Syari'at Islam dalam qanun-qanun Aceh berlandaskan pada al-Qurʼān dan al-Sunnah sebagai rujukan utama. Sementara formalisasi Syari'at Islam ke dalam qanun-qanun telah melalui proses demokrasi dan tunduk kepada sistem hukum Indonesia. Qanun-qanun tersebut memuat aturan tentang akidah, mualamah, syiar Islam, dan hukum pidana Islam.
This article provides an historical account of the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh and how the issue of Islamic law has been debated. The study will give more emphasis on the dynamics of the implementation of Islamic law, its historical development, typologies of Islamic law, leaders' opinions regarding this issue, and the governments' responses. This study argues that Islamic law in Aceh has been misinterpreted merely as h{ udu> d law. In addition, it argues that the provincial government tends to put heavy emphasis on symbolic religious issues (such as the Islamic dress code and the usage of Arabic signs and letterheads), rather than the substance of Islamic law such as justice and prosperity for all. Finally, the study has made evident that implementing Islamic law is never a good method of attempting to resolve conflict. There is no need to establish Islamic law formally through the political process because, when politics enters in religious arena, it carries with it many interests.
Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies, 2022
Abstract: This article is aimed to explore the contested authorities in the enforcement of sharia law in Aceh. The existence of these contesting authorities could be observed in the qanun shari’a (the shari’a bylaws) formulation and implementation processes. In Aceh Province, this contestation is also further complicated by a wider contestation among formal and non-formal actors, representing pluralities of Aceh jurisprudence perspectives. Hence, the dynamic of sharia law products and its implementation in Aceh actually [re]presents a unique situation of how pluralities of actors could influence the Sharia Law formulation and its enforcement, and this is also mediated by the historical, political and cultural contexts. This research utilizes a qualitative approach, through a library research data collection which is also combined by few interviews. Generally, it seems that the authorities or agencies of both formal and non-formal institutions sometimes intersect, overlap and co...
The Implementation of Islamic Qanun Law in the Modern Aceh Society
Proceedings of the 1st Raden Intan International Conference on Muslim Societies and Social Sciences (RIICMuSSS 2019), 2020
Aceh is a province that exists at the most northern tip of Sumatra Island, which has a variety of different ethnic groups, living side by side with one another, carrying out Islamic law or the Qanun law. The qanun is a regional regulation that is not owned by other provinces, but it must be obeyed by all levels of society in Aceh Province. This paper is aimed at exploring the implementation of the qanun law in Aceh society. To obtain data, direct observations are made to observe the community, and interview the relevant parties. This paper finds out that not all people in Aceh obey the qanun, because Acehnese people are plural. Yet, in order to support the implementation of the qanun law in reality, some efforts have been carried out continually by the regional government, as evidenced by the enactment of the Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014, concerning jinayat (criminal) law, and of the Aceh Qanun, number 7, 2013, concerning jinayat procedural law. Although many people cannot accept the implementation of the punishment, the rules must be followed.