Models of Election of the Head of Regions After the 1998 Political Reform in Realizing Local Democracy in Indonesia (original) (raw)

Strengthening Local Democracy Through Election Regional Head Directly In Indonesia


Direct elections for regional heads by the people began after the issuance of Law no. 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government. After the implementation of direct regional head elections by the people for 12 years, there were pros and cons regarding the implementation of direct regional head elections so that Law No. 22 of 2014 concerning the Regional Head Election in a representative manner by the DPRD which was later canceled through Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) No. 1 of 2014 concerning Direct Regional Head Election by the People. The issuance of a Government Regulation in Lieu of a Law is intended so that democracy at the regional or local level can develop where regional people can directly elect their leaders at the regional or local level. This research is a normative legal research where the focus of the study is the norms contained in Perpu No. 1 of 2014 which returns the regional head elections directly elected by the local people. This research approach uses a qualitative juridical approach, namely examining from the legal side in addition to providing explanations regarding the considerations issued by the president's Perpu and the public's response to direct regional head elections. The purpose of this study is to determine the process of regional head elections that are directly elected by the local people so that the development of democracy at the local level can run well. The results obtained from this research are that direct regional head elections by the local people reflect more of a democratic nature than through representation and are in accordance with the wishes of the constitution that sovereignty is in the hands of the people.

Problematics of Direct Elections for Local Head after the Amendment of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

Asian Social Science, 2017

The amendment of the 1945 Constitution sets that governors, regents, and local mayors are democratic in their election, originally selected by the legislative assembly and latterly sifted into direct election from the people. Based on the regulation No. 22 of 2007, it states that the election of local leader and co-leader is characterized as the part of general election regime, and thus it brings impact on local election, which should run directly as well. This article examines the arising problems on local election after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, which reveals various problematic factors in the implementation of direct election for local head has been officially established. Indonesia has run local election many times in different eras, including in Dutch colonialism, Japan colonialism, and post-independence era. In post-independence era, Indonesia also has various political climates and traditions and including Old Order, New Order, and reformation era. The alteratio...

An Evaluation of Legal Policy Related to The Implementation of The Simultaneous Local Election (A First Indonesia Period of The Simultaneous Local Election)

Yustisia Jurnal Hukum, 2017

Indonesia legal policy of the simultaneous local election to appoint a district head had been amended by Law Number 8 of 2015 concerning the local election (governors, regents and mayors) from the regular models to the simultaneous models. Simultaneous local election will be implemented in periods, namely a first period in 2015, a second period in 2017, a third and fourth period will be approximately held from 2018 to the 2021, and a national simultaneous local elections will be held in 2027. The simultaneous local election is aimed to make the efficiency and effectiveness of the budget, time and labor organizer; to eliminate boredom voters; to increase public control. Law Number 8 of 2015 had been reviewed judicially thirdty first times. The Constitutional Court also issued a surpprised decision which change a political constellation of Indonesia. The political aspect of simultaneous local election in 2015 need to be fixed through the revision of Law Number 8 of 2015 in order to cr...

Rethinking of Local Election in the Unitary State: A Study of Indonesia’s Politics

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh, 2023

The election is very much associated with democracy. As Indonesia is constitutionally democratic the country is also committed to holding the election regularly. However, as Indonesia is a unitary state, identifying local elections with dmocratization might be questionable. This study was a research-based articl on Indonesia's politics today. A thorough observation of the local election showed that from the perspectiv of economics, the local election was identical to wasting finansial and time energy. In the long run, it may put the country at risk of disintegration from the standpoint of politics. Due to the weaknesses of a local election, the main question is why the Government institutionalizd local polls. Thus, the result revealed that the local election as a means of recruiting local government leaders was worth dismantling and recommended to be replaced by a tight selection of administrative requirements.

