Examining brand loyalty from an attachment theory perspective (original) (raw)
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Effects of structural and bonding-based attachment on brand loyalty
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 2018
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to ascertain the effects of structural and bonding attachment on brand loyalty. The authors identified network quality, network coverage and mobile number portability (MNP) as structural elements of attachment that affect brand loyalty. Similarly, the authors identify brand trust and social interaction ties as elements of bonding-based attachment that affects brand loyalty. Design/methodology/approach The authors employed a survey as the research design. There were 500 respondents who were customers of telecommunication network brands in Ghana. Data collected were analyzed using the partial least square approach to structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) on SmartPLS 3. Findings The findings indicate that structural and bonding-based attachments affect the brand loyalty. Specifically, the authors found that network coverage, network quality, brand trust and social interaction ties have positive effects on brand loyalty while MNP has a negative effe...
Brand Emotional Connection and Loyalty, Journal of Brand Management
is Professor of Marketing at the University of Aveiro and a researcher in the GOVCOPP and SOCIUS research center. Her current research interests include consumer-brand relationship, online environment and purchase, tourism experience, and corporate social responsibility issues. Her papers were published in a variety of peer reviewed journals and at well reputed international conferences. She has acted as a reviewer for several international journals and conferences. She has participated in several research projects funded by the EU and FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology).
Role of Consumers Emotional Attachment towards Brands
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 9925-9935, 2021
This study aims to explore the relationship between attachment, cognitive memory and purchasing situation of the brand. The brand quickly shifted from the conventional approach to this brand's relation. The relationships are focused on the brand's psychological consumer culture or the connection between a person and its favorite brands. More particularly, the study objective is to understand the attachment and outcomes of such an emotional relationship wherein the consumers feel proud to be in a relationship with his/her brand. It also understands exposure to the affective and cognitive antecedents and consequences that have influenced Brand loyalty and premium. This paper's concept is based on a brief literature review about consumers' emotional attachment towards the brand. Additionally, this study develops into mediating roles of the purchase situation. To this end, a survey entailing a sample of N=220 consumers living in Chennai, India. The surveyed employed mediation analysis techniques to assess a hypothesis size relationship between variables. This empirical data was analyzed and interpreted with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using an AMOS 24.0. The results delineate that there is a positive relationshipbetween consumer emotional attachments to brands.A connection among consumer emotional factors such as loyalty, price premium and purchase situation was also partially mediated between affective and cognitive factors. One focal factor would be to measure consumer emotional attachment's strength towards the brand in terms of loyalty. KEYWORDS:Consumer, Emotional Attachment, Affective, Cognitive, Brand Loyalty, Price Premium, Purchase Situation.
Analysis of Brand Experience, Brand Satisfaction and Brand Trust Relationship to Brand Attachment
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Ekonomika
In this modern age, people are required to have a high social mobility. The increasing number of private cars is resulted from the growing number of middle class in Indonesia. The main focus of this study was to analyze the effect of brand experience, brand satisfaction, brand trust towards brand attachment. this research is classified as descriptive analysis method to take samples and questionnaire as the main tool. The sample was 150 BMW users, especially those who have a BMW car in Jakarta. Respondents were selected using non probability sampling techniques and sampling convince. The results of analysis using structural equation model (SEM) found evidence for following relationships: brand experience significant positive effect on brand satisfaction, but it is not significant on brand trust. It has also found that brand satisfaction has significant positive effect on brand trust and brand attachment. However, brand satisfaction is found not having significant positive effect on ...
ANZMAC 2012 Proceedings
A new construct describing the human-brand bond, named as brand attachment, is derived from research in place attachment. The majority of human-brand research lies in investigating constructs such as loyalty, identification, commitment, etc, none of which is sufficient to help understand the more and more complex human-brand relationship. This article aims to review the literature on different constructs on understanding human-brand bond, as well as place attachment studies across different disciplines, summarise different findings, and conceptualise a six-dimension structural model of brand attachment. In this article, brand attachment, which is constructed from both evaluation and interaction perspectives, incorporates multiple dimensions: brand identity, brand dependence, affective attachment, social bonding, interactional past, and interactional potential. This new construct of human-brand bond can be used to understand more complex, longer relationship between an individual and a brand, and the different dimensions can be further applied to provide insights for brand strategy development.
This article discusses the findings of an explorative study which identified the antecedents of brand attachment and its consequences among a small cross section of selected Malaysian consumers. The findings provide some deeper insights on brand attachment, as unlike previous studies this study elicited responses not only from goods brands, but also service brands. Additionally, this research not only gained insight on the antecedents of brand attachment among a small selected cross section of Malaysian consumers but also importantly addressed its consequences. In-depth interviews were conducted and four major antecedents of brand attachment emerged, namely achieving self and social goals, strong product and service characteristics, positive reminiscence and consumer expectations. Six consequences of attachment to brands were identified and these included commitment, sacrifice for the brand, brand advocacy, competing brands are ranked second, automatic brand recollection and disappointment and discontentment.
Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Attachment
The Management Journal of Binaniaga
The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of Usability, Security / Privacy, Interactivity and Brand Attachment have a positive effect on WOM. The sampling technique in this research used "purposive sampling" with the respondent criteria being individuals who are users of the m banking applicationlication. This research uses primary data obtained through questionnaires distributed to 208 respondents. The results of this research indicate that there is a positive effect Usability, Security / Privacy, Interactivity and Brand Attachment have a positive effect on WOM, a positive effect also has a positive effect Usability, Security / Privacy, Interactivity has an effect on Brand Attachment.
Research has not verified the theoretical or practical value of the brand attachment construct in relation to alternative constructs, particularly brand attitude strength. The authors make conceptual, measurement, and managerial contributions to this research issue. Conceptually, they define brand attachment, articulate its defining properties, and differentiate it from brand attitude strength. From a measurement perspective, they develop and validate a parsimonious measure of brand attachment, test the assumptions that underlie it, and demonstrate that it indicates the concept of attachment. They also demonstrate the convergent and discriminant validity of this measure in relation to brand attitude strength. Managerially, they demonstrate that brand attachment offers value over brand attitude strength in predicting (1) consumers' intentions to perform difficult behaviors (those they regard as using consumer resources), (2) actual purchase behaviors, (3) brand purchase share (the share of a brand among directly competing brands), and (4) need share (the extent to which consumers rely on a brand to address relevant needs, including those brands in substitutable product categories).
Brand Attachment in Consumer- Brand Relationship (Relationship types)
In this research, researchers deal with the study of the antecedents and consequences model of the brand attachment in the form of CBR. In this study, consumer-brand relationships are divided into two kinds: communal and exchange ones. The statistical society totally consists of 864 students of the marketing in Tehran City. The available relationships in the model are separately examined by using the structural equations modelling 42 N. Reihani, M.A. Abdolvand, K. Heidarzadeh Hanzaii, M. Khounsiavash (AMOS 5.0) within each group in order to test the model and hypothesis. The results of the research show that the variables including brand experience, brand love, commitment, trust, in the communal group play a more effective role than the others in producing the brand attachment, also the variables such as brand reliability, brand satisfaction in the exchange group are among the fundamental ones for developing the brand attachment. This study is the first attempt to identify the importance of relationships aspects in young adult consumer. The current study extends branding literature by shedding lights on the roles of communal/exchange relationships factors in brand management, which also help brand managers.