Distribution pattern of water salinity analysis in Jeneberang river estuary using ArcGIS (original) (raw)
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Observation pattern of water mass structure at Jeneberang river estuary
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
This research is a field study conducted in the estuary Jeneberang river. The estuary, the transitional zone formed between the river environment and the marine environment. In this region, there is the mixing of seawater with fresh water that has its own uniqueness with fluctuating salinity. This research aims to see the pattern of salinity distribution and temperature in the area of Jeneberang estuary on the tide and receding conditions. Data retrieval channeled on the area of Jeneberang estuaries with a distance between points 200 m using the ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) and CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) tools. The results showed an increase in salinity at Jeneberang estuary, which was influenced by surface and river bed.
Jurnal ilmu dan teknologi kelautan tropis, 2022
Musi estuary is the mouth of the Telang and Musi rivers directly adjacent to the Bangka Strait. During flood (ebb) we see the distribution of salinity increases (decreases) which is known through the vertical distribution using CTD. The TS diagram is used to see the water mass characteristics the study area. Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) method is used to interpolate and visualize data from vertical and spatial temperature, salinity and density data. The classification of the Musi estuary zone is identified based on the value of the distribution of salinity, which considers the exchange of circulating salinity at flood and ebb. The density of the water mass is significantly affected by the proven graded salinity. While the temperature distribution does not change significantly with depth, the spatial distribution indicates that the temperature in the estuary is lower than in the upstream and ocean areas. The spatial distribution of salinity indicates that high salinity enters the estuary towards the river further at flood than at ebb. Salinity distribution ranges from 0.5 to 30 psu and temperatures between 29 and 33 o C from horizontal and vertical sections. The pattern of salinity distribution in the Musi river estuary was identified, consisting of three zones representing salinity conditions in the study area, namely the Polyhaline, Mesohaline, and Olygohaline zones.
Horizontal Distribution of Salinity and Temperature on Merbok Estuary, Malaysia
Ilmu Kelautan Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2010
The characteristics and distribution of the salinity and temperature and water systems in the Merbok Estuary and nearby coastal waters are examined. This research focuses mainly on physical processes. The results analysis provides an insight the typical scales of variability of the horizontal phenomena. During high discharges, the lower salinity water (isohalines) was more evident near the estuary mouth due to high discharge. During low discharge, the invasion of freshwater in the lower estuary was much less pronounced. Similar temperature trend was observed for the estuary possibly due to low discharge phenomenon. Bigger amount of freshwater can dictate the brackish water temperature compare to smaller amount of freshwater. There was a transition in stratification between high and low river discharge.
Procedia Engineering, 2015
The Yeoungsan River Estuary (YRE) made change of estuarine circulation environment at not only control of inflow of freshwater but also decreasing tide speed under construction of estuary bank. The estuarine circulation in the estuary made change rapidly at discharge of the estuary bank. We investigated variation of salinity and residual current in study area during freshwater discharge and non-discharge period. To determine effect of artificial freshwater discharge on the spatial and temporal variability of the residual current and salinity distribution, current and density profile data were analyzed in partially stratified YRE. The current and density data, obtained from two cross-sectional transects, was conducted during freshwater discharge and nonfreshwater discharge. We observed flow rate and salt during 13 h with 1 h interval to investigate changes of marine environment. The residual current structure is complex, such as multi-layer, during non-freshwater discharge because tides and wind effects combined with topography influences. Strong freshwater discharge is influences to vertical mixing at the surface layer, however freshwater is not effected at the bottom layer. These distinction of freshwater effect causes the salinity gradient and strongly stratification. Freshwater is toward to open-sea through surface layer during freshwater discharge period. In other words, the distinction of residual current and the stratification are controlled according to whether artificial freshwater discharge or not.
