Basis Epistemologi dalam Pendidikan Islam (original) (raw)
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At-Tuhfah, 2019
One of the problems of Islamic education today is the issue of dichotomy between "the relegious science" oriented to the hereafter happiness and "the non relegious science" oriented to worldly happiness. In fact, Islam does not distinguish between the two. This problem is directed from the formulation of an inaccurate Islamic education epistemology. Therefore, this paper seeks to unravel the epistemological foundation of Islamic education by discussing the essence of Islamic education, knowledge sources of Islamic education, the methodology of Islamic education and the alternative paradigm of integralism in religious sciences with nonreligious sciences. The conclusion of this discussion explains that the essence of Islamic education is the process of adab cultivation, the process of transferring knowledge and the process of purification of the soul. These processes are actually related to the sources of knowledge in Islamic education, namely the five senses, ratios, intuition, and revelation (wahyu). The functions of these sources are complementary or integral. But in reality, the source of intuition, for example, has not yet gotten an adequate portion in Islamic education".
Epistemologi dan Pendidikan dalam Islam
Elisa, 2020
Abstrak Epistemologi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu episteme dan logos. Episteme berarti pengetahuan dan logos yang juga berarti pengetahuan atau informasi. Islam memiliki tiga epistemologi yaitu bayani, irfani, dan burhani. Epistemologi bayani didasarkan atas teks suci, irfani didasarkan pada intuisi, sedangkan burhani didasarkan pada rasio. Ketiga epistemologi tersebut digunakan sebagai kunci untuk mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan. Ilmu pengetahuan salah satunya dapat digunakan dalam bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia memiliki banyak tantangan yaitu keberadaan logosentrisme dan sekolah sentralisme (mazdhab-sentralisme). Kedua tantangan tersebut dalam pendidikan Islam di Indonesia telah mengakibatkan munculnya komunitas ghulat dan radikalisme. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan islam sebagai implementasi maqāṣid sharī'ah harus direkonstruksi. Adanya rekonstruksi pendidikan Islam di Indonesia diharapkan pendidikan Islam dapat kompeten, berwawasan luas, humanistik, toleran, dan demokratis. Selain itu, juga dapat memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat bahwa islam dapat memberikan alternatif penyelesaian masalah pada masa kini. Abstract Epistemology comes from the Greek episteme and logos. Episteme means knowledge and logos which also means knowledge or information. Islam has three epistemologies namely bayani, irfani, and burhani. Epistemology bayani is based on sacred texts, irfani is based on intuition, while burhani is based on ratio. The three epistemologies are used as the key to gaining knowledge. One of them can be used in education. Islamic education in Indonesia has many challenges, namely the existence of logocentrism and school of centralism (mazdhab-centralism). Both of these challenges in Islamic education in Indonesia have resulted in the emergence of ghulat and radicalism communities. Therefore, Islamic education as an implementation of the sharī'ah maqāṣid must be reconstructed. It is hoped that the reconstruction of Islamic education in Indonesia will be competent, broad-minded, humanistic, tolerant, and democratic. In addition, it can also provide information to the public that Islam can provide alternative solutions to problems today. A. Pendahuluan Epistemologi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu episteme dan logos. Episteme berarti pengetahuan dan logos yang juga berarti pengetahuan atau informasi. Dalam epistemologi Barat terdapat tiga aliran pemikiran yaitu empirisme, rasionalisme, dan
Basis Epistemologi dalam Pendidikan Islam Arah Interelasi Ilmu dalam Proses Pendidikan Islam
Makalah ini akan mencoba melakukan eksplorasi tentang epistemologi ilmu pengetahuan dan legalitasnya dalam kahzanah pemikiran Islam itu sendiri. Dan tidak membahas secara terperinci mengenai Konsep Ilmu ; pengertian dan sumber validitasnya. Meskipun pada ahirnya, penulis mungkin tidak bisa mempertemukan (kalau bukan menemukan) interkoneksitas kebernilaian sebuah ilmu dalam kaitannya dengan konsep pendidikan universal
Epistemologi Ilmu dalam Prespektif Islam
Kelompok 4 FKM UMG , 2023