Local Governments’ Head Election in Indonesia: A Proposal for Asymmetric Model

Jurnal Kajian Pembaruan Hukum

Indonesia has experienced the dynamics of the law on the local governments' head elections. Various mechanisms have been implemented to obtain the ideal model for filling executive positions at the local level. Unfortunately, the government efforts have yet to deliver optimal results. The irregularity of the legal dynamics also eventually caused various Government instability to corruption, post-electoral conflicts, and the high number of disputes over the local election results to the Constitutional Court is evidence of the imperfection of the mechanism adopted by the government. Furthermore, the costs that must be allocated to organize an election are quite high, which is different from the local election results. Moreover, the long process with the tendency of forced candidates produced corrupt and incompetent leaders. Sharing partnerships between the head and deputy of the local government became another problem that is quite a concern in implementing local elections in Indo...

The Local Elections in Indonesia: Polemic, Conflict and Consensus of Transition to Local Democracy

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

This paper is the result of studies on the implementation of the local elections in Indonesia, especially in North Maluku province with a variety of conditions that occur, with the aim to provide solutions to the implementation of the local elections were in line with expectations towards a democratic state. To prevent communal conflict does not reoccur, program approach and professional services, the bureaucracy is possible to be developed, but need the support and participation of all stakeholders (Government, Parliament and the public). Therefore, there needs to be an integration of conflict prevention into policies, strategies, methods and approach to program development.

General Election Of The Regional Head In The Local Government System ( A Study in Makassar ) 1


The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of democratic regional head election in local government system and analyze and explain and find the factors that influence the implementation of regional head elections in the system of local government. This research is expected to add treasury treasures in the development of jurisprudence, especially the law regarding the election of regional head. The results of this study are expected to be a new treasure in the framework of the formulation and in particular on the development of norms regarding the rules of legislation on elections that are better and democratic. This study is a descriptive nature of research that describes the phenomenon of law with regard to the implementation of local elections in a lansgung local government. The approach used is the empirical approach of research on the implementation of legal rules with regard to the implementation of regional head elections. directly under applicable laws and ...

Development of local democracy in Indonesia

Empowering Civil Society in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, 2021

Three important issues had been examined, namely: (1) voters behave in the implementation of the direct election of regional head general (Pilkada); (2) what was the dominant factor for voters, when they exercised their voting rights; (3) what was the idea of designing a local democracy in the future following the building construction of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. This research used the mixed method with a case approach. Research results showed voter behavior was influenced by at least four things, namely: (1) aspects of voter education level; (2) the economic aspects of voters; (3) voter affiliation to certain social community organizations; and (4) the character of the prospective leader, not on the vision and mission. A direct democratic design was required that places it at the provincial level, while for Pilkada in a regency or city, it is sufficient to elect through the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).

Concurrent Regional Elections Phenomenon as a Political Recruitment in Indonesia

Jurnal Dinamika Hukum

Concurrent regional election is a phenomenon in local democracy development in Indonesia. Many Efforts are performed to political recruitment. Yet, the implementation among expectations, aspirations and reality are frequently impaired proven by many problems in the implementation of the local democracy itself. The research applied normative juridical approach by identifying the problem in for complete background of the implementation of concurrent regional elections in Indonesia, its problems and solution. This research is expected to generate specific alternative insight through formulation of policy. It is expected to be a solution of any concurrent regional elections problems, a permanent rather than ad-hoc concept for the regional election, and a formulation of general regulation (lex generalis) on election which summarizes the present election regulation (lex specialist). These changes are internalized in continuing learning concept that can create academics, practitioners and ...

Juridical Review of the Mechanism of Election of Heads Area in Area Special Yogyakarta ( Perspective Democracy and Historical )

Formosa Journal of Social Sciences (FJSS)

Indonesia is a democratic country, hence the constitution Indonesia in a manner fundamentals confess And ensure sovereignty on actually belongs to the people. This is stated in Article 1 paragraph (2) UUD 1945, that "sovereignty is in the hands of the people, and implemented according to the law Basic . The purpose of this study is to study the Juridical Review of Regional Head Elections in the Special Region of Yogyakarta by conducting research methods. This research is a qualitative research, with the type of research yang used is study References ( libraries research )