‘Doctoratul de la Oxford al lui N. Iorga’, by Andrei Pippidi and Cristina Neagu, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, LIX, 2010, 1-14. (original) (raw)

Analele Universității Din Craiova. Seria Filosofie, 35(1), 2015

viXra, 2015

Despite the last decades' growing interest in discussing Cicero's philosophical works there is still no consensus among scholars regarding the purposes these works were written for. In this article, by focusing on some fragments from works like the ‚Hortensius‛ and ‚Consolatio‛, I will try to offer new grounds for reading and interpreting Cicero not only as a philosopher of public and political affairs, as he is usually seen by modern scholars, but also as a philosopher of the theoretical life.

Un cărturar nedreptățit: Nicola Nicolau (Studia interdisciplinaria. In memoriam magistri Barbu Ștefănescu, coord. G. Moisa, F. Ciure, S. Șipoș, I. Goman, Ed. Muzeului Țării Crișurilor / Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Oradea / Cluj-Napoca, 2023, pp. 313-340) [= Indo-historico-geographica 3.1]


Nicola Nicolau: an Intellectual with an Unfair Posterity: This is the first in a series of three articles discussing the life and work of Nicola Nicolau (1762-1837), a Romanian merchant and scholar from the Transylvanian town of Brașov (Kronstadt, in the Habsburg Empire). Its chapters deal with Nicolau’s family and life, the books published by him, the question of their authorship, their sources, their circulation, and, finally, with Nicolau’s teaching activity. While settling, on the basis of primary sources, a number of earlier hypotheses and debates, it proposes some new hypotheses, which should be checked against further primary evidence.

Geografie și enciclopedism. Revizitându-l pe Gheorghe Lazăr (150 de ani de muzeografie orădeană, coord. Gabriel Moisa, Aurel Chiriac, Ed. Muzeului Țării Crișurilor, Oradea, 2023, pp. 223-232) [= Indo-historico-geographica 3. Addendum]

Geography and encyclopaedism. Revisiting Gheorghe Lazăr: Between 1810 and 1822, Gheorghe Lazăr (1779/82-1823) composed or compiled four geography textbooks for the use of the Romanian schools of Transylvania and Walachia: a mathematical geography (1810), a geography of Transylvania (1815), an astronomical geography (1820), and a world geography (1822), respectively. The first two were destined for publication in Transylvania, but his superior blocked all attempts. The last two were used in the St. Sava College of Bucharest, and – according to a 1822 manifesto – the world geography was being prepared for publication. Like most of Lazăr’s Nachlass, they have been lost after his death. The present article discusses all the available information about these books and attempts to identify their sources on the basis of contextual data. It also underlines Lazăr’s long lasting interest for the subject matter of geography, which has been neglected by both his biographers and the historiography of geographical studies in Romanian culture. My thesis is that it should be understood as part of Lazăr’s encyclopaedicism, another dimension of his intellectual formation and academic profile which has been neglected. The last section, which places Lazăr in the context of the geographical textbook production during his mature life and the decades following his death, shows that many other manuscript textbooks have met with the same fate: they failed to reach the printing press and – sooner or later – have been lost.

Proiectul american interbelic al lui Mircea Eliade (Revista de istorie şi teorie literară, Bucureşti, XVII, nr. 1-4, 2023, pp. 385-397)

Revista de istorie şi teorie literară, 2023

Mircea Eliade’s Interwar American Project: In his first year spent in India, 1929, Mircea Eliade nurtured two projects related to America, which remained unaccomplished. On the one hand, he was planning a long return trip to his homeland, which would pass through the United States. On the other hand, he considered obtaining a teaching position in an American university, the first target being Harvard. This early American project – hitherto unexplored – becomes symbolic in the perspective of Eliade’s subsequent evolution and choices. Decades later, as a professor at the University of Chicago, he turned down an invitation to occupy a chair at Harvard, which offered him far better conditions and opportunities than those in Chicago. We present here the first results of an ongoing research that tries to clarify all the details related to the young Eliade’s American project.