Pendidikan Islam merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting dikembangkan, mengingat pendidikan menjadi landasan utama untuk membangun peradaban masyarakat dan kemajuan suatu bangsa. Maka pandangan secara filosofis pendidikan Islam penting dikembangkan untuk memberikan kemajuan pada dunia pendidikan kontemporer. Untuk terciptanya segala fungsi dari pendidikan yang dapat terintegrasi pada diri pribadi muslim, maka konsep pendidikan yang aktual dan selaras dengan dasar pendidikan Islamlah yang kiranya dapat membawa pribadi setiap muslim kepada tujuan akhir pendidikan yang ingin dicapai, reformasi pendidikan Islam merupakan suatu kemajuan berfikir yang membawa adanya upaya untuk memperbaharui konsep dan terus mengadakan aktualisasi dalam rangka merespon perkembangan zaman yang selalu statis dan dinamis. Dalam perkembangan filsafat Islam, epistemologi menjadi suatu bidang disiplin baru ilmu yang mengkaji sejauh mana pengetahuan dan makrifat manusia sesuaidengan hakikat, objek luar, dan realitas eksternal
Epistemologi islam sebagai metodologi penelitian
IMANENSI: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi Islam, 2019
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji epistemologi Islam agar dapat digunakan sebagai metodologi penelitian. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori library research (penelitian kepustakaan) dengan menggunakan metode content analysis. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa epistemologi Islam dapat digunakan sebagai metodologi penelitian yang dapat dioprasionalkan menjadi metode dengan tiga pendekatan, yaitu bayani (teks), burhani (konteks), dan irfani (intuisi). This study aims to assess whether the Islamic epistemology can be used as a research methodology. This study was included in the category of library research (library research) by using content analysis. The findings show that Islamic epistemology can be used as a research methodology that could be operationalized into a method with three approaches, namely bayani (text), burhani (context), and irfani (intuition).
Mengenal Ontologi, Epistemologi, Aksiologi Dalam Pendidikan Islam
CENDEKIA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2018
This article tries to identify in depth about the ontology of science, the epistemology of science, and the axiology of science. In reviewing the three, here tries to display the ontology of science, epistemology of science, and the science of axiology in the perspective of Islamic education. This becomes important to be studied in the realm of Islamic education because it has differences with ontology, epistemology, and axiology studies in other studies. Ontologies in Islamic education try to bring education to know about the nature of everything that is the goal of Islamic education, which is to know the nature of God. In the study epistemology is directed to understand the source of science. Of course, in this case the source of Islamic knowledge is different from the source of knowledge in general. For this reason in this study the Islamic epistemology, especially in Islamic education, tries to provide an explanation of the sources of knowledge in Islamic education which is certainly different from the source of education in general. The axiology of Islamic education in this study is the last to try to see the value of Islamic education as a whole. The aim is to find answers to the uses and values inherent in the context of Islamic education.
Kajian Filosofis Konsep Epistemologi dan Aksiologi Pendidikan Islam
The terms of epistemology and axiology in education are endless discussions. The descriptions of epistemology and axiology regarding the concept and its relevance to Islamic education increasingly show views on the horizon of Islamic education. This article aims to elaborate the concepts of epistemology and axiology in the perspective of Islamic education. To describe the terms of epistemology and axiology in the perspective of Islamic education, the method used in this article is literature combined with annotated bibliography as a guide for annotating literature and analyzing discussion. This article produces several elaborative discussions including epistemology as a philosophical way to formulate knowledge, it can help us to develop new concepts in Islamic education such as bayani, burhani and irfani. Meanwhile, axiology as a philosophical guide to capture the existence of values can be used to reaffirm the essence of basic values in Islamic education.
Landasan Epistemologi Komunikasi Islam
Abstract: Epistemological Foundations of Islamic Communication. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy which is inherent in the superstructure of knowledge. Epistemology discusses the process of acquiring knowledge, scientific sources, validity of theoretical framework of sciences, and scientific streams. Like other Islamic sciences, Islamic communication science derives from al-Qur’an and Hadist as the main sources. Analyzing the universe, human being, historical records of men are the subjects of the Islamic communication science. The present paper intends to elaborate broadly the scopes of the science, and describe critically the values leading to emerge it. Kata Kunci: epistemologi, komunikasi Islam, kerangka keilmuan