Tidal variations of some physico-chemical and nutrient parameters in Selangor River estuary
The variations of nitrogen and phosphorus<ontaining nutricnt paranrcters \\'ere measured for a neap and a sprtng tidal q'cle for a lcll-miscd station in the Selangor fur,er estuary. The general l'ater quality including salinin', temperature, pH, dissolvcd orlgen (DO). rcdox potential (Eh) and total suspended sotids (TSS) rvere also recorded at the chosen site. The results reveal srgnificant effec6 of tidal conditions and salinity on pH, DO, TSS and Eh. The results also shorv that phosphate and nitrite nere dcsorbcd from suspendcd solidVsediments during nrrring sith sca\ratcr \rhercas nitrate and anrnronra apparen{ly originatcd fronr frcsh\\'ater input. Abstrnk Perubahan bagi parantetcr nitrogcn dan fosforus nurrrcn diukur pada arr pasang anak dan perbanr untuk stcscn lang menunjukkan pcrcantpuran sckati 1'ang terletak di muara Sungai Selangor. Kualiti asas air termasuk kemasinan, suhu, pH. kelarutan oksigcn (DO) dan keupal'aan redok (Eh) turut diukur di karvasan 1'ang dipilih inl. Kcputusan ntcndcdahkan baharla kmdaan pasang surut air dln kcrnasinan mcnrpunl'ai kesan 1.ang sanglt pcntrng kcatas pH. DO. TSS dan Eh. Kcputusan juga turut menunjukkkarr fosfit dan nirri(dibcbaskan dari pcpcjal tcrantpai/scdinrcn scnl:lsa pcrc:lnlpuran dcngan :llr laut scnlcntara nrtrlt dan anrnronia jelas sckali bcrasal dari air 1:lrrar.
Hydrological Characteristics of Estuary in Wulan Delta in Demak Regency, Indonesia
Water Resources, 2019
Understanding estuarine characteristics is crucial for managing aquatic ecosystem and aquaculture. A delta is a dynamic area that influence by both sea and river. Research on a micro-tidal estuary remains limited, particularly in Indonesia. To understand the estuarine management in the delta, this research provides an overview about the hydrological characteristics in Wulan Delta Estuary. This research is important to maintain agriculture, aquaculture, and mangrove ecosystem. Morphological data and hydrological were collected in wet season and dry season. The tidal data were collected from 2007-2016. As the results, the river is predominant in the mixing process in the wet season and the tides in the dry season. A low mixing energy causes stratification in the water column, particularly in a depth water depth. In a shallow water depth, salinity circulation is homogenous. In dry season, the sea water can penetrate into the river up to more than 5 km, due to smooth river bed that may harm the agricultural area in surrounding.
IAEME Publication, 2020
This study aims to model the distribution pattern and stratification of water mass structures by the influence of hydrodynamics using a two-dimensional numerical model. Data recording was performed in spring tide and neap tide conditions for 18 days at the Stuary Jeneberang River in Makassar. 2D numerical models with flexible mesh bases are used in this study. This model can configure the coastline and bathymetry and applied in the estuary. Model validation shows the error rate of water level elevation at stations 1 and 2 of 2.26% and 5.47%. Likewise, the model validation of the measurement results of current, u-velocity of 9.7% and v-velocity of 4.8%. The simulation results show the pattern of salinity and temperature distribution follows the flow pattern so that it affects the distribution of the structure of water mass in the estuary waters of the Jeneberang River. The interaction that occurs between the mass structure of water with the hydrodynamic factor results in a moving current carrying a number of water masses, namely salinity and temperature. Well-mixed occurs at a distance of 400 m - 1000 m from the mouth of the estuary.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The influences of periodically continuous tides and river discharges flowing from upstream will be responded by basic morphological form and geometry of estuaries and resulting in current pattern in estuaries. The current induced by tidal effect creates turbulences in estuaries which influence the change of configuration of stratification of seawater mass structure and suspended sediment. The intrusion of seawater from estuaries upstream in Jeneberang River and Tallo River will affect the pattern of water mass mixing which later generate patterns of current and sediments on the river. Mathematical model is a useful method to predict structural stratification of seawater mass flowing from estuaries upstream. The stages were to develop mathematical model of tidal current and mathematical model of water flow downstream.
Investigation of Salinity Variability in a Small Multi-channel Estuary
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, (Hydraulic Engineering), 2012
In the present paper, the cross-correlation, multiple regression, salinity and velocity decomposition techniques were employed to analyze the short and long-term variations of salinity and flow rate in the Ota estuary. We considered the effect of the freshwater discharge, the tidal range, the activities of wind and the mean sea level on the salinity variations. Although the freshwater discharge plays the most important role in the variations of salinity, the results show high correlation between the along-channel component of the wind and the estuarine salinity changes. The direction of the net salt transport was landward during spring tides and low flow conditions. Though, the direction of net salt flux was seaward during most part of the observation period.