Sacral topography and visual culture on the territory of the Archbishopric of Kalocsa-Bacs from the year of 1000 until The Battle of Mohacs (original) (raw)
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Сакральный ландшафт Сарыарки: Коллективная монография, 2021
In the monograph, on the basis of the study of two geographical areas of the northern Saryarka, the Ishim valley of the Akmola Region and the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lake district, characteristics, features, and mechanism of landscape sacralization are described and investigated. Moreover, the role of cult memorials in the historical, cultural, and ethnic processes of ancient and medieval periods is shown. The excavation of the large burial mound of Kuigenzhar, dated to the early Saka time, and the Kazakh seasonal settlement of Sarkyram are here presented. The monograph redraws the route of the 1816 expedition of I.P. Shangin along the northern Saryarka, as well as the Muslim graveyard of Karaotkel, an important historical site in the center of Nur-sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, is presented. One chapter of the monograph is devoted to the large-scale exploration work of the Kazakh-Italian expedition: new sites and monuments along the Silyt, Ishim, and Nura rivers are described and provided with photos and maps. The publication is addressed to historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, university students, and everyone who is interested in Kazakhstan's historical and cultural heritage.
Sacral geography of Orthodox Christianity and religious tourism
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog dru?tva, 2010
Сажетак: У уводном делу рада сажето је приказан предмет проучавања сакралне географије. Ова научна дисциплина, као грана културне географије, заслужује већу пажњу услед развоја културног туризма и заштите културног наслеђа у условима глобализације. Циљ рада је да систематизује и изложи карактеристике сакралних објеката и традиционална места ходочашћа у православном хришћанству. Аутор се нада да ће рад привући пажњу интелектуалних кругова географа и деловати подстицајно на географе истраживаче, да посвете већу пажњу овој актуелној и значајној проблематици. Кључне речи: сакрална географија, ходочасничке миграције, религиозни туризам, православно хришћанство. Увод Сакрална географија је правац културне географије који истражује спектар односа културне групе према простору. Она разматра те односе кроз призму религиозних традиција, која увек има одређену географску компоненту. Метод истраживања је овде принципијелно другачији, него у географији религија. Овде се не истражује религија у простору, него простор у религији тј. предмет истраживања су сами културни обрасци, сакрални текстови, стереотипи понашања, а задатак истраживача је да открије специфику односа одређене религије према простору. Простор са гледишта већине религијских традиција је на одређен начин поларизован, у њему се издвајају свети градови, реке, планине и други географски објекти, који су постали објекти поклоњења, где долазе ходочасници. Данас број посетилаца сакралних места расте услед развоја религиозног туризма. Према Асоцијацији за управљање религиозним конференцијама (Religious Conference Managgement Association), религиозни туризам је у експанзији. Тај сегмент туристичке потражње је порастао од 4,4 на 14,7 мил. путовања између 1994. и 2006. године ( Света земља хришћанства У раном хришћанству, својеврстан географски олтар била су места везана за животни пут Исуса Христа. То су пре свега Витлејем (његово рођење), Јерихон
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, 2013
The article is devoted to the representation of the eucharistic theme in the 12th-century iconographic program for the west facade of the Saint-Denis basilica – the first monument of the Gothic epoch. The author analyzes the iconographic decision for the Christ's image of the central portal on the West facade and states the hypothesis about the ways of creating this piece of iconography. The author also shows the main feature of the central portal programme explaining the specificity of representation of the Lord's image in the tympan which is an attempt to visualize the Eucharistic Prayer.
Introduction. The author analyzes the complex (cycle) of historical apocalyptical works compiled in medieval Bulgaria under the Byzantine domination (1018-1186). The cycle includes interpolated Slavonic translations of prophecies about the End of days popular in the Eastern Orthodox world (Revelation by St. Methodius of Patara; apocryphal Visions of prophets Isaiah and Daniel). These works are considered as specific Bulgarian kind of history writing. Methods. The author reveals the methods of interpolating and compiling the above mentioned works and analyzes the contents of the interpolations in three fields – sacral geography, apocalyptic prosopography and historical reminiscences. As a whole, these interpolations allow to judge on the Bulgarian spiritual culture and literature under the Byzantine domination and on the contents of the historical memory preserved among ordinary Bulgarian clergy of the Archbishopric of Ochrid. Analysis. Bulgarian toponyms, names of Bulgarian rulers and reminiscences of their deeds in the mentioned works were defined by the reflections of their authors on Bulgarian history and current military, political and social cataclysms being reconsidered against the background of growing acute apocalyptical expectations. Thus, the historical apocalyptic works apart and the whole cycle were open for further additions and changes as well as to new interpretations of the permanent contents. Conclusion. The cycle of the historical apocalyptic works created in the Bulgarian lands in the 11 th c. in the situation of common for Bulgarians and Greeks apocalyptic expectations and represented the image of common Byzantino-Bulgarian destiny after 1018. By the same time the prophecies on places and actors of the apocalyptic events were reoriented to Bulgarian lands and supplemented with reminiscences of the few events and persons from Bulgarian history known to the compilers of these works.
Историческият път на българските католици, част от Никополска епархия (Каталог към изложба)
Каталогът е част от едноименна мобилна изложба, организирана от Регионален исторически музей-Плевен със съдействието на Регионален исторически музей-Русе и финансовата подкрепа на Община Плевен. Куратори на изложбата: Анелия Първанова, д-р Димитър Петров, Мартин Милев Автори на текстовете: д-р Димитър Петров, Анелия Първанова Автори на анотации: Анелия Първанова, д-р Димитър Петров Дизайн и фотография: Мартин Милев Печат: Издателство "Фабер" Каталогът се реализира по културен проект "Историческият път на българите католици, част от Никополската епархия" на Регионален исторически музей-Плевен, финансиран от Община Плевен.
Баштина, 2023
The paper analyzes the iconostasis of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, located in Vrčin. The iconostasis was painted in 1896 by Lazar Krdžalić, an artist who studied in Russia for about six years. The artist began his studies at the icon painting school in Moscow, and finished at the Saint Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts. His wife, Olga Krdžalić, helped him paint the iconostasis. The size of the iconostasis partition of the church in Vrčin influenced the iconographic repertoire and the selection of icons with the most prominent saints. The images on the iconostasis are read horizontally, starting from the lower zone and the most important throne icons. In the first and second zones, the most important events from the cycle of major holidays are shown. The Resurrection of Christ is depicted in the central part of the second zone. The icon is larger than other icons, which was intended to highlight the most important event in Christian history. Icons of St. Nicholas and...
The opposition "sacred-profane" is assumed as an antithesis in researches of the ancient religious notions, particularly in the field of "archeology of cult." In recent years, questions about the surfaces identification of the Thracian cult places from the Early Iron Age were razed again, although not as a subject of a systematic scientific discussion. A major issue is the disputed attribution of some sites as sanctuaries and their re-definition as settlements. However, reading the archaeological data may be very ambiguous and depending on the subjective interpretation of field situation. In search of an exit from the situation written sources are addressed once more for providing opportunities for comparison with archaeological observations. By all means, for solving the doubts about the sacred and the profane much more complex arguments, beyond the archaeological data, are needed.