O carte manuscrisă pierdută. Geografia lumii copiată de Sava Popovici din Rășinari (1785) (Revista de istorie şi teorie literară, Bucureşti, XVII, nr. 1-4, 2023, pp. 369-375) [= Indo-historico-geographica 1. Addendum 2]

Revista de istorie și teorie literară, 2023

A lost manuscript book. The world geography copied by Sava Popovici from Rășinari (1785): The paper discusses a manuscript book – known in a copy made by the priest Sava Popovici (1735-1808) from Rășinari in the year 1785 –, which was described in 1912 and 1915. Its trace was completely lost afterwards and it attracted attention only once, in a marginal way. Our research has led to the identification of the original – a Russian introductory book for the students of the Saint Petersburg academic gymnasium – and to a plausible proposal for its anonymous author: the Prussian astronomer Christian Nicolaus von Winsheim (1694-1751), who was teaching after the famous schoolbook of Johann Hübner. We are also proposing the most probable author of the translation: the schoolmaster Radu Duma (174?-1791) from Brașov. Its final sections discuss the image of India as described in its chapter on Asia and, respectively, its probable use as a textbook in a number of schools from the South-Eastern part of Transylvania: Brașov, Rășinari, and Sibiu.

Lucrările universitarilor bălţeni: Anuar 2009 : Bibliogr. sel

Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB eBooks, 2010

Codreanu-Bîrsanu, Aurelia. Unele aprecieri asupra nominaţiilor aproximative determinate de locutor / Aurelia Codreanu-Bîrsanu // Strategii actuale în lingvistică, glotodidactică şi ştiinţa literară : Colocviul şt. intern. organizat cu ocazia a 55-a aniversare a Fac. de Limbi şi Lit. Străine, ed. a 2-a,

Bibliotecarul şi opera sa în universul bibliografic [Articol]


The librarian and his work in the bibliographic universe Varvara GANEA, bibliotecar principal The author aims to influence the stereotypes created in time about the library and librarian by relating important segments of the work of the "Alecu Russo" State University Scientific Library from Balti. In the present article the author analyzes the scientific work of librarians, the level of professionalism, ability to communicate, the values of the institution: traditional collections, electronic resources, services, opportunities and library products. Omul adevărat, cu tot ce realizează, se realizează şi pe el! Igor P. Jechiu. Edelgard Bulmahn, ministru al Educaţiei în Germania, afirma într-un interviu din 2001 că cele mai importante bunuri din societatea cunoaşterii sînt o bună educaţie, creativitate şi competenţă. Societatea în care trăim ne determină să acceptăm modificări radicale la nivel de individ, de grup, instituţie, comunitate, de relaţii interumane. Cel mai mare impact asupra comunităţii în vederea receptării imaginii unei instituţii bibliotecare îl exercită bibliotecarul. Nivelul de profesionalism, capacitatea de a comunica cu utilizatorii în procesul prestarii serviciilor, reliefează imaginea celui care reprezintă biblioteca. Mai multe studii demonstrează, că personalul Bibliotecii Ştiinţifice de la Bălţi este unul instruit, calificat, deschis spre comunicare. Mentalitatea bibliotecarilor s-a schimbat mult odată cu valorificarea noilor tehnologii de informare şi comunicare. Diversificarea purtătorilor de informaţii influenţează indiscutabil dezvoltarea bibliotecară. Noul termen, lifewide learning, indică durata învăţării-toată viaţa. Imaginea unei instituţii se constituie din eforturile zilnice ale colaboratorilor ei, cînd se investeşte în activitatea profesională tot ce este mai bun. Imaginea se creează în timp, prin strategii bine gândite, muncă sistematică, răbdare, pasiune, competenţe, abilitate şi dorinţă de a îndeplimi obligaţiunile cât mai conştiincios şi creator. Astfel, devine important succesul final al acestei activităţi, de care depinde