An affinity analysis based CIM-to-PIM transformation (original) (raw)

Applying a Model Driven Architecture Approach: Transforming CIM to PIM Using UML

International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), 2018

Over the last few years, as they evolve with business needs and technology, enterprises are faced with the need to adapt their business processes to work in open settings. In such settings, the automation and the interoperability of business process and applications become a key concern. The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is introduced as an approach to cope with this challenge. MDA specifies four levels of abstraction, most of the existing studies focus on modeling and transforming the Platform-Independent Model (PIM) to Platform-Specific Model (PSM) levels, while the more conceptual level, the Computation-Independent Model (CIM) is often presumed as present and is not further studied. In this paper, we propose an approach for transforming a CIM into a PIM using the core modeling concepts of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). One important characteristic of this approach is that it provides a method to capture and describe the requirements of the business process using a use cas...

A methodology for CIM modelling and its transformation to PIM

Journal of Software Engineering and Applications

Developing with Model Driven Architecture is nowadays widely used starting with a CIM that can be transformed to models of low abstraction (PIM, PSM) that can be used to generate the code. The CIM represents the highest level of abstraction of the approach which allowing modeling system's requirement. However, there is no standard method to build this type of model or how to transform it to lower level of abstraction (PIM) which is considered the final objective of building such model. This paper provides an approach to build the CIM that can be transformed (semi-) automatically later to lower levels of abstraction in PIMs. Thereby, the proposed architecture represents both the static and dynamic view of the system based on the business process model. Meanwhile, the PIM level is represented by the Domain Diagram class and Sequence Diagram of Systems External behavior. Thus, the proposal helps bridging the gap between those that are experts about the domain and its requirements, and those that are experts of the system design and development.

Deriving Use Case Models from BPMN Models

2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2017

The purpose of this paper is to ensure and maintain the alignment between business modeling and requirement elicitation. To do this, we propose an approach that combines the strengths of traceability and model transformations to bridge the gap between BPMN model and the UML use Case models in particular, we propose an intermediate integrated model (BPSUC), and bidirectional transformation rules between the use case and BPMN models into the BPSUC and vice versa. We have implemented an editor to design and visualize BPSUC, and ATL transformation rules to carry out transformation and have successfully tested our approach on a case study, and evaluation criteria. The engineers and the business design can use BPSUC to work together in a single integrated diagram as well as they can synchronize their initial model through the bidirectional model transformations.

Model transformation from CIM to PIM in MDA: from business models defined in DFD to design models defined in UML


This research represents a methodology that control model transformation from CIM level to PIM level in accordance with MDA approach. Our approach is founded on establishing a good CIM level, through well-selected rules, to facilitate transformation to PIM level. However, we create a rich PIM level through use case diagram model, state diagram model, class diagram model and package diagram models. Then, we establish transformation rules to ensure a semi-automatic transformation from CIM level to PIM level. Our Approach conform MDA approach by taking into consideration the business dimension in CIM level, since, we present this level through DFD and UML activity diagram. However, we model into PIM by UML diagrams, because UML is recommended by MDA in this level.

Automating Software Development Process: Analysis-PIMs to Design-PIM Model Transformation

International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 2013

A software development process describes a structured set of activities or tasks that must performed by software stakeholders during the different phases of software manufacturing. These activities can be divided also into smaller portions at time called increments that are produced in a progressive way. Thereby, every change occurring in one increment performs a new iteration and affects absolutely the other increments that depend on it. These changes may cause a waste in modeling time or re-coding programs and make iterations more complex. The aim of this work is to reduce this complexity and economize the modeling time by applying a model-driven approach to automate the generation of some important increments.

Transformation from CIM to PIM Using Patterns and Archetypes

19th Australian Conference on Software Engineering (aswec 2008), 2008

This paper proposes a disciplined approach to transform a CIM into a PIM. It first uses UML2 activity diagrams to model the business processes up to the users' tasks. The activity diagrams are then detailed to specify the system requirements. The system components are directly deduced from the requirement model elements. Finally, a set of business archetypes helps detail the system components to yield the PIM.

Transformation of the CIM Model into A PIM Model According to The MDA Approach for Application Interoperability: Case of the "COVID-19 Patient Management" Business Process

International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE)

Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) plays a very important role in improving the development of complex systems. It focuses more on modeling than on classical programming. In this sense, model transformation is at the heart of the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach which advocates the use of models throughout the software development cycle on two levels. The first being the transformation of the Computing Independent Model (CIM) into the Platform Independent Model (PIM) and the second concerning the transformation of PIM into Platform Specific Model (PSM).The latter has been dealt with in the majority of research works while the transformation from CIM to PIM which represents the highest level is rarely discussed in research topics. It is for this reason and in the spirit of improving the process of transforming the CIM model into PIM according to the MDA approach, that we have developed this research work in order to propose a new method and new transformation rules for optimizati...

Transformations’ Study Between Requirements Models and Business Process Models in MDA Approach

Procedia Computer Science, 2020

Models transformation has become in the last decade, the primary key in the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach. Most of these models' transformation are made between one or many abstraction levels (higher level, average level, or lower level). For that, the Object Management Group (OMG) offers for the MDA approach three abstraction levels, which are "Computation Independent Model" (CIM: the higher abstraction level), "Platform Independent Model" (PIM: average abstraction level) and "Platform Specific Model" (PSM: lower abstraction level). Hitherto, most researchers focused on the transformation between average abstraction level and lower abstraction level because those levels have multiple common points. However, the transformation between higher abstraction level and average abstraction level is rarely discussed because they are two distinct levels that can contain higher abstraction model nature, such as Requirements models and Business Process models. Therefore, our contribution in this paper is to study different transformations approaches between Requirements and Business Process models in the higher and average MDA abstraction levels. To do so, we study the selected approaches, analyze the results descriptively, then discuss them, plus propose new taxonomies based on the deduced evaluation criteria.

Deriving Integrated Software Design Models from BPMN Business Process Models

Business process management focuses its attention on designing, modelling and documenting business processes , to describe which activities are performed and the dependencies between them. These business process models have lots of useful information for starting to develop a supporting software system. This paper proposes a model-driven approach to support the construction of a use case model, an integrated domain model, and a user interface model, from a set of business process models, comprising all existing information in those models. The proposed approach obtains a system's complete use case model, including the identification of actors , use cases and the corresponding descriptions, and relations between use cases, and between these and the structural domain classes. The resulting integrated use case and domain models are then further transformed into the system's default abstract user interface model. A demonstration case is used throughout the paper as a running example. At the end, conclusions are presented, together with some future research directions.

From Business Process Models to Use Case Models: A systematic approach

One of the most difficult, and crucial, activities in software development is the identification of system functional requirements. A popular way to capture and describe those requirements is through UML use case models. A business process model identifies the activities, resources and data involved in the creation of a product or service, having lots of useful information for developing a supporting software system. During system analysis, most of this information must be incorporated into use case descriptions. This paper proposes an approach to support the construction of use case models based on business process models. The proposed approach obtains a complete use case model, including the identification of actors, use cases and the corresponding descriptions, which are created from a set of predefined natural language sentences mapped from BPMN model elements.